part 22- boredom idk

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Y/N pov (about a week long time skip)

You get up and go downstairs, "Good morning!" Becca says "Morning." You say rubbing your eyes "So, I was thinking today we could go out to eat!" She says "Oh- alr- where are we going?" You ask "Uhhh mcdonalds?" She suggests "ehh sure-" you say "when are we going?" "Oh uhh like in 15-35 minutes. So get ready now." She says "Wdym get ready-? I'm dressed aren't i? I have shorts and a t-shirt on-" you respond "Yeahh no, n/n you know I love you hun but no. You need to get DRESSED, not just decent. I'll help you pick something out" she says "I really think I'm fine going to a MCDONALDS- I don't need to be fancy-" she drags you away

"Why don't you have any skirtss-" she whines "Oh I do." You laugh "oh yeah? Where." She asks, you reach behind a chair and grab the Wilbur skirt (a/n u know which one I'm talking about >:)] "oh my gosh- wait so YOU KNOW WHO WILBUR IS?" her jaw drops "Hm? Who? I was just scrolling on pinterest and found it, I thought it looked funny so I got it- I didn't know it was a famous person-" you lie "oh, well uh that won't work so out it back." She says, eventually she picks out an outfit for you



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"There! Now we need to just do your hair and we can go!" She says "No

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"There! Now we need to just do your hair and we can go!" She says "No." You state "no please-' she pleads "no- you aren't doing my hair- it's fine how it is. Let's go." You say walking to the door "Ok-" she follows you and you leave for the restaurant

You get there and she covers your eyes "Ok, don't panic I'm gonna guide you through here ok?" She's talking like your a 3 year old "I'm 18 Becca, you can talk normally to me you know." You say "Mm I know" she giggles. You walk for a bit before she stops moving "Ok, 3. 2. 1. You can open your eyes now!" You open them and see a random dude "What am I supposed to be looking at here?-" You ask "oh come on! Don't you remember brayden?" She shouts "Brayden?- who the frick is brayden-" You whisper to yourself OHHH BRAYDEN "ohhh yeah of course I remember brayden yeah from like 8th grade history class?" You question "Yeah!" She smiles, you sit down next to Becca and wait for the waiter to come. After a bit the waiter arrives "Hello! What would you like to order today?" The man asks "Uhm I'll have 2 large fries and a medium mocha frappe." You say "Would you like whipped cream with that?" He asks "No thank you." You respond "Ok, and you sir?" He asks brayden "uhh I'll have like a bIg MaC aNd A lArGe CoKe." He says "Ok and for you?" He turns to Becca "uhm I'll have a 4 piece chicken nuggets and a water please." She asks in a fake high pitched voice, the frick?- the waiter leaves  "What was that?" I laugh "Oh well he was kinda cute." She responds "I- but why the voice-" you say "cause, I can't have a voice like yours and still pull now can i? Oh wait, no offense hun your voice suits you its just a little yk, masculine don't you think?" She said tilting her head down looking at you "Excuse me?-" You say offended "I said no offense, I really don't mean it in a rude way im just being.." She pauses to think of a word "Honest." She says putting a hand on your shoulder "Uh huh, so moving on. Brayden, how has your life been since 8th grade? You're in like what year 13 now yeah?" You ask "the f- is year 13?-" He laughs "Oh frick sorry- ITS like 12th grade?- like senior year?" (a/n idrk) "Ohh yeah no I've started college already." He says "Oh nice." You respond "What about you?" He asks "Oh yeah I'm skipping college, I don't really have a profession that I wanna go into." You respond "oh ok, makes sense. I heard from someone from our old class that you do youtube and streaming now?" He questions, Becca looks at you crap crap crap crap "hm? I did like one stream with my friend cause he does occasionally but I'm not a streamer at all! I wouldn't even know where to start." You lie

A bit later the waiter comes back with your food, he places everyone's food down in front of you and slips Becca a note before leaving back to the kitchen. She reads the note, smiles, and puts it in her pocket. You start eating your food when Becca speaks up "So y/n I was wondering, do you have your eye on anyone rn?" She asks "Uhhh no? Wdym" you ask "Like any guys that you're interested in? You already denied Karl and Alex but what about other guys?" She questions, you look at her and stay silent "o- or girls?" She quickly adds "I'm just not into anyone right now-" You say "and if someone was into you would you say yes?" She asks "that depends on who it is-" you laugh "if it was say-" she gets close to you "Brayden?" She whispers "Ok first off, that's creepy don't whisper in my ear- and 2nd like I said, if I'm not interested then it'll be a no." You repeat "Alright then, if you wait for that then you might be alone forever though Y/n." She says going back to her food

~~~~~time skip~~~~~

The food is done and you're leaving now, you're about to get in the car when brayden comes over to say bye "It was nice seeing you again y/n." He hugs you but like a little too tight "it was nice seeing you too, I'll talk to you a different time I guess." You release yourself from his arms and get in the car, you open Twitter and decide to make a tweet again

U/n (@simplyu/n) 
Hi everyone! Sorry I was gone for a bit with moving and stuff, planning on playing on the smp soon maybe with some special guests :)
Tommyinnit (@tommyinnit)
Am I one of these "special guests"?
U/n (@simplyu/n)
If you wanna be-
Tommyinnit (@tommyinnit)
Alr woman, what time
U/n (@simplyu/n)
At 5:00 :)
Tommyinnit (@tommyinnit)
B- it's already 8
U/n (@simplyu/n)
U.S time Tommy, 10:00 for you.

You close your phone and fall asleep in the car until you hit that ONE TURN that signals you're home. You get up and out of the car and you go straight to your room to change "Wait y/n!" Becca shouts "HEH?" You shout "do you wanna go to thr grocery store later?" She shouts "UHHH WHAT TIME?" You ask "ABOUT 5:30?" She shouts "UHHHM I CANT I HAVE TO UH- RUN AN UPDATE ON MY COMPUTER." You lie "oh ok!" She yells, leaving you alone.

Streaming is gonna be so stressful

I wanna write but my ideas and writing abilities are leaving 😭🤚

Word count-1225

Chapter 22- completed

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