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Chapter 2: Truth at last?

Back to the place i call prison, I've just come back from the Quiddich World Cup with Cedric this summer and unfortunately I couldn't stay over because they already have a full house because it's the diggory family reunion this week. An Owl is tapping on my window.I open the window and it quickly flies in and drops a note on my bed and flies back out again. I pick up the note off my bed and read it. It says:
I heard that you went to the Quiddich World with Cedric this summer and we were wondering if you were okay because the death eaters and the dark mark were spotted there. If you are okay, we were wondering if you'd like to spend the rest of summer with us. Adam has just moved in across from Holly and were going to do a couple of muggle pastimes if you'd like to come with?
Holly Beth and katie

Before i could write back a reply my 'mum' walked into the room. "Honey, we need to talk." she said with a considerable amount of urgency.
"What is it, Can't you see I'm kinda busy at the moment." I snapped
"You may need to sit down."
"I am sitting. what's this about?"
"When harry was born your fathers performed an enchantment that if one of you is--" she started
"One small problem, Dumbledore has already told me this. So is there anything else?"
"Two years ago, whats new?"
"Sam and i are witch and wizard. and before you say anything Dumbledore asked us to wait and please don't hate us honey bee."
"Sam's a wizard?" i asked, she nodded.
"Then why have you been missing my birthdays for the last three years?" I asked my hair rapidly turning blue.
"I haven't I just didn't know when to give them to you and i didn't know when to send them and by summer it was too late to give them to you, but i have restored them with magic and put a lot of protective charms over them and your father chose them."
and there were three beautifully wrapped gifts put in front of me.
I hugged my adoptive mother for the first time and said "Thank you."
"No tears, Happy birthday for the last three years" she said
(1, 2, 3) but as i reached the last present there was a small envelope i didn't reconise the handwriting on the front so i hesitantly opened the envolope and it said:

Hey baby,
Happy birthday and i'm sorry i can't be here but y'know with an evil dark lord after you. I know i'm going to die this year (1981) and i'm sorry baby. If you are reading this with your father he's probably told you everything. you've just turned one... Look out for the pink lady at hogwarts this year (She was my sister). Happy 11th Birthday Livvie and have a nice time at Hogwarts this year. Make sure you go and see Hagrid this year he won't forgive me if you don't. i have some thing for you in the envelope too. It's a protection bracelet where you can load songs into the beads with your wand and some invisibility rings to suit every personality but i got you all musical ones to go with your bracelet.
Happy Birthday
Maya Alcove AKA Mum

tears slide down my face as i look into the envelope and see this beautiful bracelet and five of the same rings that my mum had picked out for me.
"your mother was an extraordinary witch, i didn't need to restore that at all. it's going to be all right you know." said my adoptive mum as she walked out of the room.
---------------------------------------------------------------2 hours later-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
After my 'mum' left i remembered the day that dumbledore told me and harry about the Enchantment that seems to have been mentiond years ago.

Professor McGonagall had come into into our herbology class to collect us.
"Pomona can i please borrow Mr Potter and Miss Alcove? the headmaster wishes to see them." she said and as she said that i looked at Holly and Adam with wide eyes as if to say 'HELP ME'. I was led out out of the greenhouse and into the main castle in silence only our footsteps breaking it. before we knew it we were stood in front of the stone gargoyle which led up to The headmasters office. "Sherbet Lemon" said Professor Mcgonagall and the gargoyle sprang aside and she motioned us to go up the staircase alone. The climb was long and hard and after around half an hour we were at the top of the stairs. we knocked on the door and heard Dumbledore say "Enter"
Once we had sat down he said "Now, I guess you are wondering why I have called you here at this time especially in the first week of your studies?"
"Yes, Sir" we said in unison
"Well, you're not in any trouble but there is one thing I wish to tell you only you must not repeat a single word of it to anyone else.Do you understand?"
"Yes, sir"
"well, when you were both first born your father's placed an enchantment that if one of you is in trouble you just shout for help and the other is there and if one of you is unknowingly transported somewhere else the other will be transported also until the day voldemort fully dies."
"So," I said, "Basically,if we need help i'd be transported to harry?"
"Harry, are you okay?" i asked
"Yeah, Yeah I'm fine" he said but i wasn't convinced
*End of flashback*
at around 10 o clock ish i replied to Holly's letter, i wrote :
Holly, Katie & Beth,
I did go to the QWC with Cedric this summer and we are both ok. I am allowed to come to yours just pick me up tomorrow at 5 o clock at the Saunders house . Oh, and instead of searching for my mother look for my father instead. i'll explain when i see you next.
lots of hugs
Liv xxx

---------------------------------------------------------------------------Next day-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(5:00)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Waiting for holly, whilst finishing packing my magically expanded trunk. Just as i was about to put in my presents from my mum when the door bell rang and i ran down the stairs forgetting about my trunk.
"HOLLY!!" i yelled as i ran down the stairs.
"Hey Liv. You packed?" she asked
"Two minuites" i said and ran back up to pack the final items i had to pack into my trunk. i ran back down banging my trunk on every step.
"Girls, What's taking so long?" said holly's mum
"Sorry mum it's Olivia, see shes taking forever!"
"Well are we ready to go now?"
"Yes,ma'am" i said, "Bye mom, Bye Sam"
"Bye, dear see you next summer."
The rest of the summer was full of Bowling, Roller-skating and A trip to Diagon Alley. Soon it was time to go to a place where i really belonged....Hogwarts.

Mistaken : A Harry Potter Fanfic (sequel to Lost)Where stories live. Discover now