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Chapter 22: The Final task
It's finally here! the final task of the Triwizard Tournament. I quickly change into my outfit and run downstairs where Adam was waiting. Apparently it is some kind of maze task where they have to find the cup in the middle of the maze so I really hope one of my Hogwarts boys win, They are both like brothers to me and even if Harry doesn't win it's still a Hogwarts win. I just hope they will stay safe and look out for each other, I don't know what i would do if any one of them died. We make our way to the quiddich feild where the maze has been grown, talking about who we think would win.
"I think Harry will win." said Adam
"I don't mind which one of the Hogwarts champions win because it would be a Hogwarts win anyway and I'm friends with both of the champions." I say as we took our seats in the Gryffindor section of the stands.
---------------------------------------------------------------time skip---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The task is starting. Harry and Cedric have both just gone into the maze, Next it's Vicktor Krum and Finally, in goes Fleur Delacour. All we have to do now is wait for one of them to emerge victorious.
An hour passes and we notice red sparks fly up high in the air. next thing we know the entrance to the maze opens up and out comes Fleur. It became clear that there are only 3 champions left and 2 schools in the running. We wait patiently for about 30 minutes before more red sparks are raised to the sky. The entrance opens again and out walks Krum propped up against Professor Moody. A flash of light comes from the middle of the maze and suddenly I get this horrible sinking feeling like something bad is going to happen. I suddenly hear a voice scream for help and i was whisked away from Hogwarts and the scene is replaced by a graveyard. I stumble over something as I walk towards the nearest headstone which is by the triwizard cup. i hide behind it and look over to what i had tripped over...It was Cedric. I crawl over to his body and lift him up as a blinding flash of light comes from just over where i was hiding. I look over and see Harry staring at me scared and i look at the body that had emerged from the white light.
A high cold voice said"Robe me, Wormtail." and the mousey faced git from last year obeyed. This means that Voldemort is indeed back. I look in horror as the snake faced man turns to face harry. I duck behind the gravestone to try and think of a way out of this. I try to think but am spotted by wormtail who glares at me but doesn't say anything...I wonder why. I think and think as Voldemort asks Wormtail to give him his arm with the dark mark on. The death eaters show up and luckily nobody can see me where i am hiding. He then procrastinates on how he hasn't been able to kill harry and how he figured he could touch him now he has the protection of harry's mother in his veins. I don't know if i am protected but I jump out anyway when Harry Screams.
"Get away from him!" I yell as Harry looks at me in Horror and the death-eaters go to grab me. I doge them and stand by harry with my wand raised high. I look at Voldemort with hatred and he laughs.
"Ms Alcove. How great that you joined us. Maybe you can recognise two people here. Sam! Lily!" he says and out comes my Foster parents as plain as day.
"How could you?" I ask in shock, "How could you follow the man who killed my mom, The man who killed Harry's Parents!"
"Olivia." Said Lily Saunders
"Don't even bother." I say and remain stood firm by Harry who looked at me from where he was still bound. I turned to him and pointed my wand at the things that were binding him and screamed "RELASHIO!" and he was immediately freed.
"Oh, Ms Alcove knows how to play, very well. Mr Potter, we shall duel and you will lose." said Voldemort as Harry picked up his wand.
"No." I say facing Voldemort
"Olivia?" said Harry
"Duel me instead. Kill me first." I say not shifting my gaze from the snakelike man in front of me.
"you fool, You think you can win against me?" he says
"Why not? I have nothing more to lose. I've lost Cedric, My parents, my home. All I have left to lose is my life which is valued as nothing in my book, there are more important things to learn from my death, like Don't mess with an Alcove. I dare you to attempt to kill me." I say and he raises his wand at the same time as Harry and I do.
"Avada Kedavra!" yells Voldemort
"Expelliarmus." yells Harry
"Stupefy!" I yell and it bounces off Harry's jet of light and hits my foster carers as they stand together huddled in fear. I look towards Harry and Voldemort and their wands had connected causing a gold stream of light in between the Wands and a net of light to surround the three of us. I hear the distinct sound of a phoenix lament and I notice Harry's wand begins to shake in his grip. "Don't let go Harry." I say to him as his grip slackens then tightens around his wand. he nods as the wands let out a head and a torso of a boy who was very familiar-Cedric Diggory. I look in surprise as he tells Harry to hold on and tells me to stay strong as the body of an old man came out of his wand next.
"He really was a wizard then. Killed me that one. You get him lad and lass." he said as a body of a much younger woman came out of Voldemorts wand and repeats the same message, telling Harry to hold on. Next, It was Harry's Mother.
"Harry, Hold on darling, Your father will be here soon." she said as the grayish body of James Potter came out of Voldemorts wand. He surveyed the scene before instructing his son.
"Harry, Once you let go we can linger for only a moment, Take your friend and get out of here but I need you to break the connection. Now Harry!" he said as a more feminine body forced its way out of the wand.
"Olivia please take my body back to my dad." said Cedric and I only had time to nod before Harry broke the connection and we began to run for the port key. I heard a voice call my name from far away as I held tightly onto Cedric's body and Harry's hand as we were whirled through space back to Hogwarts where we crash landed on the ground. I began to weep over Cedric's body as the crowd cheered. He was gone and I couldn't do anything about it. I hug Cedric's body closer to me, he was the brother I never had. I feel somebody move beside me as the screaming begun.
"He's Back, Voldemort's back." Said Harry and we both look up to Dumbledore to see his reaction.
"My Son! Thats my Son! Thats my BOY!" Cried Amos, Cedric's Dad. I look at him with tears in my eyes and then look around for Harry but he had disappeared, and so had Moody.
I run up to Dumbledore who was looking around wildly. "Sir, I think Harry's gone somewhere with Professor Moody." I say and he looks at me the anxiety building up behind his eyes.
"Come with me. Minerva, come with me. Severus, Meet me in Professor Moody's Classroom and bring Veritaserum." He says above the noise and then we run towards the Classroom and i feel the blood pound in my ears as we run further and further into the school before we come to a halt outside the DADA oficce where Moody currently was. Professor McGonagall knocked the door down using a spell whilst Dumbledore stupifed moody. I look up at Dumbledore and I see the fire in his eyes which has frightened so many before me. I stand Horrified by the doorframe for a few minutes and then I run past Dumbledore and towards Harry, Engulfing him in a hug.
"I get that he's back but if you ever scare me like that again Voldemort will be the least of your worries Harry." I whisper in his ear and he nods silently. I let go of him as My dad walks into the room, He looks at me and then down at my leg.
"Ms Alcove." He said calmly, "How long have you been bleeding?"
"I don't know, sir but right now that is the least I my worries." I reply whilst looking down at my leg to see that it was indeed bleeding. I still stand and watch as Dumbledore puts 3 drops of the truth potion into Moody's mouth and frees him from his stunned state. As soon as he is free his body begins to conort and change, The magical eye pops out of the socket as the imposters eye grew back. The same happened for his leg before a blond haired man was left in the place where Moody had been sat.
"Barty Crouch Jr." said Dad and we all looked to him briefly before Dumbledore started questioning him.
"what is your name?"
"Barty Crouch Junior."
"Where is The real Mad-Eye Moody?" asked Dumbledore and this time he points towards the Trunk Harry and I were stood Behind.
"Move away from there, Both of you." said Dumbledore and we moved just before My dad shot the Alohamora charm at the locks. The trunk opened its seven compartments and surely enough in the depths I the final compartment there was an imperuised Moody and Dumbledore climbs into the compartment as I heard the shuffling of feet behind me. I look around to see Barty crouch trying to escape.
"Petrificus Totalus!" I yell and he falls to the ground stuff as a board. "Incarcerus." I add as to tie him up for good measure before I turned my Attention to Dumbledore.
"he's very cold." he says and I immediately remove my cloak and hand it over to Dumbledore.
"Use this to keep him warm for now, until we can get Madame Pomfrey up here." I say and he nods knowing that I will not change my mind.
"Thank you Ms Alcove." he says,"Im sure Alastor will be very greatful for this act of kindness."
"I'm not letting anybody else die tonight. One was enough." I say and feel the tears prick my eyelids. I didn't see him die but understood as soon as I saw. The next thing I know I am being lead down to the hospital wing by my Father.
"Dad?" I ask
"Yes, Livvie?"
"Did you know my Foster Parents were Death Eaters?"
"Unfortunatley, Yes. I only know because of a mistake of my own."
"What was that?" I ask but he stays silent. "Dad?" I ask again.
"Promise you won't hate me?" he says softly, barely a whisper.
"I promise." I say fearing the worst.
"I am a Death Eater, But your mother brought me back to Dumbledore's side a long time ago."
"Then why?"
"Im a spy for Dumbledore. I do it to protect your whereabouts but obviously Lily and Sam were planning on handing you over to him as soon as he asked."
"Where will I go now? I don't have all of my things either. Daddy, what will I do?" I ask as we stop outside the Hospital wing.
"We will work this out in due course." he said and led me into the wing where my cut was treated and I was given a dreamless sleep Potion as if to stop all of the memories from pouring out. I close my eyes as my goblet fell to the floor with a clang and fall into a deep dreamless sleep.

Mistaken : A Harry Potter Fanfic (sequel to Lost)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz