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Chapter 23 : I miss him
I wake up a few days later in the hospital wing. The worst part of losing someone is waking up and remembering that they are not there anymore. A stray tear streams down my face as I wipe it away furiously. What I didn't realize was Harry was sat there in the chair next to my bed.
"I just Told Adam to go back to the dorms to get some sleep and I'd get somebody to get him once you woke up."
"Oh...Okay." I say
"Listen, Olivia. I'm really sorry that Cedric was in that graveyard. It's All My Fault! If I hadn't have told Cedric to take the Cup with me, He'd still be alive today." he said
"Harry, It's not your fault. Honestly it's not. You weren't to know that the cup was a portkey and where it would take you. Nobody could have foreseen this. It's not your fault." I say forcing a smile on my face.
"No buts. It was not your fault and I will ignore you every time you say that it was. Okay?" I say and He nods.
"Okay." he says and I smile a little before it stops. Soon after I think I convinced Harry that Cedric's death wasn't his fault, Madame Pomfrey came bustling out of her office and kicked Harry out as she began to check my sight and breathing patterns over my blood stained clothes. Once she was 100% sure that I was alright she gave me something to eat before I was allowed to leave the hospital wing. Once I was finally allowed to leave I ran all the way up to my Common room and then carried up to my dorm where I went and got a shower to wash the blood out of my hair. I finish in the shower an decide I am done with long hair and forget I have metamorphagus powers when I reach For the scissors and cut my Hair short as if to get rid of the memories of when he used to touch my hair and then bagged up the strands which fell to the floor. I walk out of the bathroom and change into the Clothes I picked out for Cedric's Memorial service. I walk into the hall as the memorial service started and sat with Adam. Dumbledore said some great things about Cedric, he was a great person who was easily swayed by the girl he loved. Cho changed Ced and I don't think I can forgive her for that. Holly joined the bandwagon and then I only had my new Gryffindor friends. I thought about everything I had been through with Ced and ended up crying on my boyfriend's shoulder. Dumbledore asked if there was anybody who wanted to say anything about Cedric but nobody got up. I don't think they cared really. I stand up and begin to walk towards Dumbledore and he nods.
"Ms Alcove?" he said and stepped down
"Cedric is... was one of my best friends. He was Loyal and True, just like a Hufflepuff should be. Not only that he was brave and intelligent as well and There was something he once said to me and that was, Don't cry because its over, Smile because it happened... And I know that Cedric wouldn't want us to cry..." I say fighting the sobs forcing their way from my mouth," He wouldn't want to cry or be sad over his death, He'd want his memory to be smiled at and to stay remembered in all of our hearts because by keeping his memory alive... we keep Him alive.We will fight for Cedric and I miss him already but he'll watch over me just like he will you." I finish with tears pouring down my cheeks.
"Thank you, Ms Alcove." said Dumbledore as I went to sit back down. I waited for somebody else to follow my lead and say something about Cedric but nobody did. we were all soon dismissed from the hall and I left but not for the common room Instead i walked up to the requirement to play a song i never got to play for Cedric. I walk inside and pick up the guitar and sit on the floor.
Unknown Object (pretend she wrote this)

Tears you try so hard to hide,
You hold it all inside,
Pretend it doesn't matter,
Why you keep it to yourself,
When you got someone else,
You know can make it better,

You try to be so strong,
But I always know when something's wrong
See you when your feeling down,

Hey, wasn't it you who'd always be there for me?,
Don't forget what we've been through together,
Hey, isn't it true,
We promised to always be best friends forever,

Words, that you don't need to say,
The sad that's on your face,
Isn't hard to see through,
I've been there once or twice,
It's you that made things right,
My turn to be there for you,

You try to be so strong,
But I always know when something's wrong
See you when your feeling down,

Hey, wasn't it you who'd always be there for me?,
Don't forget what we've been through together,
Hey, isn't it true,
We promised to always be best friends forever,

When the rain comes down (I'll be there),
I will always be around,
Just wanna be the one to catch you when you fall,

Hey, wasn't it you who'd always be there for me?,
Don't forget what we've been through together,
Hey, isn't it true,
We promised to always be best friends forever

I finish the song and stare blankly at the wall for a while wondering what would happen next now I haven't got a home or even Cedric around to tell me everything would be alright. I stand up and place the guitar back on its stand as I go to my dorm to pack up my things ready to leave Hogwarts this year.

Mistaken : A Harry Potter Fanfic (sequel to Lost)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora