4.school part2

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Kerry's boyfriend Roomieofficial he's an amazing YouTuber go look for him!!
---------///////Kerry's P.O.V////////------
*skip first 3 periods to Lunch *

I scan the lunch room looking for Joel and spot him next to Henry! I slowly walk over to them smiling. "Hey guys!" I exclaim as I approach them. They look upset. Hey guys what's going on?!?! "Nothing!" "Stay out of this Kerry!" "Tell me what's going on now before I punch both of you!!" I yell at them.
"Fine,"Joel gives in. "Henry here doesn't like the fact the we are dating." He says in a low frustrated tone" "WHAT WHY!" Joel jumps up grabs me by my sides and lifts me up in the air, and slams me into the wall, quit painfully might I add. "Don't pretend you don't know!" He yells loud enough for everyone to hear and turn to stare.

I hold back a scream as Henry looks like he's about to pounce on Joel. Just then Henry's watch beeps three times. He looks like he's torn between something. "I'm sorry". Henry says apologetically. I look down at him confused "I have to go" "Wait you cant leave yet!" I yell. "Fine" he wines. "Joel put her down NOW!!" "Ok" he smirks "but it's your fault if she breaks a hip" Joel smiles evilly "wait stop!" But Henry was far too late. Joel had already let go of me.
I gasp and held my side as I slam into the floor. Henry slides down on the floor and scans me. "Im fine" I lie. "Go do that thing you had to do. " "Ok but I'm taking you to nurse first" "No I can go on my own" "Fine I'll see you tomorrow bye". With the said, he runs out of leaving me laying on the floor with Joel who is leaning on the wall staring down evilly at me.
-------///////Herny's P.O.V///////----------
As the elevator slams to a hult I make sure to be standing. We definitely don't want a repeat of last time!
When the doors open I see a very distraught Ray looking at me disapprovaly.
"What's wrong?"
"Henry where were you might I ask?" Ray says calmly even though he looks as if he already knows the answer.

"Oh sorry I was late. I had to help out a girl in trouble." Ray shakes his head. "I saw you Henry you left that helpless girl with that guy who attacked her!!
"But Ray you called me"
"it was a test Hen. You failed please put watch on the table and leave." He said while a frown formed on his face.
"Ray please this isn't fair" I begged.
I can't lose this job I love it too much!!. "I'm sorry Henry but you need to leave. I need to start looking for a new replacement sidekick." I slammed my watch on the table and without him noticing I grabbed some of the gum that transforms me into my costume and ran into the elevator before I began crying.
I held back some tears when I realized I should probably check on Kerry. I ran into school looking for Kerry. I spotted her being pinned against the wall by Joel, again. I sped up to them and pulled Joel off of her. You'll never believe what he did next!
---------///////Author's note////////-------
Hey guys I hope you like this chapter I know it's a little short but I figured I'm posting one everyday till Wednesday so they don't have to be tooooooo long! I'll probably add more to later anyway, but I don't like doing that because scared I'll add something important and if you read it before I added it then you would be confused in the next chapter. I know I'm rambling but I like talking and writing so don't judge me!😂. Don't forget to vote and comment suggestions! Ilyasm💋

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