Part 2- Roadtrip

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You and the gang got your food and left the restaurant "Wait George does your car have enough seats for all of us? theres 6 of us-" you say as you stop walking towards the parking lot "uhhh good point- did any of you bring a car?" George asks "No actually we walked for 2 hours from the airport to here, we are in really good shape for streamers." Karl jokes "You should've seen that coming-" you say "Anyway, but like fr who brought a car?" George asks again ignoring both your and karls statements "Yeah I drove us here-" Dream says, pulling out his car keys "MINE BI-" Quackity yells as he tries to grab Dreams keys, Dream however is 6'3 so he just holds them above Quackitys head "COME ON YOU PEICE OF S-" he shouted as he tried to knock Dream down so he could grab the keys and run away "You can't have my car-" Dream says staring down at quackity 

"GUYS WE NEED TO DECIDE ON WHOS GOING IN WHAT CAR-" George says trying to disarm quackity as he had found a stick and was now stabbing Dream with it "UhHHHHh well do you wanna drive or?" Dream asked George "Uh idk-" George responded "I WANNA DRIVE LET ME DRIVE I CAN DRIVE JUST FINE I WONT CRASH YOUR CAR I SWEAR JUST LET ME DRIVE THE F- CAR" Quackity yells "But- ok then-" Dream says "But if you do crash it, ur getting blacklisted on the smp" Dream jokes "I WONT CRASH IT, DO YOU DOUBT MY DRIVING SKILLS?" quackity says "Yes, yes i do." Dream says walking away with George to his car.

You walk over to the car and go to sit in the back since obviously dream gets to sit next to him "Bruh- wow I've been evicted of my own seat-" You joke as you open the car door, last second Karl AGAIN pushes you out of the way and sits next to sapnap and since there are 3 seats you try to sit down near karl "MMM no" he says as he closes the door, you get him to open the window "Bro what- let me in-" you say "But theres no room-" he says "do you not see the extra seat? you and Nick are gonna be huddled in the corner of the car so I'm gonna get most of the seat anyway-" you say "no my legs need space Y/N, go with Alex in dreams car-" he says "I BUT- screw yall- George you better sleep with one eye open." you say as you walk away "Wha- what did I do-" he asks "Sh e's in a bad mood today ig- she barely even spoke to me-" Dream says 

You walk over to the other car and debate on whether you should open the door or call an uber, not wanting to spend money and possibly get kidnapped and murdered you open the car door. Quackitys head snaps around as you get into the passengers seat "Oh hey-" he says "Is it just you or?" he speaks while trying to start the car "Yeah- Karl is being difficult and wont let me sit next to Nick for some reason-"  You say buckling yourself in "Maybe he sees you as competition." he joked while pulling out of the parking lot "Pfft- yeah sure he does- I've said several times Nick is like my brother- like more than George is so yeah no-" You respond "George is your actual brother though-" He says "Yeah, and?" you respond "Ok then- btw if you want music you have to figure this car out, I'm not messing with any of this crap." he says while you wait at a stop light "ok." you say as you connect your phone and start playing mask "Oh- Y/N-" he says "Ah shut up. let the music play. I figured it out so I get to play what i want, that was the rule yes? so you shut your mouth" you say as you turn up the volume. The entire car ride you tortured him with your music, you played Mask, roadtrip, change my clothes, and you even went to youtube to find Karls minecraft disstrack and the entire time he was just silent staring at the road.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You get home and walk with Quackity to the door and surprisingly you got there before George did so you were locked out  "How fast do you drive my gosh-" You say walking away from the door *A/N for the purpose of this fanfic George lives in ur average home :)* "Well the music definitely helped me speed up-" He joked "So why aren't we inside yet?" he asked "We got here before George- I don't have any copies of the key-" You say sitting down on the porch step "Wha- don't you have like a bobby pin or something you can use to pick the lock?" he asks as he sits down near you "No- I got ready like 15 minutes advance before going did you really think I was gonna do my hair all fancy-" you respond "well I guess we r stuck here then-" he says as the cold U.K breeze whooshes past you. You had dinner with them so now its about 9 since you guys spent an extra hour talking + the drive time so its dark AND cold, you wore a hoodie cause why not and yet the air is piercing through your entire being. Your eyes start to close and you feel yourself falling sideways and you feel fabric and instantly jolt up, this continues until you don't catch yourself and you fall asleep on quackitys shoulder, quackity just stares at u and debates on whether to bury you and see what happens or to leave you where you are, he decided to leave you alone instead of burying you alive (A/N this couldve gone a whole different way >:) ) 

Eventually George comes back and sees everything 😀


I pull up and see Dreams car is already there "Crap I didn't give Y/N the spare key-" I say as I pull into the driveway "I- is that Alex and Y/N-" Dream says getting ready to get out of the car "What the-" I say as I shut off the car "YO IT WORKED JFNEJN FJKFN" Karl giggle whispers (does that make sense?) to sapnap in the back seat I get out of the car and walk up to them, Quackity looks absolutely horrified "Bro what is this-" I ask "SHUT THE F- UP SHE FELL ASLEEP ITS NOT MY FAULT SHE HAS YOUR SLEEP GENES IT WAS EITHER THIS OR F- BURYING HER SO YEAH" he whisper shouts "uh huh yeah wake her up we are going inside-" I say grabbing the house key, Karl and sapnap walk inside whispering to eachother and Y/N wakes up "huh- why have i been awoken-" She asked, she opened her eyes and realized where she was. She jolted up and turned a BrIgHt ShAdE oF rEd "sorry-" she apologized while getting up and walking inside, I give her a look and she gives me a death glare "So, you and Y/N-" Dream starts "I don't wanna talk about that rn-" He says as he walks into the house and over to Y/N so she can guide him to the guest rooms, this better not be happing fr rn-


I think I hate this chapter more than anything else I've written like ever so thats fun for me :) 


Word count- 1277

Chapter 2- Complete

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