Part 20- Natalia

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You walk over to Natalia's house and knock on the door, she opens the door "Hi n/n" She says letting me in "Hey." I see her parents "Hi mr. and mrs. white" You wave and follow Natalia upstairs to her room "So, why aren't you staying with George still?" She asks "Oh well uh you see I was talking to George and I called Alex dear on accident and then he got mad and Dream talked about Trent and then-" She cuts you off "Woah like Lyra's brother Trent? What happened with him?" She says "Don't you remember? we dated for a while and everything- did I not tell you?" You ask "did you? Idek man- But I know now, continue." She says "Ok well anyway, then George and I kinda got into an argument and I left and then yeah-" You explain "Well what are you gonna do then? You can't live here forever and you have to go back to George at some point." She says "You only have to deal with me for 3 days, after that I'm leaving for America again." You say "Wait what? You're fleeing the country because of this?" She sounds shocked "Well I mean I'm just hopping on a plane with Alex and taking an uber to my friends house. She said she's gonna let me stay with her." You say grabbing a monster from your bag "Wait he's leaving too?" She says 


"Oh yeah all of us are, Dream, Nick, Alex, Karl, the only one who isn't going is George." She says, Sapnap is leaving? crap- "Oh are you sure Nick is actually like leaving leaving?" I say "Yeah he has to go back to florida." She said before taking a sip "Why?" she says "Oh uhm nothing just wondering, so is this "friend" Dream or Nick?" I ask "Oh uh no, I'm angry at Dream and he lives with nick so yeah- I'm going to Beccas house." She says "Oh ok-" Sapnap is leaving? crap- I mean if I really need to contact him I can just ask his friend to give me his number or I can contact him on insta or something- 


Natalia looks upset, she clearly loves sapnap but he's leaving so idk man sucks for her haha L "Anyway, I'm probably gonna have to buy more clothes when I get to the U.S cause I only packed like 5 days worth of clothes but i'm not going back to that house so yeah-" You say "Oh, capy slay ig-" she says "Anyway, what's going on in your life?" You ask "Not much, just thinking about crap" She says "You mean about Nick." You joke, she goes white "what?" She looks at you "You said thinking about crap, I believe you meant thinking about Nick." Its so fun screwing around with her "No- that implies he's crap which he isn't. And even if I did like him, which I do not, you're close to him meaning that would be like me dating George." She says "EW DONT SAY THAT EVER AGAIN-" You laugh "I DONT EVEN WANNA THINK ABOUT YOU BEING INTERESTED IN GEORGE-" You say "although then we'd be sister in laws- nvm I'm ok with the plan now-" You joke "ew no- he looks exactly like you-" she says "actually-" she looks you up and down "I'm alright with the plan now" she bites her lip "hey now-" You laugh

~~~~time skip~~~~~

You and Natalia hop on minecraft considering dinner will be soon and you're gonna be pretty tired after that so you decide to play while you still can. You want music though so you open spotify and scroll through your playlists, you reach a playlist you made when you had a crush a few years ago,  of course the crush passed a long time ago but the music will still be a bop. "Wanna listen to this one?" You ask "What is it?" She said "oh it's called 'pov: you're in love' remember when I liked that dude in my class?" She thinks "uhh the blonde one?" She asks "yeah- that's when I made this playlist-' You say "Alright, turn it on-" she says

You click on and then instantly go onto the server, you build a bee farm and collect some flowers

Tommyinnit has joined the game

My little discord kitten~ Quackity x fem!readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora