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Chapter 17: Daddy?

"I want answers, Now." I said as Dumbledore came into view, Pointing my wand at both men not caring what the consequences were. I stayed like that even when Dumbledore asked me to sit down.
"you say you want answers, ms alcove?" he asks and i nod my head my wand still pointed at them. "Well then, earlier this year when you were in the hospital wing, I learned that Luke Alcove is not your father and I had a DNA test done for you and sent it off to the ministry. It was confirmed that professor Snape is your father. I had found out the day after you disappeared." he continued
"Daddy?" I said lowering my wand
"sure is. " said Snape Dad and i walked up to him and gave him a hug.
"You were here all this time." i say "And i never knew."
"It doesn't matter. You're here now. Go and open this alone, its a Christmas present for you." he said whilst handing me a box wrapped with a ribbon.
"Okay, see you later then." i said picking up my bag and leaving the room. I walk towards my tree and sit under it. I Open the box to see a note that said To Olivia, Merry Christmas, Love Daddy x. I smiled slightly and lifted the note out. I saw underneath it a Yin and Yang Brcaelet, A snake Bracelet, a pair of red rose earrings and a dress that had music notes all over it (presents). "Thanks Dad." i say and walk back up to the castle.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________One Hour Later__________________________________________________________________

I'm on my way to the common room now, I've just been to the ROR and tried to get my head around Snape being my dad. I was walking to the Common room when i saw Adam.
"Where have you been?" He asks
"With my mum, Snape found me."
"Liv, I need you to help me. this note showed up the day you left. do you know who wrote it?" he asks as he shows me a note that reads (in very scruffy handwriting):
Dear Dad,
Life at school couldn't be Any better! even if I can't find you I'm happy. I made a new friend in my new house. Her name is Abi. She's a bit of a loser though. A bit like Cedric who is a total dickhead. I don't miss my old house a bit. they were all washed up losers and the Gryffindor house are cool. I hope to find you soon.
Olivia x
"I didn't write this. This is Holly's Handwriting, I should know after knowing her for 4 years." i say
"I knew it! we need a plan for her to admit it though."he says triumphantly
"Okay, how about we stage a fight?"
"are you okay with that?"
"whats up not man enough?" i tease as he agrees. we make a plan of action and then go to bed. I can't wait for the plan to unfold tomorrow.

Sorry its short but Quotev thinks its funny to delete my chapters broken heart -Kelsey

Mistaken : A Harry Potter Fanfic (sequel to Lost)Where stories live. Discover now