1- the meet

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"Y/n Y/N GET UPPP Y/NNNNNNNNNNN" Shouted your brother as he shook you back and forth "aughhhh leave me alone I just wanna sleeep" you groan as you pull the blanket above your head "Then you should've gone to sleep earlier, now get up." he said practically prying your eyelids up in order to awaken you "Well I would've except you were on discord all night with your stupid friends keeping me up-" you complain as you finally start getting out of bed "Well those "stupid friends" are getting ready right now to meet us, you should get ready too unless you're planning to meet them in stained shorts and dream merch-" he said "WAIT THEY'RE GONNA BE HERE? DNF MEET UP?" You yell "Y/n- what has the fandom done to you-" George sighs "I was always like this- you and dream are sus dude-" you laugh while searching your closet for ~suitable~ clothes  "as i was saying, its not just Clay. Nick, Karl, and Alex are gonna be there too. You haven't met him yet so try to make a good first impression." he said continuing his previous statement "Oh ok so it's gonna be a double date between dnf and karlnapity and im gonna the 3rd wheel, alr slay ig-" You joke as you try to find your shoes "Ok I'm done here-" he says as he walks away to his own room

~~~~~~~Time skip to restaurant~~~~~~~

The car pulls up to the mcdonalds and George gets out of the car "wha- don't leave me here i'm getting my stuff just wait-" you say trying to get all your stuff together "Bruh- just find the table when you get inside." George spoke walking in through the doors.

You stood up and walked towards the door, it opens and you go inside. Once in you see George waving you over to the table, you run over and see 2/3 of the fiancées "YOOOOO NICK!" you shout as he gets up and greets you with the same energy, you see quackity at the table and introduce yourself "Hi I'm Y/N, I'm Georges sister." you spoke, introducing yourself to the dark haired man sitting in front of you. "I'm Alex" he said in response. "Where's karl at?" you ask "Oh he's in the bathroom right now or something idk-" Sapnap responds "ah ok-" you respond

You feel a tap on your shoulder, it's Dream- he has his arms open wide as if he was expecting a hug. you shook his hand "Hello dream." you say in a flat monotone voice, He looks back and forth between you and George with a confused look on his face "Y/nnnn?" he said from behind you, he looks confused and a little offended. You ignored him "whats up with her?" he whispers to George while trying to grab your attention "Y/NNNNNNNN" he shouts, you turn around  "what." you say "Why are you angry-" he asked "Because, my entire life is a lie." you say "Oh no-" George whispers under his breath "what-" dream said "You. arent. blond" you say "Y/n- are you seriously angry about that-" he says smiling "YES I AM ACTUALLY- I THINK I KNOW YOU THEN YOU ARENT BLONDE, YOUVE BEEN STRIPPED OF YOUR ENTIRE IDENTITY-" You yell "Y/n please calm down-" George says "NO, I WAS PROMISED A BLOND DREAM AND HES NOT BLOND-" you continue "Y/n you've known me for 8 years- why are you still calling me dream-" he laughs "ew no thats weird-" you say "Whatever- aren't you at least happy to actually see me in person?" he asked "Mmmm no I don't think I am." you joke "Y/n- be nice-" George says while dream looks at you with a fake depressed look "Ugh fine, hi dream-" you say walking over so George doesn't harass you about this later "That's what I thought." Dream jokes as he finally gets the same energy sapnap got

You try to sit down next to sapnap but last second Karl comes back and sits down meaning you have to sit between Quackity and Dream "I- R U FR RN?" you jokingly shout at Karl "if you want the seat you have to fight me for it" he giggled "Welp- guess I'm sitting over here-" You say as you slide into the booth "So uh- how are you?" you say trying to break the awkwardness of being sat next to someone you dont know "I'm doing ok, what about you?" he responds "Uh i'm doing alright I guess." you say "I didn't know George had a sister." He said trying to spark conversation "Oh uh yeah I'm not usually in the U.K-" You respond "Ah ok makes sense." he said 

~time skip cause my brain cells ar dying~

The eating is over, you and quackity really hit it off, maybe them staying with us wont be that bad.


Words 812

Chapter 1 completed

My little discord kitten~ Quackity x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now