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Chapter 3: Last day if summer And to Hogwarts we go!

(Wearing Polyvore)
The last day of summer is finally drawing to a close as I am finally going back where i truly belong Hogwarts!!! I re-pack my trunk putting my gifts from both sets of my parents back in whilst everyone else is downstairs. I also put in my magically locked Song book and several notebooks to throw people off a bit but i always put the book in my bag. I then put i all of the schoolbooks I have ever bought in with them and then finally covering them with my school robes. We leave the house around nine so that we can arrive in London for 10 O clock and get to kings cross with around 45 minutes to spare.
--------------------------------------------------------------------*One Hour later*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Were setting off for Kings cross now :)
OK, maybe it will be a little longer than i thought.....
-------------------------------------------------------------------------*Time skip*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Finally we arrive at Kings cross with about a half hour to spare for getting through the barrier. I grab my trunk from the car and put it on a luggage trolley. We all ran inside and made our way towards the barrier between platforms 9 and 10
I went through the barrier first by carefully pushing my trolley and leaning against the wall of the barrier and fell through. I looked up to see the sign for platform 9 3/4 and the all too familiar scarlet steam train known as the Hogwarts Express. I waited for Holly, Katie, Adam and Beth to come through after me. We then said our goodbyes to Holly's parents and boarded the Hogwarts Express so that we could find an empty compartment on the train. We got almost to the middle of the carriages when we met up with Cedric.
"Hey Ced. good summer?" I asked
"Yeah, it was great! Especially the Quiddich World Cup. Do you remember that?" he replied
"yeah, scary how the deatheaters just turned up though." I said
"Let's go get an empty compartment yeah? as much as I love this cosy catch up." said Holly.
We walked along the train and noticed a completely empty compartment. "Oi! you lot there's one here!" said Katie
we all retreated back to where she was standing and walked in though the sliding door.
Once we got sat down Adam asks "So any news about summer?"
"What do you mean by that?" Said Beth snappishly
"Was just wondering that's all...just forget it" he sighed
"Hey Adam, just ignore her it's obviously her time of the month." I said whilst laughing along with everyone else
Just then the Hag of the year ( Slag of the year more like!) walked into our compartment and said " Hey Ced, you don't need to sit with them losers, come and sit with us" Bloody brilliant isn't it that Ced's crush just had to be Cho Chang who had about six boys on the go last year. hence the name Slag of the year. She used to bully me really badly until she showed interest in Cedric last year.
I watched as Cedric followed her out of the room.
"How dare she come in here and call us names in front of Ced! she knew that he'd go with her and at the end of Christmas guess who'll have a broken heart and who is left to pick up the pieces! god that stupid girl really gets me mad sometimes!!!" I ranted
"you really care for him don't you?" said Adam quietly
"I just don't want another year like last year where she broke us all up with a simple rumor." I said.
the rest of the train ride was spent playing Exploding Snap and learning the impediment jinx as we had decided on the way home from Hogwarts last year. Soon Adam left to change into his uniform and we changed into ours ( Me, Beth, Holly and Katie ).When we arrived in hogsmeade station it was pouring down with rain. we hurried off the train to hear hagrid calling the first years over to him and the hustle and bustle of the older students getting off the train and making their way to the horseless carriages. I walked over to a carriage with Holly, Katie, Adam and Beth. we talked and talked in the carriage on the way up to the castle and then all of a sudden we slowed to a stop and we got out. there right in front of us in the pouring down rain was the Hogwarts castle. I was home at last.
A/N. sorry it took so long to get this chapter up I have had a serious case of writers block recently so when's a better time to get this chapter up for you than 3AM :)
oh and i know the picture doesn't match the chapter, i put it up cuz i like snape lol

Mistaken : A Harry Potter Fanfic (sequel to Lost)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon