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Karl looks at you and smiles "Y/n!" he hugs you "How'd you get my address?" You ask "You stalking me?" You laugh "You've had your snapmap on for like a week Y/N-" He responds "What-" You say pulling out your phone "When did I do that-" you question, becca overhears and comes into the room "Oh I did that! you left your phone open when you grabbed a snack a while ago and i turned it on for you." She says "When did I say you could do that-" You laugh trying to make it seem like you arent angry at her "I was doing you a favor, you have so many guys on there but you refuse to even let them know where you are. How would they ever pick you up anywhere?" She says "Cause I'd have to tell them?-" you respond "But thats just SO much work and I know how lazy you get so I just fixed it for you." She says "Oh wait sorry I probably wasn't supposed to say that in front of your friend was I?" She says in a tone, bruh what is her problem recently "So why are you here?" You ask ignoring her "Idk I wanted to visit you and check up on you and everything." He says "Wait so is that why you haven't been responding to my texts?" You ask "Yeahh I was driving for like 10 hours- I started yesterday so I wouldnt be super tired when I got here but it's kinda late so I guess it didn't work?" He says "thats alright, I'll find a place for you to sleep." You say "And uh did you- bring Alex with you?" You ask quietly "Uhm no, it's just me sorry." He responds "no its ok!" You say grabbing him a blanket from the closet "If you want you could sleep in my room or on the couch or wherever- sorry we don't have a spare room-" you explain "no its ok I'll take the couch, I did kinda come here unannounced so idrk what I was expecting" he responds, you go into your room and turn off your LEDS, Karl follows you and just sits down on the gaming chair "Well uh I guess we are gonna chill in here for a bit, beccas cleaning up so you can actually like exist here-" you say laying down on your bed "Its not even that bad y/n it's alright here looks pretty clean to me." He says spinning around "So how's life been in the u.s?" He asks "Oh it's been ok. Beccas been dating and stuff so that's cool for her ig" you say "Ah nice." He responds "so uhm- what do you wanna do?" You ask "Uh idk-" he says "what if we called a friend or smth and see if they have any ideas?" You suggest "uhh ok-" he responds "how should we do this-" you say "I say we take turns calling different people and whoever gets an answer wins" he says "Sure-" you pull up your phone and look at your contacts "who first?" You ask "idc-" Karl responds "ok I'll go first then-" you pull up dristas contact and call, it rings andddd.... nothing, Karl calls badboyhalo and there's no answer, you call quackity and there's nothing, he calls dream and there's nothing. You guys go through most of your contacts, now there's only natalia, George, and your parents, both of which you don't wanna talk to- so you click natalias contact and hope she answers riiiiiing riiiiiiing riiiiiing riiiiiing "come on pick up-" you whisper to yourself "Hello?" Natalia says "YOOOOOO YOU PICKED UP! LETS GO!!!!!!" you shout "thanks babe u just helped me beat karl" you joke "I- this is why I don't answer your calls-" she says "WAIT NO PLEASE WE NEED IDEAS-" you shout setting her down where both you and Karl are visible "Ok uhhh- NICK COME HERE REAL QUICK" she shouts, sapnap comes into frame "yeah?-" He responds to her shout "they need ideas and i don't have the braincell rn so u need to help" she says grabbing a monster and popping it open "THATS WHAT WE'LL DO!" you shout "wha-" natalia says confused "WE CAN GO TO THE GAS STATION AND GRAB CANDY AND MONSTERS N CRAP! I FORGOT TO BRING THOSE WITH ME!" you shout jumping out of bed "thanks baba grill" you say "No problem dArLiNg" natalia responds setting you down on her desk "BECCA WE'RE GOING OUT TO THE GAS STATION, DO YOU WANT ANYTHING?" You shout "UHM NO-" she responds

You get in the car and start driving, you had Karl hold the phone while you drive and he's just holding it at a cursed angle while the radio plays heatwaves. You get there and you get out of the car "what do you want?" You ask "uhhh (I'm too lazy to write an order so jut yeah)" he says "ok!" You walk inside and start grabbing crap, you go over near the fridges and you grab some drinks before heading over to grab more stuff like chips and yeah- "Y/n?" A voice calls out wait- no it can't be? You turn around "Mom?"

My little discord kitten~ Quackity x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now