Forging a god-killer

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So as it turns out, Leia was actually talking with Akeno on how to make herself more appealing and attractive to me. That's why she got into the shower with me and literally hopped into my bed and slept with me naked when I eventually fell asleep that night.

As it turns out, her attraction to me grew a whole lot stronger the longer she spent time with me and saw how I interacted with everybody in the household. I didn't even think I was anything special, but I'm glad she sees something in me at least.

As the days passed without much occurrences, the biggest dramas that occurred within the household were Leia's arguments with Sona over who got to spend more time with me. They both were completely opposed to letting me go and date the other, so they practically became angry house cats around each other, constantly glaring at each other and visibly getting upset whenever I did something with the other.

To think Issei is dreaming of a life like this...what in the world is he thinking? I can't handle two girls—MUCH LESS 7! Like seriously, I feel bad for him whenever they all get pissy. Or when other desires inevitably begin to rear their heads considering who he's with.

Just like Sona promised, she did ask me out a couple days after the whole discovery about her engagement to me. I...well I was curious on her whole situation, so I accepted her invitation.

She actually turned out to be pretty adorable on our dates because she may look to be professional and mature, but when it comes to romance, she's completely lost and just becomes a flustered mess with any sort of romantic mention or action.

What made the dates a little strange was the fact that Rias would always be around us somewhere, trying to hide her presence while watching us.

Speaking of Rias, she's been acting strange around me ever since that conversation she had with Sona. She became even more overprotective of me now compared to back then, and now, more often than not, I would catch her staring at me whenever we were all hanging out together or watching a movie.

Almost everyone noticed it as well, and while Rias may deny it all she wants, she's definitely feeling...something for me. I think she's just confusing remembering who I actually am with falling in love. Because she can't develop feelings for me after all this time—especially when she has a boyfriend...right?

Leia was a bit more of a complicated person. She also offered to try to take me out, but after I made her realize she still had relatively no idea what this town was like in the first place, the 'dates' that she received from me were me just guiding her around the neighborhood and having her get acquainted to her surroundings here. It was then I introduced her to donuts—and I think I created a second Koneko—just obsessed with donuts instead of chocolate.

She also became way more bold in her attempts to catch my attention by often trying (and failing) to tease me and making an effort to hug me almost very single second we were together. No doubt a result of whatever Akeno told her whenever they spoke.

Speaking of Akeno, she also changed in how she acted around me—albeit in a much more subtle way than Rias. She oftentimes tried to make people see her playing with me as much as possible whenever we crossed paths in the hallways in school, and while everyone knew she loved to tease people, her teasing...seemed to start having a different undertone. I was only able to notice it because I've spent so much time with her before all of this godly ascension bull crap.

Leia and Sona, despite being enemies—made a serious effort to make sure both Rias and Akeno kept their distance from me whenever they were around. Which I can understand to a degree since they didn't like how they suddenly just rebounded in potential romantic interactions with me—and the fact that they're in a relationship with someone else.

From pawn to god: A High School DxD crossover storyWhere stories live. Discover now