Departure Depression

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*Hyejin's P.O.V*

It was released that Yedam and Mashiho were making their departure from the group as they were on Hiatus.

I haven't left my room since they told us they were leaving. I will always respect their decisions and that they need to do what they need to do, but I couldn't help but feel broken and empty.

I felt numb to the news, like when a well-loved celebrity dies... it doesn't feel real, but to everyone's disappointment it is.

I was sitting in my room as I read a book that I was currently reading trying to relax my mind. It has been about 2 weeks now since they officially left the dorms and moved out and back home. It felt weird not waking up to Mashiho being in the dorm.

I heard a knock on my bedroom door, I decided to ignore it as I didn't want to talk to anyone. I peeked up and noticed my door start to open.


I recognized the voice and smiled. The door fully opened and Haruto was standing there leaning on the door frame.

I placed a bookmark in my book and sat it down to give him my full attention.

"I know you and that during moments like this, you shut out and just need your space to collect your thoughts and feelings... but I'm worried about you," Haruto said looking into my eyes.

I looked down and back up at him.

"May I come in?" he asked in a soft tone.

I nodded and he came in closing the door behind and stood by the door.

"You can come and sit on the bed you know?" I said laughing a little.

"I know princess but I wanted to respect your space," he replied sitting next to me and pulling me into a hug causing us to fall backward on the bed.

"What's on your mind love? Ever since Dam and Mashi left you been isolated, tell me what's going on in that beautiful mind of yours?"

"I've just felt so numb at the news... You know when a celebrity dies and the news is so shocking that it doesn't seem real? Like later acknowledging that person died feels so weird to think about... that's kind of how I feel."

"I get that, I know it's hard love, but it's going to be ok, trust me."

I placed my head on his chest and sighed.

"Thank you, Ruto..." I said.


"For checking in on me... I know I closed myself to everyone and even you, but I really appreciate you checking in to make sure I was ok. No one has ever attempted to check up on me in these kinds of situations...."

"Well you are my girlfriend and I care a lot about you... I don't like seeing you like this, it breaks my heart," Haruto said making me blush.

"Oh, Ruto... how did I ever find an amazing guy like you?" I asked smiling.

"Well first you started training at YG, then you joined Treasure 10 years later and fell in love with this handsome guy name Haruto."

I rolled my eyes and smacked him on the shoulder, "Oh shhh," I said making him laugh.

We looked into each other's eyes before closing the small space between us and started to kiss each other.

"Hey, Hyejin what do you want for din- Oh my god!"

Haruto and I split from each other and looked to see Jihoon standing there like a deer in headlights.

"I-it's not what it looks like!" I said panicking a little.

"So you two weren't kissing each other?" he asked raising his left eyebrow.

"I was checking her temperature..." Haruto said.

I gave him a weird look before turning back to Jihoon.

"Look we were kissing, but please don't tell anyone," I said.

"So are you two dating?" Jihoon asked.

Haruto and I looked at each other before turning back to Jihoon and nodding.

"How long?" He asked walking further into the room.

"Since between the filming of episodes 5 and 6 of 'The Mysterious Class' don't you remember? you and Mashiho hyung saw us having a moment together when we both confessed to each other," Haruto said.

"Oh yeah... well I'm happy for you two, I think you two are very cute together. Do you two want to keep it a secret still?"

"Yeah, even from the rest... for now at least, we have been enjoying the privacy of our relationship since it's been a secret," I explained as Haruto interlocked his hand with mine.

"Gotcha guys, well have fun you two, but not too much fun-"

I cut Jihoon off by throwing a pillow at him as he ran out of the room and closed the door behind him.

"I love you Hye," Haruto said kissing the top of my head.

"I love you two Ruto."

The two of us continued to talk for about 3 hours about random things, enjoying each other's presence.

"Hyejin, I'm glad you opened up today about how you were feeling," Ruto said breaking the silence that we had for 30 minutes.

"I trust you Haruto, I trust you to tell you how I feel when I feel like I want to close myself off. I've never felt this way before, being able to say how I feel without being judged. When I used to see a therapist... he would judge me over my feelings saying they were invalid..."

"What do you mean?" Haruto asked.

"When I was a trainee... I used to date this guy who was abusive physically and sexually. When I finally spoke up to my therapist after I broke up with him, he said that how I felt during the relationship with the sexual assault and physical abuse was invalid... saying I was using it for attention and to get pity for being a shitty girl and that being the reason we broke up."

"Wait what the fuck!? What is wrong with him?"

"Besides being psychotic? I don't know... but after that, I never really trusted anyone to tell me how I felt or what I was going through, the person I was supposed to trust to help me get better, just put me down because he "didn't believe me that it happened" but you're different, and I'm happy to have you in my life."

"I love you so much Hyejin, thank you for trusting me to tell me those touchy subjects. I know I don't know how you felt and I won't be able to fully understand because I never experienced that, but I'm so proud of you for fighting through that pain and being able to open up to me, thank you for trusting me Lee Hyejin," Haruto said which made me start to cry.

"I-I love you too Haruto Watanabe," I said pulling him into a hug.

The two of us cuddled in silence after that until we fell asleep holding on to each other.

Words: 1116

Date: March 6, 2023

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