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chapter 9: waking up to ash and no wait it's the hospital wing

A bunch of images flash in front of my eyes. They feel heavy when I try to open them. I close them again and a memory comes to me.
I was running from someone in the entrance hall, Holly I think it was. I run to the dark forest and it begins. the spilling of blood. A twig snaps behind me and I run once again heading deeper and deeper into the forest until I hit my head on some thing and the memory goes black for a bit until I awaken again and see my cuts are healed so I run again around the forest until I notice what time it was. I'm running again and I see the fat lady and a ghost that looks like mum I fall once more and the world goes black.

-? POV-
I was on my way to the kitchens when I saw her. the girl lying there in a pool of blood. Oh Shit! It's Olivia. I pick her up bridal style and feel a faint heartbeat in her chest, I ran down to the hospital wing and banged the door with my foot. Madame pomfrey was just about to give me a lecture about the time but stopped as she saw Olivia in my arms. "help her" I say and follow her to an empty bed and set down the barely breathing girl down.
"Where did you find her?" she asked
" outside my common room. her heart is hardly beating. I just found her. will she be okay?" I say with urgency
"you're lucky you found her. I will need blood replenishing potions and to seal the wounds."
"yes ma'am"
"you may sit with her but you can also go to sleep in a bed beside her."
"Yes ma'am."
"vulnera salentur" she repeated over and over moving her wand over her arms and legs and along the gash on her forehead. it was awful to watch.
It was one hour later when Madame Pomfrey asked me to go to sleep. I tossed and turned but couldn't sleep until I knew she would be fine. I was there day and night but on the third day, her eyes flickered and I Yelled "MADAME POMFREY SHE MOVED!"
Her eyes fluttered open and she croaked "Adam?"
-Olivia's POV-
I finally got the strength to open my eyes and I saw a boy. "Adam? I'm sorry Adam" I said my voice barely a croak
He looked in shock and said "What the hell happened you hardly have any scars except for the one on your forehead. you banged your head on something."
"What?" I croak
"Ms Alcove so nice to see you awake. You lost quite a lot of blood. gave us all quite a scare." said Madame Pomfrey
"how long?" I croaked
"three days dearie. drink this it will help you talk." she said
I drank the turquoise potion and said "Thanks." in my normal voice.
"You will have to stay in overnight tonight and I will assess you tomorrow morning. Ah, professor Dumbledore she's awoken."
"Ms Alcove, what happened?" he asks
"I'm not sure sir." I say
"who did this?" he asks
"I did sir." I say shamefully
"what do you mean?" he asks
"I fell in the dark forest and I got up to go to the common room. I remember seeing the portrait but not going through it." I say
"Did you see anyone?"
"No sir, I heard someone in the forest. and the lady ghost outside Gryffindor tower."
"very well. I wish to speak to you in my office in two days time I shall send a note of when." he said and left.
I looked at Adam and said "who found me?"
"I did" he answered
"Thank you for finding me." I said
"No Problem, and you kept being a Gryffindor quiet didn't you?" he said
"yeah, I also had an argument with holly too."
"Well, welcome to Gryffindor." he said
"thanks.we best get some sleep, it's almost midnight so yeah." I say
"goodnight then" he said
"nighty night" I say and fall asleep

-the next morning-
I woke up in the hospital wing the next morning and as soon as Madame Pomfrey saw that I was alright she let me go to breakfast with the other students. Adam wasn't awake yet so I thought I'd have a little fun with him. "Madame Pomfrey?" I said
"Yes dear?" she asked
"Is there anything wrong with Adam?"
"No dear."
"can I wake him up then?"
"Go ahead. I need the beds clearing anyway."
and she walked back into her office. I got up off the bed as quickly and quietly as I could and tip toed over to Adams bed. I pointed my wand at the mattress and whispered "wingardium leviosa." and the mattress rose up in the air. I took the enchantment off and he came zooming down on his mattress and he woke up.
"Morning sleepy head! come on I'm hungry." I say sweetly.
"you did that on purpose." he said grumbling as he got up and pulled the screens around his bed so that he could change into his uniform. once he was done we walked to the great hall together. we walked towards where Harry was sitting when Cedric stopped me. "hey." I say
"Hey Liv. I heard what happened. are you okay?" he asked
"yeah. What bit did you hear?"
"the bit where you were arguing with holly and then you weren't seen for the rest of the day. and where you turned up by the fat lady."
"Oh. Listen Ced."
"no you listen to me. I know the rest of our, well my house is against you at the moment since the sorting hats mistake but I need you to know that you have always been like a sister to me and I love you sis."
"thanks Ced." i say hugging him. after I finish hugging him he walks toward the Hufflepuff table as I sit next to Harry and Adam. Harry does a double take when I sit next to him.
"Aren't you in Hufflepuff?" he asked
"Nope." I say popping the 'p'
when he looks confused I explain my switch and the sorting hats mistake. once I finish Harry looks like he wanted to say something before professor McGonagall said "Ms Alcove, Here is your new schedule for this year sorry for all the confusion"
"thank you professor." I say and she walks away. I look at my new schedule and it says:

with the Hufflepuffs History of Magic Ancient Runes Transfiguration

History of Magic break break break break break Care of Magical Creatures
with the Slytherins Defense Against the Dark Arts Charms Transfiguration Charms lunch lunch lunch lunch lunch Arithmancy Potions

Care of Magical Creatures
with the Slytherins Defense Against the Dark Arts Potions
with the Slytherins Arithmancy Ancient Runes Herbology with the Hufflepuffs Defense Against the Dark Arts Potions with the Slytherins dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner
"What day is it?" I ask
"Monday, we have Herbology with Hufflepuff." said Hermione
"okay. thanks Hermione" I say sadly
'Great. just what I needed Herbology with t my old house who all hate me.' I thought. Suddenly a voice behind me brings me out of my thoughts.
"excuse me? I'm looking for a Olivia Alcove?" it sounds like a girl about in her first year.
"That's me." I say whilst turning around. a second year girl was standing there. she had fair hair and she was in Ravenclaw house.
"I was asked to deliver this to you." she says giving me a scroll and skips away back to her house table without even a thank you.
"Thanks!" I yell after her. I open the tightly furled scroll and it said
Ms Alcove,
i apologize that I have to bother you on your first day after your accident but I must call you into my office immediately after you get this.
Professor Dumbledore
I finish reading and say "can you live without me a bit?"
"I have already. 4 years y'know, why?" say Harry and Adam at the same time
"professor Dumbledore wants to see me."
"now, see ya!" I call and run towards the stone gargoyle that hides his office and say the password and walk up the stair case for the third time this year.

Mistaken : A Harry Potter Fanfic (sequel to Lost)Where stories live. Discover now