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Chapter 21 : The Twin Returns
I went straight to Dumbledore's office to talk to him after the letter was sent. I walked through the endless corridors and into the corridor which held his office. I gave the password to the stone gargoyle and walked up the staircase and knocked five times on the door.
"Enter." Said Dumbledore and I realized there was no going back now. I walk in and see the surprise in his face as I close the door behind me. "Ms Alcove? To what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked his eyes sparkling.
"I need to get away but not exactly go anywhere." I say with dead seriousness.
"May I ask why?" he said
"Because I am tired of the looks I get. I'm tired of people who I thought were my friends stab me in the back so I have to change just to see if I can catch them out."
"Very well, who would you become?"
"I think it's time to bring Demi Potter back to Hogwarts." I say and he nods solemnly.
"I will agree on one condition, You allow me To tell all staff."
"Just don't tell my dad, Please sir." I say
"You must reveal yourself to him in your own time then."
"Yes, sir." I say
"Then it is settled, we have a transfer student from America who arrives tomorrow until the end of a week period, then she goes home.You will stay where You are as Olivia Alcove and stay close to Harry at all costs."
"yes sir . I agree with the conditions of my transfer and will see you tomorrow morning."
"For tonight, you will stay in Hogsmeade until I fetch you."
"Yes sir. I will change tomorrow morning."
"Very well, I will see you in an hour in the entrance hall for you to leave. Bring your trunk, so that your story is believable."
"Yes, sir. I will just go and pack." I say and he lets me go. I walk back to the Common Room and gain the control back in my hair. Demi hasn't been seen since a last year and a couple of months ago I just changed my hair color to be the same as Harry's, It's time Demi went under some changes. I go up to my dormitory and pack up all of my things into my trunk and drag it down to the entrance hall after one hour. I am taken to Hogsmeade whilst the school is notified of the exchange.
--------------------------------------------------------------------The Next Morning----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I wake up in the room I have rented at the Three Broomsticks. I walk over to the mirror and begin to craft my look. I Firstly change my eye colour to the same forest green as Harry's and the same olive shaped eyes as his. I next change my hair length to a short cropped style and let the blue finally fade to black. I put a spell on my hair to cover up my Metamorphagus powers and Performed a spell that will give me an American accent for the entire week. I change my clothes and disguise my trunk as a darker one with wheels. I walk down from the pub to meet with Hagrid who was aware of my situation.
"Hagrid? Are you ready to go?" I ask in my American accent.
"Olivia, Is tha' you?" he asked
"The one and only. Only it's Demi for this week."
"Oh, Righ' , Well Come this way Demi." he says and we walk I the castle together in silence. He takes me straight to professor Dumbledore's office and we walk up. I knock in the door 5 times .
"Enter." Said Dumbledore and Hagrid left me there after I closed the door. I walked towards Dumbledore's Desk and he asked "Are you ready?"
"As ready as I'll ever be." I say and he nods. He takes me to the great hall and brings me to the front.
"Today it brings me great pleasure to announce that for one week only, we will receive a transfer student in exchange for our own Olivia Alcove. Ms Demi Potter will be a part of the Gryffindor house and will take the place of Ms Alcove until the project is over. I apologize now for any pain you have in ms Alcoves absence." he says and then Harry waved me over. I walk over to the empty space opposite him.
"Talk about overkill. Why have you cut your hair?" he asked me acting for the tables behalf.
"I had it shaved for running off to you. I wouldn't have been allowed here if it wasn't for Dumbledore and that girl." I say with my american accent still there. Harry just shrugs and eats his breakfast I look at the timetable that was handed to me this 'morning' (it's just her normal timetable) and noticed that as it was a Friday I had double potions with my father after lunch. 'This should be fun' I thought grimly as Harry kept on eating his breakfast. Once we had finished we make our way to History of magic where Professor Binns was drowsily boring again and things weren't looking up until we went to charms where Professor Flitwick smiled when he read out the name "Demi Potter." in his squeaky voice.
"Yes sir." I replied in the American accent. Once he had done the register he talked about how we were going to be learning the banishing charm which I had done before when I needed to get rid of the evidence of any self harm in my second year. He went on about how important it was to learn it and then he called out on me.
"Ms Potter, I wonder if you can show us how to do this charm." he said
"Yes sir." I say and perform the charm almost perfectly banishing it to the end of the room it just 'Accidentally' hit Harry along the way. "Oops, Sorry Harry." I say with a smile on my face.
"That's fine sis. but I'm so gonna get you back!" he says and picks up the cushion and hits me over the head with it. Professor Flitwick chuckled and set the rest of the class on task whilst Harry attacked me with a cushion until I banished it away from him.
"Awwwh, but Demi." he whined
"Tough you should have thought of that before hitting me on the head with it, bro." I say with a serious look on my face.
"Fine then, Can you meet me in the library at lunch?" he asks
"Wouldn't think that you knew where it was." I say.
"Will you or not?"
"Fine then, I will just let me eat something first."
"okay." he said and we talked about things that Demi may have missed since her last visit to Hogwarts. Soon it was time for lunch to start and we were promptly released from the room. I walked down to the great hall where we are lunch and after I had eaten I made my way alone to the library and let Harry know I was to be found at the very back of the library where I was now sat.
I waited for about 15 minutes before Harry came to sit next to me.
"Olivia, why has Demi come back to Hogwarts exactly?" he asked
"Because I couldn't take the looks anymore and I had to see what was going to be said behind my back." I reply
"Right, you do realize that Adam is searching for a reason why you haven't said goodbye."
"I tried to say goodbye but I couldn't find him."
"Well he seems to think he did something." said Harry so I pull out a piece of parchment out of my bag as well as a quill and ink. I write:
I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye but Dumbledore wanted me to go as soon as possible and I promise I will make it up to you somehow. I love you more than anything. I promise it won't be anything longer than one week. Im sorry Baby.
Olivia Alcove
once I had finished writing I folded up the parchment writing Adam on the outside. "Can you give this to him?" I ask Harry who takes the parchment with a nod.
"Anyway we best be getting to Potions." I say looking at my watch. We had 5 minutes to get to the dungeons.
"How long do we have left?" asks Harry
"About 5 minutes." I say and I swear both our eyes widen in horror as we pick up our bags and run all the way down to the dungeons getting into the Gryffindor line just in time. My dad's eyes seemed to bore into me with a burning hatred which was really weird.
"Danger Danger, Snape looks ready to kill." I say to Harry who very nearly burst out laughing but stifled it by biting his lip. This seemed to earn me a glare from Hermione. "He's already glaring at me, I don't need you to as well." I whisper to Hermione. I pay attention to what he was teaching the class about the draught of peace. I listen carefully to his instructions and then he calls out on me." I see we are yet again joined by Ms Potter." He says
"Yes, sir?" I ask in my American accent
"Stand up." he commands
"If you say please sir I will, I am not a dog." I say
"Fine, jeez somebody's on his man period!" I exclaim only it was a little too loud.
"What house are you being put into again?"
"Gryffindor, Sir." I say standing up
"5 points from Gryffindor for your classmates cheek."
"Sir, can you remind me why I am standing up?" I ask sweetly
"Because I said so, Now sit." he says
"I'm not a fucking dog." I say
"Isn't it funny how you look like one?" he says maliciously and I feel tears prick in my eyes, that hurt.
"You know sir," I start
"Demi don't " warned Harry but I carried on
"You really know how to look in a fucking mirror don't you? The fact that I have to look you in the eyes and say what i am about to say takes more bravery than you'll ever know. And I'm sorry Harry but this really has to be said." I continue
"It's not worth it so sit down!" said Hermione
"You sir, don't know how much a single word can cut a person. Like calling them a dog or ugly or even Fucking fat can cause so much pain to somebody that you obviously wouldn't know because you are a bully. And I mean it when I say for all I care you can go fuck yourself because you are such a coward that you can't even get a girl because your bat like features and your fucking schnoz won't fucking help! Does that hurt?"
"Ms Potter, Detention."
"Here we are with the giving detentions as a punishment to those who stand up to you, I've told you before and I will tell you again that you are a fucking coward who just bites at everyone not thinking one day somebody will bite back! Well that ends today buddy!" I say and sit down breathing heavily.
"I don't want you in another one of my lessons! get out and maybe you can think about what you've done. If you do not report to my office at 7PM tonight for detention, I will make it my mission to make sure you never return to Hogwarts to see your brother."
"Threatening students? I make sure Dumbledore adds it to his report. Bye professor!" I say and picking up my bag, I run from the room. I run and run through endless corridors and realise that I am lost. I must have taken a wrong turning somewhere. I Run down the corridor which brings me out by my old house so I just run past the entrance to the common room and into the main Entrance Hall. I run and run out into the grounds and by the black lake where i usually sit as Olivia. Hours seem to pass and I watched the sun set over the lake and i started to walk back up to the castle. I walked slowly and it was rapidly dropping dark behind me. By the time I had reached the castle I could barely see the Lake from where i was standing. The castle, i noticed was oddly quiet. I look around and notice that the Great Hall was full and decided to make my way to Snape's Office where I had my detention. I knock five times on the door, forgetting that that was my signature knock as Olivia.
"Come In." he says with a sense of hope in case i was really home but no, I was Demi Potter. I walk in and his face falls again to the pure look of hatred.
"Were you expecting somebody else sir?" I ask
"No. Ms Potter. You are to Clean the cauldrons in the corner in silence." he says the obvious Hatred still there.
"Sir, I need to tell you something." I say and he looks at me sceptically.
"Silence. Ms Potter." He says
"Please just listen to me." I say
"Ms Potter, Please don't make me contact your School."
"JUST LISTEN TO ME!" I yell taking him by surprise. "There is no Demi Potter. It's Me, Olivia. Don't say anything yet."
"How? what?" he spluttered
"I needed to get away from myself so i became Demi Potter, Twin sister of Harry potter, Like i did when Harry was really down earlier this year."
"How do i know you are not lying?"
"You want proof? fine then dad, You'll get proof." I say and use the counter curses to the spells i had used earlier that day. I concentrated on changing my hair back to it's normal colour and length. I open my eyes to my father's tearful expression. "Demi only stood up to you because she saw the hatred in your face once you read her name, once you saw her face. She heard the malice in your voice and so did I daddy. Honestly it hurt. It hurt like a bitch." I say not caring about the consequences.
"Stop swearing But I understand where you are coming from." he said
"Then why do you look at me like that because of a name or an appearance?"
"I'd rather not talk about it." he says
"It must mean something!"
"Why do you want a new identity?"
"I'd rather not talk about it."
"Exactly, that's how hard it is for me to talk about my feelings."
"You weren't raped at 12 years old." I say bitterly changing my hair and eyes back to Demi's colour and re performed the spells for my hair and accent.
"Are you trying to make me feel guilty?"
"No! it's just that you don't have these stupid dreams that make you want to die. Memories that you can't erase even if they are taken away to the ministry because they are still here scarring my brain and stabbing at me constantly." I say back in my American accent.
"I didn't think, I'm sorry-" he started
"Sorry, you can only say that so many times then I will believe it. You obviously didn't think of the deep welts in my brain where the memories have only gently touched but leave a cutting scar wherever it goes." I say and run from his room before I started crying again.
--------------5th day of Demi's week at Hogwarts-----------------
I woke up with a start on he fifth day of my stay at Hogwarts as Demi Potter. I looked at the clock on my bedside table and noticed that it was fairly early in the morning (well if you want an exact time 5:05). I get up out of bed and have a quick shower before changing into my day clothes and walked downstairs to the common room. I stared into the fire for a little while and saw something i never thought i would. A small dragon was swirling in the flames carrying an unlit piece of parchment which was kicked out by the dragon's tail and landed on my lap. I looked at the parchment and then back into the fire but the dragon was long gone. I unfold the parchment which was a little singed at the edges to read:
Before you recognise the handwriting and throw this away, I need to let you know that I am really sorry and I miss my baby girl. I heard from Remus that you had contacted him and he knows about myself and Maya. He seems to think that you've given up on finding the man that loved you enough to save you from Him and I don't think you should. I knew you'd be up at this time because your mother was always an early riser whenever we had an argument or she was trapped as somebody else. I understand why you need to get away and become the braver girl that you are but honestly I had my suspicions when you stood up to me in your 3rd year and Dumbledore kept looking at me as if to say 'That's your daughter, making her friend happy again' like the beautiful young lady that you are. You should get a reply from Remus when you are back as yourself at the end of the week. To let you know I've disguised this as a detention slip for the rest of this week, you can make up any story you like. I'd like to see my child again. I can't read your mind all of the time...
Love Always
Daddy Snape
I read his letter and felt tears spring to my mind as I thought of our stupid little argument. I shouldn't have brought that up, But if he wants to give me detention it better be for something rather than nothing. I spend the next hour of my time planning the prank which would take place once I return to his potions lessons. I write it all down in my notepad summoned from upstairs and once I had done i decided that I would use my permanent colour changing paints and my signature move which was my Hair changing spell, Nimirum Colore Mutato. I snuck out of my common room and down to my father's classroom. I planted the colour changing paint bombs around where all the slitherins usually sat and where my father stood and made sure that they went off at dad's voice saying Demi Potter. I made sure that I knew the right time to perform the spell as well making his hair pink and glittery like a disco wig. i would also perform the charm that makes it stay on for as long as i say so or until I perform the counter charm so that every time he tries his hair gets pinker and glitterier which will annoy him to the max. I leave his class room and run up to the great hall which was fairly empty, only a few early risers this morning. I have a bowl of Cheeri-Owls before going back to my dormitory to go and fetch my bag. I take a look at my timetable and saw that I had History of magic first period then DADA and then potions. I couldn't wait! my prank would be unveiled and obviously I would leave a note telling him who it was. All it said was
Sweet sweet revenge, think twice next time
love ya
Demi Potter xx
I place the note in my bag and wait for history of magic to start.
-------------------------------Time Skip-----------------------------------
We leave History of magic feeling much less knowledgeable about Goblin Wars than when we walked in. I walked to Defence Against the Dark Arts feeling a bit scared on what he will teach us next, so far it's been I have constant vigilance and to be paranoid wherever we go to. I walk into the classroom and see the desks are all pushed up against the wall and people were lined up against the wall. I joined the line of forth years wearily wondering what could happen next. Harry seems to join me later along with Ron and Hermione who were soon followed by our Barmy professor. He stares at us for a little while before announcing that the imperious curse was going to be performed on us today, oh goody! We were called upon one by one and then it got to my turn. He placed the curse on me but I didn't feel anything but a small floating experience then it stops after a few seconds. "Sir, have you performed the curse yet?" I ask turning to see his surprised face.
"You're meant to be performing cartwheels around the room, Potter. " He growls
"You haven't told me to." I say
"Okay then." he said an performed the curse again a very puzzled look overcoming his face. I still feel the same thing. He eventually gives up before he tries it on Harry who crashes into the desk. He puts Harry under the curse 4 times before he beat it fully. Class ends for lunch and just as I reach the door with Harry, Moody calls me back into the room.
"I have never met anybody who threw off that curse first time." he said
"Right." I say
"You are a remarkable girl, Ms Alcove. Have you ever considered being an auror?"
"No offense but I think I'll leave the ministry work to you guys for now. I'm not cut out to be an auror."
"Well, look a little deeper. You never know what you will find." he says and lets me leave for lunch. I walk down the halls and think deeply about what had been said. What did an auror do exactly? I won't be able to save the entire wizarding world, like Harry right? I am not a savior, I can't even keep myself alive. I accidentally walk through one of the ghosts in the hallway towards the great hall.
"I am so sorry!" I apologize as the ghost turns around. She looks kind of familiar.
"No worries. I don't think I've seen you before, Who are you?" she asks as I notice her attire and that she only looked 14/15 years old.
"For this week, Demi Potter. Between you and me, my real identity is Olivia Alcove. just don't tell anyone." I reply as she looks at me puzzled.
"Oh, I was Tessa Olivia Louise Brown,when I was alive. now I'm the Pink Lady of Hogwarts." she announced and I remember something from the summer, My mom's Letter!
Look out for the pink lady at hogwarts this year (She was my sister).
"You were my mom's sister." I say
"Yes I was and Dumbledore allowed me to become a Hogwarts ghost in my sisters 5th year, my 4th year when we were in Hogsmeade. I was attacked by Voldemort along with my sister and her friends. I took a killing curse for my sister so that she would live, she didn't know about this special power she had inherited from my mum so I died a hero." she said, sighing before continuing. "Then he found her again and now I will never see her again. I miss her so much. I haven't seen her in nearly 14 years."
"That must be really hard for you." I say tears in my eyes.
"anyway, you better go to lunch and eat something and I promise I won't tell Snape about that prank."
"I'm a ghost, hello?" she said before whooshing away as I walked into the great hall to grab some lunch.
----------------time skip-----------------
It's time. I walk out of the Great hall after lunch and make my way to the dungeons where the Slytherins and gryffindors are already starting to line up. I wait in silence making sure that the prank will take place half way through the lesson. I saw my father walk up the corridor with that same look of hatred in his eyes. I glared back with the same amount of ferocity and he seemed to recoil. I smirk at him and remember my prank.
The start of class is the same as ever, he takes the register saying my name as if it was some sort of disgusting swear word that he was forbidden to say, he fired questions at the students and halfway through his talk on how all gryffindors are the same... Bang! the first of the paint bombs go off painting the Slytherins in bright Colours and Snape in bright pinks and blues. During all of the hubbub I saw my chance, "Nimirum colore mutato!" I cry pointing my wand at Snape's head turning his black greasy hair into a pink glittery Afro. Once the smoke had cleared the note fluttered down and I took my cue to leave his lesson.
"POTTER!!!!" he yells just after I get out of the room and his footsteps follow as I run down the corridor and up to the great hall. I round the corner and hide in a niche in the wall behind a statue. I hear footsteps run and then stop right outside my hiding place. I hide pressed right up against the wall and the footsteps seem to retreat but I do not move until I am certain it is safe.
"Homenum revelio." I whisper and the spell tells me that he is gone from nearby. I quickly exit my hiding place and use a short-cut to get up to the fat lady.
I run into my common room and collapse on the sofa. Funnily enough, I soon drift off into a peaceful sleep.
-----few hours later------
I wake up with a start. I feel cold and wet, I open my eyes to see the Weasley twins looking at me.
"I'll give you 5 seconds to run." I say threateningly and they looked puzzled, "5...4...3..." I say and they begin to run from the room. I laugh and walk up to my dormitories to change out of my wet clothes when I realize that it was 8PM and I had been sleeping since dinner near enough. I change into pajamas and go to sleep once more.
--------------------------Last day as Demi Potter---------------------------
I wake up at the same time and realize that it is my last day as Demi potter. I also realize that it is Friday and I have a double lesson with my dad this afternoon.I arrive back as Olivia Alcove at Lunch time today so I may just end up missing it. I get changed into my clothes that I will be wearing for my final day as Demi potter and started downstairs to the common room to meet Harry for the final time this week. Once Harry emerges from his dormitory we go to the great hall for breakfast. We talked about what I would do when Demi returned home.
"What are you going to do once Demi leaves at lunch?" asks harry
"Go back to being myself, my boyfriend is anxiously waiting for my return." I say with a glance towards Adam who was staring into space.
"Right then, we'd better head to class then!" said Hermione and reluctantly we all followed.
-----------time skip---------
it was almost time for Demi's departure and before I "left" I ran into the great hall and up to harry with my trunk close behind..
"I'll see you later then Haz." I say
"You're going?"
"I gotta if I'm gonna catch my port key."
"I'll miss you." he says hugging me.
"I'll miss you too." I say hugging him back briefly before letting go.
"I've gotta go." I say and he nods and I walk out of the hall after saying goodbye to Hermione and Ron. I have to walk down to Hogsmeade and change my appearance again and take off all the spells on my luggage. my hair returned back to normal and lengthened a little to show a bit of growth, I changed my facial features back and made sure my voice was back to its original tone and accent. I quickly changed my clothes and waited about 1 hour. I walk back up to the castle and make my way to the main doors. I walk up to the stone gargoyle and gave it the password before acending the stairs and knocking 5 times on the door.
"Enter" said Dumbledore and I walked into the room to Dumbledore's shocked face
"I'm back!" I say with a smile. it was good to be me once again.

Mistaken : A Harry Potter Fanfic (sequel to Lost)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon