Part 36- Matching :)

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"No no no, you need to pull your hand up not leave it down by your side" you explain "ohhh like this?" Lyra says "Ehh yes but no- you have the right idea but the execution is not it- pull the arm up on beat, when she says 'next' you need to pull it up while moving your leg down ok?" You say "Huh-" She looks at you confused "Ok ok, I'll slowly go through it step by step. Watch and follow mk?" you do the dance and you can see she's processing it in her brain "Ok so, like this then?" she does the move right "Yes! you got it!" you say, she smiles "I did? WOOOOOOOOO" she cheers and does a little spin "she did it finally?" Karl says "I DID ITTT!" she shouts running around like a toddler "YAY!" she runs over and karl gives her a high five "GOOD JOB!" he shouts giving her a thumbs up, she comes back to you with a huge smile and stands back in her position "Ok, next step." She says "Alright so, after that you need to take your fingers and make 2 hearts." she does it "Yep, then flick them away like a snap-" You explain, she looks at you like you're speaking another language "Excuse me?" she laughs "Ok, watch, I make hearts and then I slowly snap them away." You slowly show it "Ohh like thisss?" she does it "Mhm but faster." you help her with the timing "that was the last step girlie, you've got it all down!" You say smiling, "Ok ok, now from the top with music" You start the song, Lyra has the basic moves down. She has some technical stuff to work out but overall unless you're a dancer you probably wouldn't even notice. "WOOOOOOOOO THANK YOU Y/N!" she shouts giving you a hug "Don't knock me over girlie-" you laugh returning the hug, she bounces around the living room all happy before flopping over on the couch "You got all your energy out?" Karl asks "No, still have energy, knees just can't take it anymore- resting until ready again-" she says looking at him "Ah, well then why don't you rest in your room and in your bed?" he suggests "haha yeah no, i'm not going to sleep- Nice try," she responds "eh worth a shot- You should still take a nap sometime today though considering you only got 2 hours of sleep last night." he says "actually, I got an hour and a half." she corrects him "That just proves my point L/N/N" (lyra nick name) he says "well either way sleep is an L, y/n doesn't sleep and she's fine." She points to you "Yeah, as long as you get at least half an hour you can function. Granted I do drink a lot of coffee which you don't but you know-" you respond going to sit down next to her but before you can get to her she stands up "Y/nnnnnnnnn" she drags it out "What do you want you little leech?" you sigh "Can we stream pleaaaaaaaase?" she asks "I'm kinda tired I dont know." you say "Ok then, can I stream?" she says looking at you with hopeful eyes "What would you do?" you ask "Play minecraft with Tommy and alex-" she says "Alright, go on you gremlin. Don't mess up anything though" You sit down and watch her happily run off to go play minecraft, "She is a child-" you laugh "Well yeah- she's 3 years younger than you, 9 years younger than me, and 7 years younger than Alex, of course she's a child-" he laughs "Oh my gosh I'm old-" You say "You're old? I'm the oldest one in this house!" he says "you know what I mean." you roll your eyes while getting a blanket cause he's turning on a movie for you guys to watch after a long 2 hours of watching lyra.

Lyra pov:

I run into Y/ns room and I connect to my mc account, I locate discord and I find tommys contact. I call him and wait for an answer "hello? Y/n?" He says confused turning on his Webcam "Hi!" I respond "wha-" he looks very confused "you aren't y/n-" he says, I turn on my Webcam "yeah no dip-" I respond "is y/n a 15 year old with pink and purple hair?" I say sarcastically "WOW WELL EXCUSE ME FOR THINKING Y/N CALLING ME WAS ACTUALLY Y/N AND NOT A CHI- wait that's purple?" He says getting close to the camera "OK I KNOW ITS FADED BUT ITS NOT THAT BAD ALRIGHT-" I shout "ANYWAY, do you wanna play minecraft on stream with me?" I ask "you stream?" He says "nah, but y/n does" I smile "I mean, I'm down-" he goes to his computer "uhhh tommy-" I say "what?" He looks at the screen "how do I start a stream-" I ask "you don't know how to start a stream?" He sighs "no- help-" I say "Alright, go into twitch and make sure your audio is up enough and that the game and Webcam are on then press go live-" he explains, I figure it out and thank him before starting stream up.

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