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Chapter 14: The Yule Ball.
It's now Christmas Eve and Mine and Adam's relationship is getting stronger. Abi has got herself a date with a boy named Cormac McLaggen as Neville had already asked Ginny to go with him. Beth was asked by a Durmstrang boy called Tom and Katie was going with Fellow Ravenclaw Luke Darwin. In the morning I sat in the common room with Adam. I had my head on his lap and he was telling me all of these different confidence techniques then he told me that he'd also be there for me. I had picked the four songs Dumbledore had asked me to perform weeks ago and now all I have to do is sit with my boyfriend and talk. He sits me up slightly and kisses me softly at first and then his tongue traced my bottom lip as if he was asking for entry. I kept my lips firmly shut and then he takes me by surprise and traces his finger along my back which makes me gasp as I don't like it and his tongue slips into my mouth. suddenly a voice comes from nowhere "Harry, there doing it again. make them stop."
I pull away and glare at my best friend. "Abi, leave me alone!" I whine
"I don't like your tactics either." I say to Adam
"what tactics? I just helped you along the way." he smirked.
"meanie..." I say
"but I love you livvie."
"Love you more."
i stuck my tongue out at her and then Adam pulls me in for another kiss.' I can't ever get tired of this..' I thought whilst kissing him. Harry came bounding down the stairs and we still didn't stop kissing.
"Yeah. Abi I'm sorry there is nothing I can do about it." he said and went back up. I pulled away and laughed at her.
"sorry Abi."
"We're stealing your girl,Adam. she has to get ready." says Ginny and her and Abi dragged me off his knee. I waved bye as he laughed and waved back. I grabbed my stuff from my dorm and went upstairs as Abi, Hermione and I all got ready in the third year dorm with Ginny Weasley who knew a lot about hair and makeup. I did everybody's nails apart from Hermione's because she didn't want much on. Abi helped with everyone's hair. I was told to get a shower so I summoned my bathrobe and my shampoo and stuff like that. I came out of the shower and used a drying spell on my hair. Once I was back in the bedroom with my bathrobe on I was forced to sit on Ginny's bed whilst she did my make up. it wasn't anything over the top and complicated it was just plain and simple. I let Abi do my Hair whilst Ginny did her own make up. "Remind me why you're doing this for me?" I say
"Cuz we offered and you want to look stunning don't you?" said Abi as she finished twisting my Black hair into a bun.
"I Guess so."
"Just look." she said pointing to the mirror.
"told you so. now can you do me?"
"what do you want."
"a curly Bun, like you did last year to that ball thingy."
"Okay, this might hurt a bit." I say and shoot a hair spell at her and kept the picture of the bun in my head. Once the spell had done she looked in the mirror.
"It hurt but I love that spell." she said.
"Dress time girls." said Ginny
I got changed into my Purple dress and pulled out my purple studded shoes. (My Outfit, Abi's and Hermione)
"Cool shoes." said Ginny
"Cool Dress." I said and slipped my feet into them. I put on my Love Life Be Brave ring and my moms spell bracelet and the music note earrings I had bought without them seeing. I sat them with their hands on a Woden block and mutters a beauty spell that did our nails according to the couloirs of our dresses and they dried exceptionally quickly. It was soon time to go to the ball. Adam was waiting in the entrance hall and his eyes lit up once he saw me. I walked slowly down the stairs. "Hey, Ad." I say
"woah, babe you look amazing."
"glad you think so. you're not too bad yourself."
He was wearing Plain black wizard robes with a Purple Tie. He just looked handsome. we walked into the hall to watch the Champions Dance. As we watched I Saw Dumbledore step out with Professor McGonagall and Hagrid stepped out with Madame Maxmine. I saw Beth and Katie were wearing this (Beth) and this(Katie)
"may I have this dance m'lady?" said Adam looking hopeful.
"you may." I said holding onto his arm as we slow danced until the song ended. He bowed to me and I Curtseyed back. Then Dumbledore got up on stage and announced that we all must take our seats and have something to eat. We were all given a menu and basically we had to say what we wanted to the menu and it just appeared. I ordered a pork chop and so did Adam. He kept on talking to me about all sorts of things throughout dinner even though I didn't eat it. "dobby" I whispered and he apparated into view.
"Yes, Miss Alcove wanted to see Dobby?"
I handed him my plate and said "Can you please take this to the Kitchens please? I can't eat right now, nerves Dobby."
"Dobby shall keep this for Miss Alcove. Dobby wishes her luck on what she is going to do"
"Thanks Dobby." I whisper as he apparated away.
Dumbledore soon announced that the band will play a bit longer and then we had a very talented young lady performing. I Danced with Adam for the remainder of the bands time until Dumbledore brought me away.
"as I'll ever be."
He turns to the band an nodded his head showing hem their time was up. they got up and left as I positioned myself behind the curtain with the guitar I had chosen.
"I now give you one of Hogwarts finest Singers, A very talented young lady I do believe, Ms Olivia Alcove." the curtain is lifted and I move forward towards the magical microphone.
"Hey, Guys. I'm Olivia and I'll be singing tonight. And I'm shaking like hell so lets just get this over with." I say and continue,"the first song is about several people who are special to me, Harry, Cedric, Abi, Hermione, Ron, Beth, Katie and Fred and George and Adam, so let's do this."
I start strumming the chords to A gift Of a Friend And begin to sing.

Mistaken : A Harry Potter Fanfic (sequel to Lost)Where stories live. Discover now