Part 39- SkAtE wOrLd

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Karl pov:

I wake up and am instantly blinded by a bright phone screen, Lyras already awake and is scrolling on tik tok "What time is it?" I ask, she looks at the time "Like 12 pm" she says getting back to her scrolling "Oh gosh I woke up late." I say running my hand through my hair, I look at my hand and its purple? When I get up I see there's purple and green on my bed, all on and 
under lyra on her pillows and a bit on my side too. I look in a mirror, theres purple and green on my hands, clothes, face, and neck w h a t t h e f r i c k- "Lyra- I thought your hair was dry before you went to bed-" I say "it is- it just bled in the night. It happens" she says "But- how did it get on me?" I ask "cause I slept near you?" she continues on her phone "I'm gonna try to get this off later but for now ig its fine- do you want anything to eat?" I say "nah, I've got snacks stashed under your bed I'm good." she says pulling out a box of cereal "Ly- you know what? nevermind" I walk out to the living room and I see Quackity with blue all over him "Happened to you too?" he nods "At least you don't look like shrek." I laugh, y/n walks out of her room with lyra and they sit at the island "I've always wanted to go rollerskating." Y/n speaks up "You've never gone?" I ask "Nope, george was scared I'd break something, and my parents never had the time." she says, I give Lyra a look "Oh karl theres something I need your help with, one sec y/n." we leave and go into the hallway "Ok so we're definitely setting up a date for y/n and alex at the roller rink right?" I nod at her "Ok cool, so like later today they're going?" I nod again and we go back out "I think you and alex should go." she speaks up, "Why dont we all go?" y/n says "Uh no, I uh-" she takes a second "Sprained my ankle, can't rollerskate. Karl has to watch me, just go with Alex it'll be fun!" shes not a very good liar but y/n seems to at least pretend to believe it and they schedule a time with the local roller rink. They walk away and Lyra turns to me "So, I'll talk to y/n about if its a date or not and you'll do the same to Alex and we'll meet back here after they leave. Kk?" I nod and she goes to sit down

Y/n pov:

You go upstairs and get ready

You pull this out of your closet and get into it, since you know where lyra is now you go to her "hey lyraaa" she looks at you "can you like- do my makeup?" She gives you a weird look "Excuse me-" she says "you- YOURE ASKING TO WEAR MAKEUP?" she s...

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You pull this out of your closet and get into it, since you know where lyra is now you go to her "hey lyraaa" she looks at you "can you like- do my makeup?" She gives you a weird look "Excuse me-" she says "you- YOURE ASKING TO WEAR MAKEUP?" she shouts "don't be so loud- and you wear makeup all the time, what's the issue-" you say "Ok first off, I haven't worn any since a week before I got here, and I'll do it I just wasn't expecting it cause you like- never wear it'" she says "ah well- get started please-" she grabs the materials and sits down next to you, she grabs your face and starts to apply the ~makeup~ you take a sip of water before you start "so, opinions on your first non minecraft date?" You nearly choke "what-" you say putting your hand under your mouth incase anything spills "this isn't a date-" you say laughing awkwardly "Oh, but like you're going alone. with Alex. it's basically a date isn't it?" she says "Haha I don't know what you're talking about." you say trying to switch to a different topic "but you're putting on makeup for himmmmmmmm you didn't even do th-" she stops "nevermind-" she continues the makeup

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