Part 13- hehe

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"YOU HAVE HALF AN HOUR Y/N-" Karl shouts, he's beaming with excitement "OK MHM THANK YOU" It's not like he's been reminding me every 5 minutes- You get up to go change, you walk into your room and put on a t-shirt and (pants/skirt of ur choice) and you put on your shoes.


I'm sitting on the couch waiting for everyone else to be ready so we can go wherever Karl is taking us, the doorbell rings "I'LL GET IT, DON'T MOVE A MUSCLE" Karl runs to the door, he opens it "Oh she's still getting ready i think, you can come sit here until she comes down." he invites them in, its the girl from before- What was her name? Natalia?- She walks in and sits down, wE mAkE eYe CoNtAcT she quickly looks down at the ground and pulls out her phone to distract herself. "So uhm, waiting on Y/N?" I try to spark conversation "Yeah." She responds "So uh- Natalia, what brought you here?" I ask, she goes red "Oh uhm- well- Your friend messaged me and yeah-" She said, Y/N came down the stairs and saw us "Natalia?" She walked over "hm? y/n!" She walked over and they greeted each other and we left to get in the cars, Y/N, Quackity, and dream in one car and me, Natalia, Karl, and george in the other one. We get in the cars and Karl jumps in the front seat "Dude, shouldn't she sit near George since he's known her longest considering shes his sisters friend?" Karl just stares at me "Mmmm no, I wanna sit next to George today." He says "Alright then." I let Natalia get in first and then I sit as far away as possible since when has this car been this s m a l l-


We get into the car, Quackity is driving , you're next to him, and Dream is in the back. Quackity starts driving and following the other car, you scroll on twitter while waiting to arrive "Oh btw Y/N, when we get back I need to help you set up your channel so start thinking of what you're gonna name it." Dream says "WAIT YOU CONVINCED GEORGE? YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" You shout "Yeah, it took a lot of effort though-" He laughs "THANK YOU SO MUCH I'M LITERALLY FOREVER INDEBTED TO YOU" You shout "WAIT DO I GET THE C L O U T?" He sighs "Yes y/n, you get the clout." He says "YES WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" You thank Dream one last time and continue scrolling, you decide to change all your handles to U/N so that you can start posting stuff on twitter and instagram and stuff "Y/N if you want I could join you on stream, we could play minecraft or something. My chat has been asking for you so finding out you have a channel would make them flip out- Plus if im there then you get more clout" Quackity says "Sure!" the car pulls into a mall parking lot and you all get out, you walk into the mall. "ALRIGHT EVERYONE SO WE ARE HERE TO WATCH A MOVIEEEE-" Karl shouts "Theres a movie theater in the mall?"  You ask "OF COURSE, WE ARE WATCHING (Insert generic movie name), THE SEATS WERE ALL SPLIT UP SO UHM THE SEATING IS A TAD BIT STRANGE BUT ITLL BE FINE." He says "UH Y/N AND ALEX ARE SITTING IN ROW B, NATALIA AND NICK ARE IN ROW D, THEN GEORGE CLAY AND I ARE IN ROW F." George looks displeased at everyone being separated but he quickly moved on and you all walked to the theater.

You get to your seating and the movie starts oh crap- its horror- 

About 24 minutes later the first jump scare hits and it gets you "BFHEB WHAT THE FRICK IS THAAAAAAT" You whisper to yourself, you look over and see Quackity staring at you "Hey now i dont like horror-" You whisper to him "mhm I can tell" he responds 

the main characters were hiding under a desk when they hear breathing, the breathing stops and singing starts. The vocals echo through the hall, getting louder as the thing approaches. Then we see it, a woman-like figure with long dark hair crawling speedily along the floor, her limbs seem almost backwards but her torso is normal. She comes around 4 or 5 times before the actors can run to the next desk, however, one of them was too late and got caught. The first on screen death of the movie so far, you jump and grab Quackitys arm "Ow-" He says "not my fault karl chose a horror movie" you say "Well if it helps you can have my arm for the rest of the movie." He jokes "Im alright with that." You respond

My little discord kitten~ Quackity x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now