A Necromancer's Thrill

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A Necromancer Thrill

©10-09-2022, Olan L. Smith

She whispers icy words into his heart,

It chills, a small breath solidifies

Before his face. He bats it to one

Side, and walks headlong with resolve.

She will not halt him this time. It is midnight,

And he makes haste, or he fails once more

His bride. A hundred interims of tearful trails

Fall wayside, and each All Hallows' Eve

He must try once more to defeat the Icy

Demoness from Hell. The husband's dead heart

Beats to the theme of anthems past from

Time, his fortitude is his alone on this

Windswept shore of hollowed courage.

Not even bleakness will terminate his goal,

This time. He is determined to delete her name

From the Book of the Dead. He cries aloud,

Between the throbs of his heart, "I failed

Her too many times! You will never discourage

Me from my ghostly voyage from death to life

To retrieve my only bride." A crypt appears,

The words inscribed are Annabel Lee.

He lies down beside her lonely bones,

And the poet weeps tears of ice,

A Necromancer dances on haunted tears.

A.N. A necromancer is a sorcerer who raises to the dead to fulfill a trek to alter an outcome the dead desire to change, but the soul can never change what was and must return to the grave. The Day of the Dead comes November 1-2 for the year 2022, a lot of necromancy with be going on then, bau-ha-ha-ha... 

Poems from the Quill, by Olan L. SmithWhere stories live. Discover now