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Chapter 10: best friends
"now, see ya!" I call and run towards the stone gargoyle that hides his office and say the password and walk up the stair case for the third time this year.

I get to the door at the top to see that it was already open. I walk in to Dumbledore sat at his desk waiting with the other head teachers of the other schools. "sir? you wanted to see me?" I say
"yes ms alcove. it seems your friend has told these two our secret."
"they know I sing?"
"oh. well let's say even if I do what's it to do with them? no offence." I say
"ah but mademoiselle, eet iz-" started madame maxmine but i cut her off.
"I dont mean to disrespect here but can we cut to the chase?"I said
"They dont wish for you to sing at the yule ball." says dumbledore
"Okay, well they have to deal with it because im doing it so that we can get snape dancing." i say before asking "Can i please go now?"
"Very well." says dumbledore chuckling as i left i could hear him say "We can expect great things from that girl."
I walked back down the spiral staircase and down to the greenhouses. I said a quick sorry to professor sprout who knew where i had been. I received lots of glares from my previously fellow housemates and had holly digging her elbow in my side as her me and hermione work at getting the butober pus out of the horrible little plant. Once the lesson was over we made our way to care of magical creatures where we still have to takecare of the blast-ended skrewts. I tried to calm one down by singing to it but it wasn't calming down. it started to advance on me when Adam came out of nowhere and began repelling the thing. "jeez. that's twice you've saved me this year." I said
"my pleasure. just don't get hurt again." he said and put the skrewt in the pen. as he was walking away I felt butterflies in my stomach and the tips of my hair went purple. 'God dammit, I'm falling in love with my best friend.' I thought and followed him to the castle. A girl in our year came up behind me.
"You're a metamorphagus aren't you?" she said
"yeah. who are you exactly?" I ask "I don't mean to sound rude." I add
"It's quite alright. My name is Abi Smith and I'm a Gryffindor and a seer that's why I know you're called Olivia. Do you like Him then?" she said in a rush
"Well Abi, As you know I'm Olivia Alcove also in Gryffindor and I'm a metamorphagus and An ex-Hufflepuff as the sorting hat made a mistake."
"oh well I'll see you around then."
"don't you want to sit with us at lunch?" I ask
"erm..okay then."
"awesome and do you like cookies?"
"are you kidding? I love them."
"I can see this the start of an amazing friendship."
We walked up to the great hall getting to know each other and soon became best friends before we got to the entrance hall. We got to the hall and saw Adam sitting with Harry Ron and Hermione.
"hey everyone," I said whilst sitting down next to Holly," This is Abi Smith. holly this is Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley , Hermione Granger And Adam Williams." I continue pointing to each of them in turn as I said their name. and each person says hello to her and welcomes her to our friendship group.
"hey." she says to them and smiles and then turns to me. "I saw what your hair did and I know what it means." she whispers, "You like Adam."
i look at her as if to say 'Tell you later' and began to eat a jacket potato. once I had finished it was nearly time to go to Arithmancy so telling Abi will have to wait.
-end of the day after dinner-
After dinner had finished me and Abi walked up to the tower alone and Abi said "You still have to tell me the sitch with Adam."
"lets go to the dorm. I don't believe I know where your bed is."
"The one next to yours. I was wondering if there was a mistake because it was always empty." we walk up to the common room and give the password and once we were let inside, we quickly ran up to the dorm and sat on our beds.
"so? Spill!" she said
"I think I like Adam but I don't know if he likes me back. the feelings been there since I first saw him but we only became friends in second year and that's when we made our pact to be together to the end." I said whilst blushing and my hair turning pink and purple.
" woah. I also have a crush..." she said quietly
" Who?"
"Dont get mad at me please?"
"I won't unless its Adam." I say did I mention I love the way he smiles in his own way and the hugs in the times when nobody would believe me and... back to reality girl.
"It's Neville longbottom, in our year." she said blushing red scarlet.
"awwwwh. you two would make a great couple. ask him to the Yule Ball."
"the what?"
"it's a traditional dance near Christmas."
"oh. okay we'll have to go to sleep if we wanna get up on time in the morning."
"m' Kay. good night Abs."
"Night Liv"
and we fell asleep in our beds. A nightmare pushes into my dreamscape only it's not normal.
Im sat at a table and the Great hall Is scattered with dead bodies. I see Adam and Abi and lots of my previous house mates and all the people I cared about but the one in the middle of it all was Cedric Diggory's body. 'No. No. No. this can't be happening.'
'this is what you get for refusing to join me Ms Alcove. Avada Kedavra!' said a high cold voice and there was a burst of bright green light and I woke up with sweat all over my body. I look at my watch and see that it was 5:00 but I couldn't get back to sleep now. what disturbed me the most was the words he said but the memory slipped away from me like water and I had to run to the toilet before I was sick.

Mistaken : A Harry Potter Fanfic (sequel to Lost)Where stories live. Discover now