Sonnet II: Breath So Vile

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Sonnet II:  Breath So Vile

©2010, Olan L. Smith


 Abortive; thus a cruel emotion reigned,

And I ― inferring not as who is true;

 Who bears a wicked heart so black and stained?

And yet — as I do walk this earth anew,

And wishing not to breathe a breath so vile,

When we were brewing darkness evil loomed.

If I revolt and thus should come your bile

A fire would not bewail and thus so groomed

Our fate, and who yet wears a scar or dons

A face so marred and eyes so dimmed by hate;

Thus, if an omen does so deem or fawns,

And when, in moment, eyes should meet too late;

Or do each other greet and lust for more,

A wind is come, an icy breeze is lore. 

Poems from the Quill, by Olan L. SmithWhere stories live. Discover now