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Hey I guys.......I know I'm being a sucky writer and it's definitely been a while but I super duper apologize!!!! I hope you can forgive me!!! I think this is gonna be the last chapter since im so bad at updates. I might add something later on but for now this will be the end.

------//////Kerry's P.O.V//////--------
A raise my had to ask to go to the bathroom and once okayed I walk out.  Once I'm out into the hallway I see Henry. "Hey", he smiles and hugs me "did he call you too?" Yah I was just about to get outta here. He nods and we go our separate ways to each of the bathrooms.
We meet out at the front and run to junk n stuff. Henry holds me as we go down the extremely dangerous elevator💖. Then we find Ray and he tells us what the emergency is........ Some evil guy (he calls himself the shadow) is attempting to somehow cover the sun up so it will be dark all the time!  Ray says he might actually be able to do it if we don't stop him! So of course we do but with much difficulty. All three of us nearly died but thank god, nobody did. We kept on going on missions for years after that. Until about ten years later Henry died. He was pushed into a volcano by fire fox. He was in over his head. He thought he could take her alone and we told him not do it but he did it anyway. I took my time to grieve but I knew Ray still needed my help and I knew he would never hire anyone else, not after what happened to Henry. So continued to risk my life daily and one day Ray told me he couldn't do it anymore and handed the role off to me. It's a big responsibility but I can handle it. I've even got a side kick of own now. We call him dangerous kid in Henry's honor. The kid's got full potential so I don't have to worry about the future of Swellviewe. Ray's still sticking around to give me pointers and to help me through it (even though I've pretty much got the hang of it) but sadly I don't think he has much time left.  When he does die though I'll just keep doing what I'm doing. No reason to stop now. I'll defend this city for as long as I'm capable, no matter what.

Hey you guys I really hope you enjoyed my last chapter.......I'm so sorry to see it end!!  Also never forget.......ilyasm💋

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