She's My Mother - Mapi Leon

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Italics = Spanish

Mapi Leon/Maria Pilar Leon Cebrian = Ma

Mapi's Adopted Daughter OC = Avery Cole Leon Cebrian


Today Avery was supposed to go out with Mapi for dinner but once again Mapi had text to say that she was with some of her teammates and that there was money on the counter in the kitchen for takeaway.

Avery sighs before opening uber eats on her phone and ordering a pizza with fries and a coca cola. She sits on a stool in the kitchen waiting for her food to arrive as she scrolls through tiktok.

The one thing that Avery hated was when Mapi would promise to do something with her and cancel at the last minute. She understood that she was busy doing interviews, training and playing matches but she never saw her Mama anymore and she was starting to miss her.


From Avery to Ma <3

When will you be home?

Read 8:45pm

From Avery to Ma <3

Read 9:00pm

From Ma <3 to Avery

There's money for takeaway on the counter in the kitchen xxx

From Avery to Ma <3 safe. I'll be asleep when you get back, so be quiet plz?

Read 9:30pm

From Ma <3 to Avery

Sorry. I'll be home in an hour. I love you cariño xxx

Read 9:32pm

From Avery to Ma <3

Love you too Ma xxx

Read 9:35pm


Avery looks at the text messages in disappointment with her head in her hands and rubs away a tear that fell down her cheek. She didn't want to seem too clingy because she knew that Mapi could send her back whenever she wanted to, which scared her a little.

This home was amazing from some of the others she had been in and not seeing Mapi as often as she wanted...she could deal with that. Just then the doorbell rang and Avery ran to get her pizza.

After paying the delivery guy she sat down on the sofa and turned on Warrior Nun, it was one of her favourite shows at the moment. I mean why wouldn't it be? It's an amazing show and there are a lot of gorgeous girls in it as well which is a plus.

Avery finished the pizza and fries quite quickly before she headed to bed, she did not want to be awake when Mapi got home because she knew that they would have to talk and she just did not feel like it.

Falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow at 10:30pm wasn't something that ever really happened, usually Avery would stay up till 2am playing video games on her pc but for some reason she was very tired.


Avery woke up to her Ma shouting for her to come downstairs into the kitchen because she had made chocolate chip pancakes. Which made her groan in frustration, it was too early to be awake and functioning.

Since Mapi didn't get an answer she walked upstairs into Avery's bedroom and sat on the end of the bed. "Cariño...come on. It's 10am, you need to get up now." Mapi says as Avery huffs and turns saw which makes Mapi sigh before sliding under the quilt with her and pulling Avery into her, cuddling her.

"What's wrong?" Mapi softly says to Avery but she just pushes Mapi away from her and faces the opposite way. "I'll get up now, just go away." Avery angrily says not wanting to have to explain why she was angry and upset with her Mother.

"Alright. I love you cariño." Mapi says but Avery just completely ignores her while playing on her phone which causes Mapi to sigh sadly and walk off into the kitchen.

After a while Avery gets up to get dressed in a comfortable tracksuit and walks into the kitchen, grabs a few pancakes on a plate and goes to sit down in the living room to watch some tv as she eats.

"I have to head to training now. I'll be back around 4:30pm okay? I'll leave some money on the counter for you to get some lunch and I'll bring us some dinner on my way home. Bye!" Mapi says giving you a quick hug before grabbing her training bag and running out of the house.

Avery sighs, yet another day she would be spending with her mother. She just decided that she was going to play video games until she gets back and leave her chores just to piss Mapi off a little bit when she gets home.


As usual Mapi was late and she had texted Avery earlier to say that some of her teammates were joining them for movie night which really annoyed her because movie night had always been their thing but apparently not anymore.

At 5:30pm Mapi, Alexia, Lucy, Ingrid, Keira, Jana, Aitana and Claudia came through the front door loudly while laughing as well causing Avery to groan. "Yo cariño! I'm home, I've got sushi and people." Mapi shouted up to her and she slowly got up, walked downstairs and gave Mapi a hug.

"Oh, have you finally got out of your mood?" Mapi jokes causing the girls who heard to laugh as Mapi hugged her daughter tightly and kissed her head. Avery rolled her eyes, ignoring her mother before taking the bag of food out of Mapi's hand and walking into the kitchen to put some on a plate.

"Don't ignore me, Avery!" Mapi raises her voice slightly as she follows you into the kitchen and gives you 'the look'.

"Are you joking? You've ignored me for the past fucking 3 months! Everytime we plan something you just don't turn up or cancel at the last minute because you are with your teammates. If you didn't want to be around me then why would you adopt me! You obviously hate me! Tonight was supposed to be our night Ma!" Avery shouts at Mapi who just stands there shocked which causes Avery to just storm off to her room and start packing a backpack.

Alexia pops her head into the kitchen to talk to Mapi. "We are gonna go. You obviously need some alone time with Avery." Alexia says before ushering the rest of the barca girls out of the house.


Mapi waits for about 30 minutes just to let Avery cool off before she knocks on the bedroom door, then enters and sees Avery curled up on the bed with tears streaming down her face.

Walking over to her daughter, she sits down on the bed next to her before wrapping Avery in a huge hug. "I'm sorry I made you that way bubs. Look, tomorrow I'm going to phone Jona and ask for a month off. We will spend everyday doing whatever you want okay? I promise." Mapi promises Avery and rubs her back comfortingly as she nods into Mapi's stomach where her head was laying.

"Can we cuddle Ma?" Avery mutters but Mapi is just able to work out what she said and lays down so Avery can cuddle into her a bit more comfortably.

"I missed you." Avery says slurs sleepily as she drifts off into a peaceful dream filled sleep.

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