Mierda - Alexia Putellas

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Italics = Spanish

You were training with the Barca team during a heatwave in Spain, which wasn't the best idea.


This was officially your 6th week at Barcelona and being from Scotland the weather really did not agree with you, last week you had found out that a heatwave was supposed to hit Spain over the next week or two, to say you were dreading it was an understatement.

Your accent and slang made it quite hard for a lot of the Barca girls to understand you but luckily for you Lucy and Keira were there so they could help out a little bit, if worse came to worse you would just type out what you wanted to say on your notes.

Currently there was a 5 v 5 match going on and you were on a team with Alexia, Claudia, Keira and Mapi. The other team consisted of Lucy, Ingrid, Patri, Rolfo and Laia.

Alexia crossed a ball over to you as you ran towards the other team's goal, and you volley it in. The game quickly continued; it was first to get to 8 points.

Your team was 2 points away from winning.

Keira started doing her thing and doing tons of different skills, even nutmegging Lucy who looked at her girlfriend in disbelief. She got an amazing goal after embarrassing Lucy.

Both you and Alexia were trying to get the ball of Patri so you could finally sit down and have a rest. Alexia managed to get the ball and kicked up, over Patri just to the right height for you to head the ball into the goal.

Your team came running to you and brought you into a huge group hug.


Suddenly you could really feel the Spanish heat, you put your hand to your head in pain, you had the biggest headache in the world and this heat definitely did not help one bit.

Alexia came over to you and put a comforting hand on your shoulder. "You okay, mi amor?" She asks you as she is concerned because you really did not look very well.

You groaned as you started getting really dizzy which made your eyesight go really weird and you reached out to Alexia who grabbed you immediately, then all you could see was darkness.

The last thing you heard was Alexia shouting "Mierda!" in a panicky tone.

You had fainted from being overheated.


When you woke up the first thing you noticed was how dry your mouth felt and then you saw that Alexia was asleep and leaning on the side of your bed while she held your hand really tightly.

"Alexiaaa! Wake up, mi reina!" You shout at her. Her head shoots up and she glares at you.

"You fainted...straight into my arms. You know if you wanted my attention you didn't have to go to such extremes." Alexia chuckled as she stood up and sat on your lap while looking you in the eyes lovingly.

"Why don't I do this then?" You say as you put your hand on the back of Alexia's neck to pull her closer to you, you tease her by going to kiss her before stopping an inch or two away from her lips which makes her whine. You chuckle at her impatience and kiss her passionately.

That kiss was the first of many more kisses.


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