An Invitation

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Taylor's POV

" Pfffftttttt" I blew my hair out of my face while I tried to focus on studying. My best friend Avery shot me a death glare from across our table at our favorite cafe. "Girl, if I hear one more complaint about work, school, or studying from you I'm going to steal your study snacks."

"You wouldn't dare!"
"Oh, yes I would!"
"Oh come one Aves they don't call it Stu-DYIN' for nothin'"
"First of all, that counts as a complaint so that plate of cookies is now mine. Second of all, last time I checked they call it studying not studyin. I don't ever think I've heard you put an g on an ing word."

"Oh hush, you know you love my accent." Avery always loved to poke fun of my accent. It has turned into an inside joke between us. I moved to California from Mississippi in 9th grade. Avery and I met on the first day of high school and have been best friends ever since. Now, Avery is in college and about to graduate early because the genius girl already took a bunch of college classes in high school. I am super proud of her and all her accomplishments.

I just wish I could feel the same way about myself.

I know I shouldn't feel that way, but it do. I am a firm believer that success can be measured in multiple ways and looks different to everyone. I know everyone has a different path, and I think that's beautiful. I just wish mine seemed more clear to me. I took three gap years after my high school graduation. I worked, saved up some money, traveled, and tried to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. The only problem is, I still haven't figured that last part out. I'm currently in community college trying to get some college credits. I've been doing that for about a month. And I already feel like quitting.

"Umm Taylor?"
" You all good, Avery? You sound a bit scared over there." I chuckled nervously. Avery looked like she'd just seen a ghost.
"Have you checked your emails recently?"
"No, why?"
"Just take a look"

I opened up my inbox to see a lengthy email from a law office. I scanned it over since it contained a bunch of legal wording I didn't understand. My very limited legal knowledge came from watching Legally Blonde. However, from what I could understand, it seemed Avery and I were needed at the will reading of a billionaire from Texas.

"Hate to break it to ya Aves, but this crap is probably just some scam."
"If it was just a scam why would it seem this professional? And why would both our full names be on it? No scammer would go to this detail. Also, I forwarded the email to my cousin who is a lawyer and she says it seems legit."

"Okay but how would we even get to this will reading? It's in Texas and we are currently in California." Just then, we got another email containing plane tickets and travel details.

"Well, I take that back. Looks like we are heading to Texas tomorrow."

"What could this mean? Did you know this man?"
"Nope. Not at all. I reckon we'll find out all 'bout it tomorrow."

If I only knew what was in store for me and how my life was going to change for the better... and for the worse.

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