Chapter Veinte

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7 hours later
" ok I'm tired now, can we go home. He's not here. " Renee says. " I need to get home. My dad is cooking curry chicken and I don't want to miss that. You know I love food." Seyi says. After two seconds my phone rings. " it's my mom, dang. I hope she's coming home. Maybe that freak can back off when they finally come home." I say to my self then answer the phone. " hey baby, how's it going." My mommy says with her accent. " every thing is fine, my friends are with me right now" I said. " tell your mom we said hi"Moshighla says. " my friends said hi." I said while grinning. All of a sudden I heard a clicking sound in the closet by the kitchen. It kinda sounded like a camera. " tell them I said hi too. And baby we won't be back for a while. Your idiot father left the tickets for us to come back to New York in the bathroom now it's gone. So he have to make some money to buy back the tickets." My mom said. My face frowned for a second . " ok I hope you can get the tickets. Love you." I say while smiling." Love u too baby bye." She says then hangs up the phone. " what's going on." Jennifer says. " they won't be back anytime soon" I say while biting my bottom lip. I usually bite my lip when I'm nervous or upset. I heard another click from the closet again. " wait lemme do another cute face . I think Gregory is in the closet." I was thinking to my self." Destiny you look really nice today, like you really do. You remind me of those models..... Well not the boney one, all of them look weird. You look like one of those thick curvy models." Moshighla says. " haha, lemme do a runway walk for you guys." I say while giggling. I heard another click from the closet." Dang how many pictures his he taking." I was thinking to my self. I put my hand on my waist and doing the runway walk towards the closet. I heard like about 100000 click. " Yas Destiny work it" Zz was screaming. "Haha ok guys I'm done. You guys can leave if you want" I say while giggling. " oh ok , good because I'm about to miss pretty little liars tonight. Goodnight " Zz says then leaves the house. Everybody left right after Zz. I close the door and look towards the closet." I need to trick him" I thought to my self. " babe my not mad at you anymore. I forgive you. Now get out of the closet." I said then smile. The closet open and all I saw was James broad hands wrapped around his phone. " I knew you loved me. I can't get you out of my mind babe. I've been craving you." James says while walking towards me. " oh my lord it's you" I say while backing way. " yeah it's me, who else. I love you Destiny. Let's be together forever. I got you this" he went on his knee and took out a ring that had a gigantic diamond on it. " no no no get the heck out of here, I don't love you. I love someone else." I scream out. " she loves me "  said a mysterious deep voice. All of a sudden all the lights turned off. " oh my god, I'm scared. Ahhh for god sakes someone hold me.... Well not you James don't touch me." I screamed out. " ahhh, what the he-eeahhh " James screams out. I heard nothing but silence." Oh no honey I'm not getting killed today"  I say while running and screaming. I stared to run in a direction but ended up running into a wall. Someone picked me up. And then the lights turned on. I realize that I was holding someone with an awesome graphic t shirt. I looked up and it was Gregory. I looked into his baby blue eyes and then I begin rubbing my nose against his." Do you love me" Gregory says then kisses my cheek. While he was kissing my cheek I was trying to figure out where James was. He was gone. " where's James " I say while gazing into his eyes. He's in a safe place don't worry. " he said. " you didn't kill him right. I say while caressing his cheek. " no. I can't kill. I can only love. But if someone or something is in the way of my love with someone I have to move them out of the way. So I moved James" he says then smiles. I love his smile, his face , his body, his everything.but not his craziness. " your so strong" I say while seeing his muscles popping out because he's holding me. He put me on the couch and he crawled on top of me. He started to caress my hair. " you're so beautiful " he says while smiling.he softly kisses my lips and then he began kissing me roughly. I wrapped my arms on his back and then he wrapped his arms behind my head. He kept on kissing me. I wanted him to stop but I still wanted more .  He began kissing by neck while rubbing my stomach. I started to giggle a bit. " I love it when you giggle. I love your voice. " he whispers in my ear then kiss. He rises up and then take off his shirt and then he takes off his cap and puts it on my head. It was kinda big so it was covering my eyes. I look up and I see him smiling. He has some abs. Well it wasn't big and broad, which is good. It was perfect. He looked so hot.  " you look so cute with my cap on." He says then leans in and begins kissing me. I began blushing and rubbing his back softly. I started to rub the back of his head softly while he was kissing me. We was kissing for about 10 minutes and i didn't get bored at all. I heard a knock on the door. Gregory jumped up . " I have to go, I'll see you later" he says then puts on his shirt. " you can keep my cap, you look to cute with it on" he says then kisses my lips once more. " hey Destiny open up its Nik " Nik screams out. Gregory runs and then crawls out the window. " I still wonder where James is. " I said to myself. I got up from the couch and fixed my clothes then put the hat in the closet.I open the door. " hey babe, what's up. Your friend was telling me that some guy was in your house, haha. She's funny." He says." Uh, yeah she is" I say while smiling nervously.

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