21. Back at it again

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Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't been updating I miss writing so much I just really need to keep my grades up which takes up most of my time.........I really hope you guys understand.

---------////////Kerry's P.O.V////////----------
Everything seems to be getting back to normal. Ray gave Henry his job back and we haven't been kidnapped in a while!! Me and Henry have been a thing for a long time now and we love each other. I love fighting crime together. He treats me like I'm strong and I can do anything I set my mind on but he still protects me when he needs to. A lot of people hate it when their boyfriends get jealous but I love it!  It shows how much he cares about me!  I know I sound love struck but that's because I am!
Ray just called me so I need to get out of class so I can help him out. He obviously tries to handle things on his own when me and Henry are at school so this must be important. Usually he only calls one of us if we're at school but sometimes he calls us both of its important. I don't know if he called Henry this time or not because he isn't in math with me.
I really need to get out of here. I guess I'll just ask to go to the bathroom and climb out the window like I usually do.

Hey guys!!!! I know it's short but since I haven't updated in so long I decided to do more of a recap. Don't forget to comment and vote!!!! ILYASM💋

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