Chainmail Leggings and the Mean Mutt (Satire)

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Chainmail Leggings and the Mean Mutt (Satire)

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Chainmail Leggings and the Mean Mutt (Satire)

©2017, Olan L. Smith

Who chews my bones wanting to devour me?

Who is this little bastard in the corner who creeps

To the bench and upsets my meal. Is it you? Shady

Fellow, do you want attention? Should I tame you,

Pet your head and say, "Nice boy, want a piece of my leg?

Shoo, get away from the dinner table, you mutt."

But you are just being you, ass that you are, not

Even cute, slimy to the touch. I want to shower

After petting you, alas, you are a poor mangy dog

Of the devil. Perhaps some love would fix you,

Yet―you keep us at hands length. Nipping, nipping

Always nipping while in my home, no less. Should I have

The vet put you down? That would sadden me,

Make me think I did not try hard enough.

I have grown use to your bites so I wear chainmail

Leggings at the table and request my guests do the same.

(A.N. This is satire, I am a dog lover through and through, nipper or no nipper. This satire is about the negative behavior of people who are trying to bully us into submission, when all they really are, are pest. You don't have to go far to see these hate filled comments on the internet. Most of these people would never say these things face-to-face, but they will not go away, so I suggest buying chainmail leggings.)

Poems from the Quill, by Olan L. SmithWhere stories live. Discover now