I Can't Help It - Ona Batlle

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The reader has ADHD and the little things that Ona does to help the reader.


Sometimes you really wonder how Ona put up with you. You constantly left things all over your shared house whether it be hoodies, bottles of water or snacks, you would forget where you had put them and go get a new one.

You would space out a lot of the time while she could be talking to you about something quite serious which annoys Ona a bit but she understands that you can't help it.

Sometimes you could drink an energy drink or a coffee which is supposed to make you wake up more but instead it makes you even more tired.

A lot of the time either just while talking to someone or just waiting in the line to go onto the field you would find yourself doing small random dances which a lot of the Man United team thought was actually quite cute.

Also there would be times where you are at home alone and you just get something in your head telling you to clean every room before Ona gets home with some of your teammates, you think to yourself like it's a deadline to get it done before they get home but most of the time you can never get it done before they get back. Once the teammates and Ona do get back they usually help you finish off cleaning the house because they know how hard of a task it can be for you to do everything without forgetting at least three things.

Team bonding, whenever there were movie nights you would usually just play games on your phone because unless it's a Marvel movie you could never get through the entire thing.

Another thing you hated was...paperwork. You always asked Ona to help you with any paperwork, you could never read the entire thing because after reading one sentence it would bore you and you would get distracted by something else like video games.

Ona loved staying up to stupid o'clock in the morning with you because thats when you come out with the most random facts or jokes. Conversations at that time of night was one of the best things about your relationship.

In your time at Man United all your teammates realised that when training or in a match you would talk to yourself or sing to yourself which they found quite funny and adorable.

One thing that Ona also noticed that you didn't until she pointed it out to you is that you couldn't tell your left from your right. It got to a point where Ona had to tell the coaches because in certain parts of training the coaches would tell you to go left or right so they had to come up with something.

Ultimately you just ended up writing L on your left hand and R on your right hand in sharpie so you would eventually be alright with you left and right. You did notice that you had to do it with most of your belongings that required to be on either your left or your right. You did it too, your football boots, shinpads, socks and gloves ect.

There were also times where you would get so hyper that you wouldn't know what to do with yourself so you would find someone on the team to chase or get them to chase you to wear you out. Which would end up with you falling asleep in Ona's lap which she loved because she thought that you looked the most peaceful and beautiful when you were sleeping.

But unfortunately there were downsides to ADHD which is the part that only Ona see when the both of you are at your shared house.

There's things that could happen at random times of the day, which could include crying, lashing out like breaking a vase or punching a hole in the wall and taking things way too personally.

The medication that you took for your ADHD also had a few side effects like; dry mouth, headaches, loss of appetite, weight loss, trouble sleeping, stomach aches, nausea, vomiting, aggression, drowsiness and mood swings.

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