Part 12- Aftermath

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Y/N was still sleeping and George was panicking and pacing around the room "How long has she been asleep? She should wake up soon, she may be a heavy sleeper but she slept just fine last night she shouldn't be this tired. Should I wake her up? I'm gonna wake her up." George walked over to her "George stop, let her sleep she just dealt with something really stressful she's probably tired." I say "But-" He starts "Play minecraft or something, Alex can watch her and if she wakes up we will know." I speak "Fine." He walked up and went to his computer, he started up minecraft and started playing, Karl comes downstairs and walks into the living room "Hey Nick I found that g-" he saw Y/N, "She's back from the party?" He walked over to her and sat down on the floor next to the couch "Did she have fun?" He asked "Uhm well not exactly-" I said "Aw that sucks, let me know when she wakes up. I have something planned for us tomorrow" He did a little smile and walked away 


You wake up half an hour later dazed and confused with marks on your face from how you slept, a weird taste in your mouth, and sweating "What time is it-" you mumble in your sleepy state "It's 11:34" A voice says, you turn around and see Quackity, Dream, and sapnap all surrounding you staring at you "Are you guys preforming a ritual or something?" You joke "You better go say hi to George, he's worried about you." Sapnap says, you slowly stand up "Where is he?" You ask "He's at his computer." Dream says "Alright." You walk to the room he's in and you knock on the door, you hear crashing noises and the door opens "IS Y/N AWAKE-" He shouts, he sees its you and not one of the others "Y/N!" He hugs you "You are NOT going anywhere with Trent EVER again." He says sternly "Yeah I wasn't planning on it-" You respond "Y/Ns awake?" Karl rushes out into the hall "Y/N HI, SO UHM AT 12 PM TOMORROW BE READY TO GO SOMEWHERE LIKE DRESSED DO WHATEVER YOU WANT WITH YOUR HAIR AND YEAH-" He was practically bouncing "Ok? may I ask what for?" You ask "No you may not. just be ready." He then walked away "Should I be worried?" You joke "Yes-" George says

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip to 4:45 AM~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Everyone is asleep and you're on your computer playing minecraft and listening to music, you have your LEDS set to blue and you're vibing. You upgrade your armor, get a new dog, and start building a new house for only your pets. You run to gather spruce before it gets dark, you'd always played with others so even with music it feels lonely right now. You narrate what you're doing as if you were streaming, you've lived with George for 2 years so at this point talking while playing minecraft is normal and it feels weird to not have it. A song you really like comes on and you decide to try and hit the high note that was a mistake- Your voice cracks horribly "What the- Y/N why-" Dream says, you forgot he was sleeping in here- "Oh crap- I forgot you were sleeping in here- Sorry Dream-" You apologize and get back to working on the house 

Soon enough you look at the clock and it's 9 AM, you've finished the house and a few other builds. You decide to stop playing and focus on something else, you get onto your bed and stare at the ceiling until you hear footsteps running towards your room. The door flies open nearly hitting dream in the head "Y/N THERES LIKE 3 MORE HOURS UNTIL WE HAVE TO GOOOOOO-" Karl shouts "Yes- I'm aware, also you nearly assassinated dream-" Karl looks into the room and sees Dream with his neck moved back trying to avoid the door "Oh-" He giggles "Don't blacklist me from the smp clay please-" He laughs "I'm thinking about it." Dream responds, Karl runs away and shuts the door "Hey Dream?" You ask "Uh yeah?" he looks up at you "3 things." You say "Oh no- last time I did a favor for you stuff went ~very~ wrong, Patches still hasn't mentally recovered from the screaming-" He laughs "Oh please it wasnt that bad- wait, where is patches?" You ask "She's with my parents-" He responds "Oh yeah duh- anyway, 1, can you help me start a twitch account and run down the basics of streaming and 2 can you help me convince George to let me do videos and stuff-" You say staring at dream trying to intimidate him so he says yes "I don't know Y/N, the fandom does cursed stuff-" He responds "Oh I know, trust me, I've read heatwaves-" You respond "YOU DID?" He seems concerned "Well partially- I got bored-" You laugh "And I've already trended on twitter and crap so why not just start streaming?" He looks at you "You were trending on twitter?" He looks confused "Yeah- I was on one of Alex's streams." You respond "Oh, ok." He looks back at his phone "Oh and the third thing to ask, give me your     c l o u t~" You joke "Wow you just want to use me for my clout, I see how it is." He laughs "Mmmm yeah pretty much" He gets up "Wait- no it was a joke- come back-" You laugh "I'm going to convince George- Do you want the channel or not cause for that I kinda have to go get him-" He says "WAIT ACTUALLY?" Your eyes widen "Yeah-" He says "THANK YOU SO MUCHHHH" You run over and hug him, you're practically beaming "Ok you need to let go now so I can leave-" He disconnects your arms and walks away (that sounds weird, I mean like Y/N had her hands connected to complete the grip so he had to like disconnect her hands so he could move her arms-)

While waiting for him to convince george you wander about the house trying to find something to do, you find Quackity sitting on the couch and you sit near him, not next to him, just near him. You pull up tik tok while waiting for the time to get ready and while scrolling an edit of Quackity pops up, w o w- you feel your face start to heat up and you bury your face into your hands "Y/N what did you see-" He asks, you shake your head no at him cause you don't want him to see what you blushed at "Why can't you tell me-" He asks laughing "Cause its embarrassinggggg" You say muffled from your hands being in the way of your mouth "It's just a video-" He sits closer to you and tries to peek at the video "noooo you can't see it-" You laugh "WHY NOTTT-" He says "cause itll end my entire existence to know that you know I saw it-" You speak "That makes no sense-" He says "And if its that bad then I'm just gonna assume its an edit of like a celebrity or something-" He says "Uh well technically it is?" you say "who is it?" he questions "Uhhhh well its uhm- you?" why did I say that- I should've said tom holland or something- "OF ME? WELL NOW I HAVE TO SEE-" He laughs, you show him the edit cause it's too late to turn back now. "D- I LOOK GOOD-" He jokes "wait you were blushing at tha-" you cut him off "UHM MOVING ON, DONT WE HAVE TO GO IN LIKE AN HOUR? WE SHOULD PROBABLY GET READY-" you get up and start to speed walk away "Oh and uh Alex-" You walk over to him "Thanks for yesterday, I'm sorry you had to stand up for me, nothing Trent said was true." You give him a HuG "Don't worry about it Y/N, guys like Trent are just major a-holes. He deserved it." He responds 


Nothing he said was true? so Y/N might like me? Karl might've been right about this. She went red from the edit of me but when Trent got near her she didn't care, she just stared at him. Maybe I do have a chance after all


ooooo another chapter 

Word count- 1411

Chapter 12- completed

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