Vengeance - Solo Album

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Vengeance - 1st Mini Solo Album

Vengeance - 1st Mini Solo Album

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1. Kazino
2. BIBI Vengeance
3. 쉬가릿 (Cigarette and Condom)
4. Bad, Sad, and Mad
5. Animal Farm

Track 1. Kazino
The song is interpreted as depicting the life of a gambler addicted to gambling, roulettes, and Vodka. No matter how much the gambler is addicted to the game, the song started and ended with lines begging them to be freed of the game.

Lyrics: Hyejin, Se. A, Hae
Music: Choice37, Future Bounce, Hyunsuk, Hyejin.
Arrangement: Hyejin, Future Bounce, Choice37.

Risk it till the last dime,
Give me that, hook that, spin that, roulette,
Vodka, in my cup, going round and round.

Risk it till the last dime,Give me that, hook that, spin that, roulette,Vodka, in my cup, going round and round

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Track 2. BIBI Vengeange
The song is about revenge and standing up for oneself. The lyrics portray a femme fatale character who knows her worth and seeks justice for her wrongdoings. The protagonist is seen as a "bad woman" who is not afraid of the consequences.

Lyrics: Hyejin, Haruto, Hyunsuk
Music: Hyejin, Haruto, Choice37
Arrangement: Hae, Choice37.

Bad Bitch, just a real bad bitch,
Don't ever get caught again,
You'll then see the crazy bitch.

Bad Bitch, just a real bad bitch,Don't ever get caught again,You'll then see the crazy bitch

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Track 3. 쉬가릿 (Cigarette and Condom)
The song is generally about sex, which relates to both cigarettes & condoms, with most smoking after sex. It's quite a mature song that's about female sexuality. It is ultimately about making decisions in life and owning them.

Lyrics: Hyejin, Lil G, Jaguaa, Hae
Music: Choice37, Hyejin, Hae, Jaguaa
Arrangement: Hae, Choice37

I'm desperate for a pack of cigarettes after I smoke you,
I want to cover the dirty surroundings with smoke.

I'm desperate for a pack of cigarettes after I smoke you,I want to cover the dirty surroundings with smoke

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Track 4. Bad, Sad, and Mad
This is an emotionally charged song that speaks to the impact of love and addiction. The lyrics use colors as a metaphor for the conflicting emotions experienced by someone dealing with Love and the temptation of addiction. 

Lyrics: Hyejin, Kid Wine, Hae
Music: Kid Wine, Hae, Hyunsuk
Arrangement: Choice37, Future Bounce

You blued my bruise,
Pink me with ties; You red my mind,
Black my bones and Purple my eyes.

You blued my bruise, Pink me with ties; You red my mind, Black my bones and Purple my eyes

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Track 5. Animal Farm
This song talks about the darkness of society, pointing out how the words 'crime', 'greed', and 'lies' are commonplace in a broken system. It speaks of people putting on masks of righteousness and justice to take part in a 'dance of the devils' while bringing attention to the hypocrisy of powerful parties that are in charge of this cycle. 

Lyrics: Hyejin, Yoshi, Hae
Music: Kid Wine, Choice37, Future Bounce
Arrangement: Future Bounce, Hae, Kid Wine.

Sing the song of lies,
Die, follow me, the devil's dance,
The center of a grand banquet,
Under the great guillotine.

Sing the song of lies,Die, follow me, the devil's dance,The center of a grand banquet,Under the great guillotine

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Date: April 15, 2023

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