Change of Plans - Janine Beckie

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A/N: Sorry about this chapter being so short.


You had just found out that Janine was leaving Manchester City and going back to the United States.

The worst thing is that you had found out via social media and it broke your heart.

You had thought that the both of you were starting to get really close with one another and she didn't even tell you that she was leaving.

You were sitting on the floor with your back resting against your bed and all of a sudden your door swung open, in came none other than Janine Beckie.

She came over to you and sat down next to you then lent her head on your shoulder.

As soon as Janine's head touched your shoulder tears started streaming down your face which caused you to start sniffling.

"Do you have to leave?" You say as your voice cracks due to you crying.

Janine sighs as she wraps her arm around you, pulling you into a hug.

"I'm sorry, I really am." She says as a few tears of her own stream down her face and you give her a gentle squeeze before standing up.

You head over to the hotel window and look out of it sadly.

"Why is this upsetting you so much?" Janine asks curiously as she looks at you from her spot on the floor, it made her quite confused as to why you were so sad that she was leaving.

"I'm so upset that you're leaving because I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified. I have never ever felt this way about anyone and just when I think you may be starting to feel the same way I find out from fucking social media that your leaving. That you're leaving me..." You say as your body starts shaking as you cry, you are so overwhelmed with emotions that you don't know what to do.

Janine comes over to you and spins you around so that you are facing her.

All of a sudden you feel her lips touch yours and you just melt into her touch.

"I'm in love with you too. I'll figure it out, okay? I'm not leaving you." Janine says emotionally as she hugs you so tightly that you think that she is never going to let go.


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