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Hey guys I felt bad for not updating in sooooooo long and then making a really short chapter so I decided to update as soon as possible. Thanks for reading!!!!!
------//////Kerry's P.O.V//////------ I've been held in this room for at least four weeks. Joel comes in here for my daily beatings once a day, gives me food once a day, and water twice a day.
The room doesn't have any windows so it's always very dark. It's practically empty except for the the old mattress on the floor.
After hours of sitting on the mattress and playing with my hair Joel walks in.
"Where is he?!" Joel roars when he enters the room. ( Joel's been asking me where Henry is
whenever he gets the chance and when I don't give a good enough answer he beats the crap out of me.) "I still don't know" I whisper knowing what he's gonna do next.
"Well maybe I can refresh your memory" he growls at me while taking off his belt.

-----/////Henry's P.O.V////-----
My captor took me to a small house asking me repetitively where my watch was about four weeks ago. I obviously don't have mine since Kerry now has it. I finally gave up and told the man that Kerry has it. I know I probably shouldn't have said that but I was sick of him asking. But now because of me he's on a search for Kerry.
To be honest I'm kind of surprised he hasn't found her yet. He's been searching for weeks and still hasn't come up with anything. There's a possibility that Ray somehow found out and hid Kerry but I doubt that. I'm slightly concerned that something bad happened to Kerry. My captor told me he searched her house and the school so he should've found her by now
After about a week of him searching he started taking his anger out on me. He started punching me and kicking me just to hear me scream. Always asking me where she is. This man is totally sick. The last time he was attacking me I think I saw someone filming.

-----//////Ray's P.O.V//////------
I'm still shaking do to the video sent to me just a couple minutes ago. The sick man who took Henry started hitting and kicking him! He had already looked hurt and battered before he started attacking him. At the end of the video he said "bring Kerry with the watch and I'll let The boy go."

------//////Kerry's P.O.V//////------
Joel took my watch when I first got here (which highly concerned me because it's a highly dangerous piece of technology) There was a chance that he wouldn't be able to figure out how to use it and I had almost forgotten about it when he walked into the room with it in his hand. He then turned it to face me smirking evilly and zapped me! He must have been trying to figure out how it works this whole time! Ray had thought me how to use it when he gave it to me and it's very complicated. I screamed in pain holding my stomach where he zapped me. He smiled evilly, I could tell this wasn't going to end well.

Hey guys I hope you all enjoyed this chapter because I worked really hard on it. In the next chapter I was thinking I could put the captor's P.O.Vs. tell me what you think!!! Don't forget to comment and vote ilyasm💋

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