Character profile

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WARNING: God of War: Ragnarok Spoilers (mostly only characters) are present in this background description...sorta. If you don't want to be spoiled, move along without going through this chapter.

Name: Ethan Turner

Original name: Eíthürr

Hair color: (normally) brown, the more eitr that is pumped into him via the berserker armor, the more white his hair becomes.

Eye color: (before story) brown, (after chapter "The berserker armor") bright aqua blue

Race: (Before story) Reincarnated devil (After chapter "The Berserker armor") 1/2 god, 1/2 jötnar (giant)

Known family members:

Father: Kratos, Olympian God of War

Kratos is a name only spoken seldomly in the supernatural world, as he known as the Ghost of Sparta who single handedly took down the entirety of the Greek pantheon

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Kratos is a name only spoken seldomly in the supernatural world, as he known as the Ghost of Sparta who single handedly took down the entirety of the Greek pantheon. After the destruction of Olympus, unknown to most of the supernatural world, he moved into the norse areas of Midgard, where he met Laufey and had two children 400,000 years apart from each other, Loki and Eíthürr.

Mother: Laufey the Just, last living guardian of the jötnar

One of the Aesir's greatest rivals when it came to opposition of their power, Laufey was a giantess warrior who often protected lesser supernatural beings from the gods and was often called an extremely skilled warrior

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One of the Aesir's greatest rivals when it came to opposition of their power, Laufey was a giantess warrior who often protected lesser supernatural beings from the gods and was often called an extremely skilled warrior. One day, she met Kratos and while they did fight each other at first, they eventually grew a respect for each other, which transformed into love.

Brother: Atreus/Loki, norse god of mischief.

Brother: Atreus/Loki, norse god of mischief

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