Part 42- rUn AwAy AnD hIdE

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Y/n pov:

You wake up and see blonde hair sticking up from your chair who the frick is in my room? You grab look around for a weapon, you find a spoon and grab it, you come over and whip the chair around whacking the person on the side of the head whilst grabbing their arm and shoving them to the ground. Youre about to whack them again when "AHH WHAT THE F-" the person shouts, why are they bri- OH YEAH- TOMMYS VISITING "Y/N WHAT THE F-" he laughs "PUT THE SPOON DOWN, THE F- DID I DO TO PISS YOU OFF SO MUCH? D-MN" he laughs "Oh my gosh- i forgot you were here-" you say helping him up "jeez- nearly f-ing killed me." He laughs "what's happening?" Quackity says barely even awake "Your girlfriend tried to kill me." He yells, your girlfriend, huh- "I DID NOT TRY TO KILL YOU!" you yell "Uh huh, surrrreee" he says getting back to the chair "she has a tendency to do that. She's lucky I'm not turning her in for murder." Quackity says trying to go back to sleep "whatever" you laugh "Its 4 in the f-ing morning, can I go back to sleep now?" Tommy says already drifting off "I promise I won't whack you with a spoon again." You laugh "you better f-ing not, probably have a concuss-" he doesn't even finish his sentence before falling back asleep. You go back into your bed and go to sleep.

You wake up a few hours later to tommy standing over quackity "What are you doing?" you laugh "I'm asserting my dominance, he must know who's in charge here" tommy says, quackity is huddled in a corner fearing for his life, you just get up and start your day. You go into the kitchen huh karls not awake yet? You make yourself some coffee to help wake you up, you decide to listen to music since you know there's not much else to do in North Carolina at 9 AM in ur house alone-

you're vibing to lovejoy when you feel hands on your shoulders "AHHH WHAT THE-" you turn and see karl get jumpscared by your scream "OH CRAP HAHA SORRY, YOU SCARED ME THOUGH" you laugh "I WAS JUST TRYING TO TELL YOU SOMETHING-"  he laughs "what is it?" you ask "Do you wanna go for a walk?" he says "uhh yeah sure" you say getting up "wait, where's lyra- she's usually following you around-" you ask "Oh she's still asleep, its a miracle I can finally work without her on my arm all the time" he says "ah, is she coming with or no?" you say "Uhhh well she cant be alone while sleeping so yeah she's coming with unless someone doesnt wanna go and is willing to stay home with her." he says "alright, i'll go wrangle up the others-" you go to natalia first, she'd be easier than trying to keep tommy off quackity while you switch rooms. "nataliaaaaa" you say walking into her room "HEY" you shout hitting the wall  "whaaat" you hear a very sleepy voice say, t h a t s a m a n "nick?" you say "yeah?" he responds "wake up natalia please" he gets up and walks to natalias side "nataliaaaaaaaaa" she doesn't wake up, he shakes her "NATALIA" she just groans and rolls to the other side "NATALIA GET THE F- UP!" He laughs ripping the blanket off her "you give me that blanket back or I swear-" she threatens, he just picks the blanket up and drops it away from the bed "screw you" she flips him off with her ring finger and gets up to get it, she puts it back on the bed "these are karls belongings you know" she tries to get back into bed but sapnap wraps his arms around her waist and picks her up "NO AUGH- NO NO PUT ME DOWN- NICK STOP- FRICKEN PUT ME DOWN NOW-"  natalia protests "you wouldn't get up-" he carries her to where you're standing and drops her off there and you grab her by the arm and into the living room "frick both of you." she flips you off with her ring finger before going to sit at the island with sapnap and karl. You go off to your room and see both Tommy and quackity passed out, quackity on the mattress and tommy on the floor right next to him "my two favorite boys are getting along" you whisper to yourself smiling, Karl comes behind you "hey, I heard that- why am I not one of your favorites?" He says "Oh wait crap- I forgot you existed- ok ok so 2 out of 3 of my favorites." You explain "I'm one of your favorites?" a voice says, you turn around and see tommy wide awake "well I only know you, Karl, and alex- " you get cut off by sapnap coughing "Oh yeah hi nick-" you say "you forgot about me" he says "no I didn't  you just suck" you joke "HEY" he shouts "L" natalia chimes in "dude what?" Sapnap says "no not you, L to y/n" she says, you ignore her and grab tommys arm and bring him out to the living room "let go of me b-" he laughs "no" you set him down on the floor of the living room before leaving to get quackity. He happily comes out with you and you have the whole gang sitting at the counter "ok so are we ready to go?" You ask "I think? Everyone dressed?" Karl says "I NEED TO GET DRESSED!" you race to your room and grab an outfit to put on

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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