Caught Red Handed - Alexia Putellas

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It had been a very long day for you between doing meet and greets with fans, interviews and going over game plans for the next game against Real Madrid. You entered Alexia's flat and you noticed that something was off because Alexia said that she was going to attempt to cook dinner tonight but she wasn't in the kitchen and there was no food on the side either.

Just then you hear moaning coming from the bedroom which makes you gulp nervously. "Ohh right there...ugh fuck that feels amazing..." Alexia moans which makes your heart drop and you put your stuff down shakily.

You slowly start to walk towards the bedroom door which is slightly a jar and you slightly push the door open just so you can peek inside. What you see absolutely shatters your heart, you see Alexia laying completely naked on the bed with none other than Jenni Hermoso in between her legs.

Some of the girls from Barca warned you that getting involved with Alexia was a bad idea because she wasn't over Jenni at all and this just proved them all right. You chuckle in disbelief that Alexia was actually cheating on you.

Alexia hears you chuckle and pushes Jenni away from her then grabs her gown, quickly putting it on and tying it. "H-how long have you been standing there?" She asks you nervously.

"Are you fucking kidding me Alexia?! That's all you have to say? You're un-fucking-believable!" You shout at her before pushing past her to the closet, grab your suitcase and backpack. You start packing all your belongings into them and notice something is missing. "Where's my Mum's ring?" You ask Alexia while holding out her hand and she slips it off her finger then places it in your hand.

"Y/n I'm really sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen." Alexia says desperately as she tries to justify her actions and you just ignore her. You take your suitcase and swing your backpack on then walk out towards the front door. "Send the rest of my stuff to my flat, when you're done with that." You gesture to Jenni and walk out of the flat.

Once you get into your car you pull out your phone and go to call your best friend Lucy, who answers immediately,she knows something is wrong because you hate calling people. "Hello? What's up mate?" Lucy asks worriedly. "Can I come over?" You say while sniffling. "Yeah yeah of course. What's wrong?" She asks, sounding concerned. "I'll tell you when I get to yours." You say wiping the tears from your eyes. "Okay, Mapi, Ingrid, Claudia and Kiera are here. Is that okay or do you want me to tell them to piss off?" Lucy chuckled and received a playful slap from Mapi. "Nah that's fine. Cya in a bit." You chuckle as you hang up and start driving to Lucy's.

-time skip to Lucy's-

After parking your car you walk up to Lucy's front door and knock on it. You head slamming and stomping before the door opens. Lucy looks at you with sympathy as she sees your red eyes from crying and pulls you infor a tight hug which makes you sob into her shoulder. "Let's go in the living room so you can sit down." Lucy says softly while leading you to the living room.

You sit down on the closest seat to Lucy and cuddle into her side as she rubs you back in an attempt to comfort you. "I-i...walked in on Alexia having sex with Jenni." You sigh sadly as you play with your mother's ring that was on your finger and the other girls look at you with sympathy.

"I don't understand why she did it...I fucking proposed to her a few days ago, I gave her my mother's ring! How could she do this?!" You sobbed into Lucy as she hugged you.

"You proposed?" Mapi said shocked as she came over to you and knelt in front of you. "Yep, she said yes as well. I think that's why it hurts so much and the fact you all warned me and I didn't listen cause I'm too stubborn." You chuckle at your own stupidity as to why you didn't listen to the entire Barca team.

"At least I can accept the offer from Manchester United now." You say looking blankly up at the ceiling and you could literally feel the shock in the room.

"You're leaving?" They all ask, and you nod. "I can't play at a club where my cheating ex-fiancée plays, I'd end up doing something I would regret." You say and start calming down, slowly falling asleep cuddled up to Lucy.

-time skip to a week later-

You were currently waiting for your flight at the airport in Barcelona and stood with you was Lucy, Mapi, Ingrid, Claudia and Kiera.

"You guys better come and visit me once I get settled." You say as you pull them all into a group hug as a few tears flow down your face as it finally hits you that you are leaving the place that you had called home for so many years.

Just then your flight gets called and you pull away from the hug while smiling sadly at them. "I'll text you guys when I land. I love you guys." You walk to each of them giving them a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before running over to your gate.

"Goodbye Barcelona." You mutter to yourself. 

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