Wasn't The Same - Niamh Charles

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You had grown up in Barcelona and the football culture was everywhere, I mean Camp Nou was a 15 minute walk from your home, nothing could get better than that...right?

That's where you were wrong, it could get better. Unknown to you, your parents had signed you up to play in the Barcelona youth team and somehow you got in.

It had become very clear very fast to the coaches that you had a lot of talent at the sweet age of 10. Which is when you became the Captain of the youth team until 2014 when you tore your ACL at the age of 15 which is devastating for an adult never mind a young child.

After a year of rehab you got back on the field but it wasn't the same as before, it was like a switch had been flipped. You tried to not throw yourself into tackles, passes wouldn't connect, giving the ball away at crucial moments in the game, distancing yourself from teammates, not going to team bonding at all and turning up late or not at all to training.

This caused the manager to give you the talk because he gave you a year after your rehab to get your act together but it did not work. He didn't want to let you go because he knew what type of player you could be but he couldn't take any more chances on you. So you got transferred to Liverpool in 2016 where you played until 2019 when Barca placed a bid on you which Liverpool could not say no to.

Playing for the Barca first team had always been your dream since you saw Messi when you were a little girl and Alexia when you were in your teens. It had been your ultimate goal to be able to play on the same team as La Reina Alexia Putellas.

Now Alexia was like your older sister and best friend, where you found one of them the other wasn't far behind. This had caused the fans to start speculating things about the two of you, which you both quickly put to rest saying that the two of you were basically siblings.


When you transferred to Liverpool at the age of 17 you were very nervous, you hadn't been to another country ever so this was a very new experience for you but you knew you had to power through it if you ever wanted to get back to play for Barca.

Suddenly everything changed when you met Niamh Charles, even though you knew very little English the two of you instantly hit it off.

After just a few months at the club you and Niamh started dating, the whole team thought the two of you were adorable and constantly teased the both of you. Over the four years you were at Liverpool your and Niamh's relationship only got stronger.

The two of you were starting to take the next step in your relationship aka moving in together, you got told that you were being transferred back to Barca and you just couldn't say no which left Niamh heartbroken but ultimately she understood. You told her it was a four year contract and you would come back after the contract ended.


When you got to Barca you were in awe of all the players, especially Alexia. I mean she was your idol and you were playing in the Barca first team with her. This caused a lot of your new teammates to tease both you and Alexia.

After about two and a half years you were starting to feel very depressed without Niamh beside you so you turned to Alexia for help because you simply did not know what to do.

One day you just turned up to Alexia's apartment with tears streaming down your face which caused her to look at you in concern when she opened the door. "Y/n? What are you doing here? It's 1am." Alexia says while letting you into her apartment and sat down on her sofa while you cuddled into her side.

"I don't know if I can do this without her...I cannot go another year without Niamh. We were talking on facetime the other night. She was saying that she doesn't know if our relationship is going to last much longer if we continue to be separated." You say as tears stream down your face and you grip onto Alexia's shirt tightly as she rubs your back trying to sooth you.

"Look I'll talk to Jona, he will most likely want you to stay till the end of this year and then he could look into transferring or loaning you to the WSL. I'm not promising anything but I will try my best to help you." Alexia pulls you into her tightening her arms around you and presses a kiss to the top of your head.

"Thank you Ale..." You mutter as you drift off into a deep sleep on Alexia's shoulder.


Whatever Alexia did, it worked. You were transferring to Chelsea, you couldn't thank Alexia enough, you told her that if she ever came to London she could stay with you to which she obviously said yes.

At this precise moment you were walking to your first training session with Chelsea. You already knew literally already knew all of the girls thanks to your daily facetimes with Niamh.

Niamh was currently facing away from you talking to Guro, Erin and Sam when they spotted you but you put your finger to your lips because you wanted to surprise Niamh.

You crept up behind Niamh and wrapped your arms around her waist then whispered in her ear. "I told you I'll spend a thousand lifetimes coming back to you." This caused Niamh to gasp before turning around and kissing you passionately as a few tears travelled down her face.

"You asshole! You didn't tell meeeee!" Niamh pouted at you which made your heart beat like a thousand times faster than it already was. "But...I love you." Niamh whispers as she pecks your lips as her arm around your neck so you couldn't move anywhere.

"I love you with my whole heart Niamh Charles..." You whisper back to her with your thick Spanish accent and a huge grin.

The two of you pull away from your hug to see most of your new Chelsea teammates looking at the both of you with small smiles.

"I'm glad you're finally here! You have no idea how much she talks about you, she never shuts up!" Sam says as she points at Niamh as most of the team laugh at Niamh's embarrassment which causes you to chuckle.

"Aw you talked about me!" You say in a teasing tone so Niamh playfully pushes you and glares at you. "Shut up..." Niamh blushes but you knew she would get her payback once the two of you got home later that night.

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