part 29- Stuffy stuffs

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TW: mentions of weight


I called quackity yesterday, he was on a call with y/n but when I called her she didn't answer. I watched her tell Karl to hang up the call, she must just not want to talk to me  or something. That's ok, she doesn't have to, at least I know she's ok. 


You wake up tired and hungry with no idea what happened, you feel like you've forgotten something but it must not matter that much if you didn't write it down. You walk out of your room and grab some snacks, you sit on the couch and start eating while looking for something to watch on your phone, becca comes in and sees you "Oh y/n, hi!" she walks over to you "You know, you shouldn't be eating those. You know how many calories are in there? I could NEVER but you do you." She widens her eyes and walks away, you start to feel sick and put the bag down, you put your earbuds in and turn on Quackitys stream. Becca comes up behind you "What are you watching?" she asks "Oh just my friend, I haven't seen him in a while." you respond, "Oh the cute one, ok. Its so nice he's single." She sits down "Excuse me? " you respond "I found instagram and he doesnt have any signs of a girlfriend." She says "You know, if you just put effort into how you look you'd actually be able to attract people" She says "Excuse me?" you look at her "Yeah like going to the gym, dieting, wearing makeup, and just stuff to enhance you." she says counting the things "Oh, I'm not doing that." You say "Whatever, just saying you could stand to lose a few pounds." She rolls her eyes and walks away, you zone back into the stream and hear your name "I'm gonna call y/n, she's been sleeping too f-ing long. Wish me luck." You run to your room and hop on your computer, you pull up discord and get to his contact. Right before he calls you you call him "ABIEH WHAT THE F-" he laughs answering the call, you close out the stream "Hello alex." You say in a monotone voice "HI Y/N- DO YOU WANNA PLAY MINECRAFT?" HE SAYS "UHHHHH SURE-" you hop on the server


Hey guys





 karl walks in "STREAM?" he says "QUACKITY STREAM" you respond "IM GONNA PACK, DONT MIND ME IN THE BACKGROUND" he starts picking up clothes "OK" you look back to the screen and watch quackity run up to you 


He walks through the flowers with something behind his back, "What are you hiding?" you laugh walking towards him "Nothing-" he steps back "No you clearly have something" you start following him "No i dont" he runs "QUACKITY GET BACK HERE" you chase him, you trip and bump into him. You both fall to the ground and you scrape your knee really bad "crap" you mutter under your breath "Oh my g- y/n are you ok?" Quackity gets up "Yeah I'm fine" you try to get up, he stops you "No, I'm gonna go get a bandaid. You wait here." He brushes off his pants and walks away, you lay down and look at the clouds when you hear footsteps. You sit up and pull out your sword, you wince at the pain but stay focused. It's tommy, he looks concerned and scared, you put your sword down "Wait no tommy i'm sorry, i'm just a little on edge rn its ok." you say, he sees your knee "Y/N you're bleeding." He bends down, his voice filled with concern "You're lucky I carry spare plasters with me." He pulls out a rag from his bag and dips it in a bucket he brought, he squeezes the excess water out of the cloth before pressing it on your bleeding knee "how did you even manage to do this" he holds the rag on your knee for a second before pulling out a bandaid. He places the bandaid on the clean sterile wound and wraps it with a sleeve from a jacket "be more careful next time." he stands up and leaves, quackity comes back with bandaids and sees your patched up knee "what happened?" He asks "Oh I had stuff, you didn't need to go all the way back home-" you lie, he looks at you like he's inspecting your thoughts "Alright." He says sitting down next to you, you hold hands and watch the clouds pass by. You rest your head on quackitys chest and soon you fall asleep.

My little discord kitten~ Quackity x fem!readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz