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chapter 8: losing a friend or three

As the First Task got nearer, Harry got more and more unpopular. He was subjected to regular slander from most students. I was hanging around with him last Friday when Holly,Katie and Beth came up to us.
we were sat by the Black lake when i saw my three best friends walking towards us. "Olivia. why are you with him?" said Katie Skeptically.
"Because he just happens to be like a brother to me." i say
"So you believe that he didn't put his name in the goblet?" says beth
i notice harry looking at me, almost hopefully
"Yes, Yes i do. And do you know why? because i can read the signs, The Boy Who LIVED just happens to be entered into a tournament where he could possibly die? IT WOULD TAKE A POWERFUL CONFUNDUS CHARM TO DO THAT! HARRY COULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT, SO GO AWAY UNTIL YOU HAVE SOMETHING F***ING USEFUL TO SAY!" I yell and they turn away and walk up to the castle but Holly stays behind.
"Olivia, Look I'll keep your secret but i honestly don't believe him." she said
"I know where i stand then. Its been nice knowing you Holly." i say and sit back down next to Harry and watch her walk away.
"You didn't have to do that." says Harry
"I wanted to. You're like the brother i never had." I said
"What like a twin?"
I changed so that i looked like a girl version of him. I turned to him and said "Exactly like a twin."
"I dare you to stay like that all day." he challenges
"Okay then, Lets Do it."
I remember the rest of that day, the confusion of Professor Snape and Hagrid's Laughter. I am in Charms when Professor Mcgonagall comes in.
"Professor Flitwick. Please may I collect Ms Alcove from you?" She said
"Why of course Professor. Ms Alcove, I think what you need to do is Practise the summoning charm as Homework." he repiles
I Picked up my bag and walked towards dumbledore's office with her, feeling sick. I wondered what I had done and followed in deathly silence. what did I do? they can't send me home! I haven't actually done anything this time. I snapped out of my trancelike state as I was pulled up the stairs and walked the last few stairs into Dumbledore's office, Once we had walked in I noticed that professor Sprout was in there too.
"Sir? what is this about?" I asked
"Ah, Ms Alcove it seems to be that the sorting hat had made a mistake at your sorting." he said
"What? that's impossible though sir. isn't it?"
" It appears not, I guess you know what to do now." he said
I sat on the stool and placed the hat on my head
'Ms Alcove, lovely to see you again. I see there was a mistake made at your last sorting in first year. I see Bravery and Loyalty and You have a well developed sense of honor and sense of doing what's right. I feel that your new house should be GRYFFINDOR!'
I pull the hat off my head and say "So I'm a Gryffindor now?"
"It seems so ms alcove. I will send for your trunk to be put in Gryffindor tower." says Professor McGonagall
"there will be no need if you can show me the way I shall bring it myself. I have enjoyed the past years as a hufflepuff but obviously it was not to be." I say and then burst out laughing.
"Sorry." I say and follow Professor McGonagall once more.
"I am ever so sorry this has happened this close to O.W.L year. The hat seemed urgent that we change you as it was his blunder that caused this." she said
"It's okay honest. I'll just go get my trunk and stuff." and I walk up to the dorms and grab all of my things and put them into my trunk and I write a quick goodbye to Holly even If I am not talking to her at the moment. it says:
Holly Devon,
I believe we were friends during my time in hufflepuff but the sorting hat made a mistake and I can also see mine. I will be closer to Adam than you think for the rest of my time here. I wish you luck for the future if you let things get In the way of the frendship we have had or could continue.
Olivia Louise Alcove
P.s-Together til the end?
I left the note on the bed and left for the Gryffindor common room where I was shown where I would be sleeping. I had the spare bed by the window.Professor McGonagall changed my uniform too. I sat on the bed and waited for Lunch to come around. then I will get a new timetable for the rest of the year.
-Holly's POV-
Professor McGonagall had come in for Olivia at the beginning of the lesson. She hasn't come back yet. we were soon dismissed for lunch and that's when I saw it. the note. I had gone back to the dorm to pick up my Transfiguration book and homework and I saw a white piece of parchment on my covers. it read:

Holly Devon,
I believe we were friends during my time in hufflepuff but the sorting hat made a mistake and I can also see mine. I will be closer to Adam than you think for the rest of my time here. I wish you luck for the future if you let things get In the way of the frendship we have had or could continue.
Olivia Louise Alcove
P.s-Together til the end?
i wondered what she meant as I passed the marble staircase. I saw her then on her way down the marble staircase and she was wearing a Gryffindor Uniform now. then something slotted into place.
"Olivia? is that you?" I said
"Yeah it is hol" she replied and something like betrayal set into place.
"erm....what's all this?"
"I'm in Gryffindor now. I was resorted this morning."
"I'm what holly? no longer a friend of yours? I can't help this. it's not my fault y'know."
"Fine, Fine. I know where I f***ing stand then." she said tearfully and ran away
"Liv?" Said someone behind me
It was Ced.
"You don't have to call her that. she's betrayed us all and can never be forgiven. she's nothing now." I said in a cold voice and led Cedric into the Great Hall.
-3rd person POV-
Olivia wasn't seen after the confrontation with Holly until 3 hours after curfew with tears frozen to her face and blood coming out of gashes on her arms legs and her forehead. she walked up to the Gryffindor common room and as she reached the portrait hole she blacked out. someone with brown hair came out of the portrait hole and looked down and saw her in a pool of her own blood. They picked her up and ran to the hospital wing with her but her life was dwindling. will she survive?

Mistaken : A Harry Potter Fanfic (sequel to Lost)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz