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Chapter 13 : Shopping and making up
The prank is unveiled today! I got up and showered quickly using my Vanilla body wash and My Strawberry shampoo and conditioner. once I am out I change into my back out there clothes and I am feeling fine! I don't need no silly person breaking my heart. I am going to talk to him after the Hogsmeade trip today. I think I surprise Hermione because I am so Perky. ha if only she knew. we walk into the great hall to see purple haired gryffindors and red and gold haired Hufflepuffs and Slytherins and green and silver haired Ravenclaws. I looked up to Dumbledore and laughed as he was sitting in between the other headmasters smiling pleasantly with bright pink, yellow, Green and orange in his hair. he looked like a highlighter had gone off on his head. I dragged Hermione to sit down and we got purpled too! only I didn't as I put the antidote in my shampoo just in case anyone wanted to prank me. I laughed at Fred and George as they also had purple hair. "why don't you have purple hair?"
"Cuz I put the antidote in my shampoo in case of bullies putting stuff in my hair. do you want some?"
"yes I do!" said Harry Ron Hermione and Abi all at the same time. I laughed and poured a drop of the antidote on their heads and the paint bombs go off in 5 4 3 2 1 BOOM! we were all covered in Paint. I laughed.
"Scurgify!" I said and the stuff came off my white dress. I leaned over the table and hi-fived Fred and George. Dumbledore caught my eye and chuckled. Once we were done I walked up to him. "Sorry sir." I say "would you like the antidote or a spell for it to only last a day?"
"The spell please Ms Alcove. I will have it on for only today." he says
"Okay. Uniway!" I say and his hair was shining a little brighter and I continue "it shines brighter in its last stages. Bye Sir" and I walk towards my friends
"whatever happened to the quiet girl from Hufflepuff?" asked Professor Sprout
"She has learned to embrace her bravery, Pomona." he says as I exit the hall and begin to walk to hogsmeade with Abi, Beth and Katie. Hermione had stayed behind to wait for the boys to change so we were meeting them in the three broomsticks later on after Abi, Beth and Katie had chosen their dresses. I saw that Beth and Katie both still had Green and Silver hair. "Come here and I'll get rid of it." I said and they stood still as I poured a drop of the antidote onto their hair and it rapidly changed back to normal.
"thanks." they said.
"You've changed your hair color haven't you. it's black now." said Katie
" They obviously put you in Ravenclaw for your brains then." I say sarcastically
"Funny." she said
"let's just get our dresses for when somebody asks us." I say as we reach Hogsmeade. we first try GladragsWizard wear for our dresses. I Let Abi Beth and Katie all rush off choosing several dresses and I just go straight to the clearance as I can't afford anything else. I saw this amazing purple and silver dress and take it over to one of the shop assistants who help me get into it.
"this is a beautiful Dress. Shame it's on clearance nobody would buy it." she says whilst helping me fasten it up. It had a Lace up back. "look in the mirror." she said.
I looked amazing in that dress. I basically fell in love with it. "Can I show my Friends?"
"yes dear."
I walk out onto the shop floor and said "Abi! Beth! Katie! what'd you think?"
"that is perfect!" they said
I turn to the sales assistant and say "How much For it?"
"I've had to reduce it to 20 Galleons, dear." she said
"I'll take it for 25." I say
"I couldn't, dear my manager..."
"Then take the extra money as a tip ma'am."
"you are too kind young lady." she says and helps me in the changing room once again. Once I come out I pay for the dress and give the sales assistant her 5 galleon tip and then I am stuck helping the others pick out their dresses and then they go into the dressing room one by one. First it was Abi who came out in a short green one first. "No" we all said. the same was for a Slutty looking red one and a bright yellow dress similar to Princess Belles in the beauty and the beast. there was one on the clearance shelf that I picked up for her and said for her to try it on. It was pink and had silver on the top of the chest bit of the dress. she tried it on and it looked really good on her so we said "awesome. it looks amazing."
she smiled and walked back into the changing room and came out in her own clothes and put the three rejected dresses back. It was now Katie's turn. First was a lacy navy blue dress. then a turquoise one. the last one was a light green and it looked perfect on her. she had dyed her hair recently to a nice honey tone and it really complimented the dress well. "that looks stunning!" we said as she went back into the dressing room and changed back into her normal clothes. Finally it was Beth's turn. she had picked all Black dresses. the first one was too short and the second one was too long and the third was short at the front but long at the back and it really looked great on her. it showed off her personality well too! "I love it!" she said
"we do too!" we said and we waited for her to get changed into her normal clothes and then they went and paid for their dresses. Abis was 30 galleons, Katie's was 190 galleons and Beth's was 60 galleons. we got out of the shop and went into the accsessory shop and bought matching colored shoes to our dresses and got jewelry that corresponds to our colour. We all got silver and Beth got Ying and Yang earrings for hers and I got music note ones whilst they weren't looking. They still didn't know my secret. that reminds me. I have to talk to Adam sooner or later.
we quickly go into Honeydukes and buy as much candy as we could carry and it was easy for me to buy loads as there was an undetectable extension charm on my bag I buy all my favorite and some of my friends favorite candy so that they can be happy if they are upset by a jerk of a boy. we soon meet Hermione Ron and Harry in The three broomsticks and buy butter beers. I sit next to Ron and Abi. we talk about stuff like the Yule Ball reminding the boys they have to get dates and laughing about if anyone will get Snape to dance. it was soon time to go back to school and I hadn't seen Adam all day. I decided to talk to him as soon as we got back to school. He wasn't in the Great Hall at dinner so I go up to his dormitory alone.
"Adam? are you here?" I ask
"Liv?" he says. it sounds like he's been crying, good job I still have my bag on me.
"Hey you."
"Hey. listen Liv, I didn't kiss her, she kissed me."
"Can I use legelimency on you?"
"Legelimens!" I say my wand pointed towards him and I'm in his memory of that day. Yup, she kisses him and he's resisting. my heart swelled in happiness and I take the spell off him.
"I believe you, I love you so much!" I say
"Baby, I bet I love you more." he laughs.
"nope you don't."
"Do too!"
"wanna bet pretty boy?" I say and kiss him and I still feel the energy flowing around us, when we come up for air I say "I win. now lets clean you up yeah?"
"yeah, turn around I'm getting changed!" he says and I turn around giggling like a girly girl. once he is looking normal again he says "to food!" and I jump on his back and we run down to the Great Hall." you haven't eaten have you?" I say "not since holly did the thing."
"I ate in the kitchens with the house elves. I also want to ask you something."
"Will You, Olivia Alcove, Please go to the ball with me?"
"Yes!" I say as we enter the great hall with me still on his back.
"You two back together I see." says Harry
"yes, Harry. Adam, you can put me down now." I say
"we'll come after you if you hurt her again, you understand." he said
"Yes Harry." said Adam
"Good so let's eat!" I say
and we eat together and then once we had finished he asked " what happened to everybody's hair?"
"Color changing powder shhh!" I say in his ear.
"awesome." he laughed. and I saw the smile I had missed for a while. we walked up past the room of requirement.
"I wanna show you something but you cannot tell a soul, okay?" I say
"okay" he says and I walk past the room three times thinking about the music practice room I had been in days earlier. a pop sounded as the same door appeared and I dragged Adam through it. "this is where I go from now on. I am a songwriter and Dumbledore wants me to play at the Yule ball." I say as he takes a look around.
"That's amazing! can you play me something? please?" he begs
"Okay just don't tell anyone."
"I promise babe."
"Okay." I say and pick up my guitar and started to play a song I wrote last week.

(Pretend she wrote this)

Thursday night, everything's fine, except you've got that look in your eye
When I'm tellin' a story and you find it boring,
You're thinking of something to say.
You'll go along with it then drop it and humiliate me in front of our friends.

Then I'll use that voice that you find annoyin' and say something like
"Yeah, intelligant input, darlin'. Why don't you just have another beer then?"

Then you'll call me a bitch
And everyone we're with will be embarrassed,
And I wont give a shit.

My finger tips are holding onto the cracks in our foundation,
And I know that I should let go,
But I can't.
And everytime we fight I know it's not right,
Everytime that you're upset and I smile.
I know I should forget, but I can't.

You said I must eat so many lemons
'cause I am so bitter.
I said
"I'd rather be with your friends mate 'cause they are much fitter."

Yes, it was childish and you got agressive,
And I must admit that I was a bit scared,
But it gives me thrills to wind you up.

My finger tips are holding onto the cracks in our foundation,
And I know that I should let go,
But I can't.
And everytime we fight I know it's not right,
Everytime that you're upset and I smile.
I know I should forget, but I can't.

Your face is pasty 'cause you've gone and got so wasted, what a suprise.
Don't want to look at your face 'cause it's makin' me sick.
You've gone and got sick on my trainers,
I only got these yesterday.
Oh, my gosh, I cannot be bothered with this.

Well, I'll leave you there 'til the mornin',
And I purposely wont turn the heating on
And dear God, I hope I'm not stuck with this one.

My finger tips are holding onto the cracks in our foundation,
And I know that I should let go,
But I can't.
And everytime we fight I know it's not right,
Everytime that you're upset and I smile.
I know I should forget, but I can't.


And everytime we fight I know it's not right,
Everytime that you're upset and I smile.
I know I should forget, but I can't

I finish and look up at him. "Pretty and Talented. I am one lucky guy to fall for you. is that about me?" He says
"nope. there's a different song for you but you will have to wait. Now lets go to the common room they'll be wondering where we are." I say with a smile. He takes my hand and walks me to the common room and all I can think is 'I've got him back and now nobody is getting between us. not holly not anybody. I love him with all my heart.'

Mistaken : A Harry Potter Fanfic (sequel to Lost)Where stories live. Discover now