✨like a star in the night sky✨

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Tweeks pov:I walked out the back of the coffee shop as the door bell to the front of the shop rang hello welcome to tweek bros. What would you like today"a black coffee with-"he stopped talking and stared into my eyes his smile is like the moon it's shines bright I looked away blushing as he finished his order I got him his coffee and his muffin I wrote my name on his coffee and gave it to him"thx "your welcome" yo tweek your arm"what"your arm there's like a omg your tattoo your soul mate just saw you"omg I looked down to see words forming like a star in the night sky with a heart at the end aw wait but who "do you think it was that guy" don't be ridiculous pip oh hello guys the usual? "Yeah" ok I'll bring that right over

Craigs pov:I walked out the shop and looked at the coffee cup cute he wrote his name on it I looked at my arm to see a tattoo forming like the moon it shines bright  heh"you craigster "what clyde "did you get your tattoo yet" why does it matterbcc its from your soul mate dude"yes u got mine why does it matter to you "bc I got mine and it turns out it's token"good for you I didn't ask" ooo who's number is that"nun your business "is it that cute Barista boy" it's non of your business I said going in my house and shutting the front door in his face"it's is I knew it "fine it is and why are you in my house " bc were friends duh"sure "you gonna call him" idk *knocking*clyde get the door "ok

Tweeks pov:hey is that guy here I forgot to give him his free cookies" ooo~"what... "Your tweek right" yeah "y'all are totally meant for each together " ugh can you just give him these cookies I said blushing and shoving the cookies at him and walking away jeez what was wrong with that kid I took out my pills and took them jeez these pills really do work I put them back in my bag and went back to the coffee shop hello what would you like to day"can I get a black coffee pls"Mhm I'll have pip bring it when I'm done"ok thanks oh and here's the money"thank you I made there coffee and gave it to pip as he brought it to them I got a text

Craig:hey weird
Question do you
Maybe wanna
Go out with me

Tweek:oh ugh sure
I don't see why not
I get off at 8

Craig:ok I'll pick you
Up then oh and thx
For the cookies

Tweek:your welcome
Well I gtg ttyl

Tweeks pov:did this random guy just ask me out I mean he is kinda cute but oh god I look so ugly "hey what's taking so long" oh no"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU ASSHOLE CAN'T YOU SEE HE'S HAVING A PANICK ATTACK "PIP... " tweek why don't you go take a break I'll take care"ok just pls stop yelling at the customers"ok"I got up and went to the back *later bc I'm lazy*i locked the door to the coffee shop and waited for him while I talked to pip and damien "you have to tell me how it goes" ugh ok ok I will but I highly doubt he's my soul mate dude"who's your soul mate"idk yet damien "ok rude " shut up he's here buy guys "bye tweek" hey ugh Craig is it"yeah and your tweek "Mhm" you ready"yeah "ok let's go" we walked to a fancy ass restaurant"so how are you"oh I'm good I think I've seen you around school "yeah and your the spazz kid right" yeah but I'm taking medicine now to stop the twitching "oh that cool ig" yeah oh I see you got your soul mate tattoo "oh yeah I did" what's it say"like the moon it shines bright"wait"what does your say"like a star in the sky"tweek"yeah kinda figured that out haha and what did you mean by that"well no like space and the night sky and you kinds remind me of a star in the sky"oh your smile shines bright like the moon"heh thank"this may seem crazy but I kinda like you"I like you to "so does this" make us bf if you wanna be"I would like that

A/n this one is kinda shit i didn't know what to do for it lol anyways bye children

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