Part 28- dinner

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Y/N pov 

You walk into the living room, Karl's awake and becca is rambling on about random things to him. You walk in the room and he shoots you a look like 'help me pls' you walk over and sit down next to him on the opposite side beccas on "Hey, do you wanna help me set up some stuff?" You ask "Like for a stream?" Karl responds "You stream?" becca says in a confrontational voice "No? he does though- I'm just helping him figure out how to mess with his new setup cause it looks like mine!" You lie "Oh- ok then. can I help too? I've been wondering how to start a stream cause I want to but im nervous-" She says looking at him with fake puppy dog eyes "Uhm" he looks at me, I shake my head "No I don't want my friends on streams actually, it's better to separate your personal life from streaming so your friends get left alone and stuff, sorry." He says  "Oh alright, but you're leaving soon so you need to meet up with me sometime and teach me ok?" She says "Ok-" he stands up and walks to your room with you "Thank you y/n" he sits down "No problem, she's gonna be a little mad at me for a bit so if you want we can actually stream cause she's gonna be leaving me alone for a while." You offer "I mean if you want to we can" He says "Do you have a way to stream on your own or play a game or should we do a QNA or?" You say  "I mean if we really need to I can find a way but a qna is good too." He responds "kk alright, I'll tweet it out." You grab your phone "Wait but becca?" He starts "She doesnt know my twitter or instagram exist even if she did I have her blocked on them so." you say "Oh ok, carry on." You open twitter and discord 

U/N: wanna join our stream?

Quackity: sure

U/N: vc?

Quackity: mhm

"ALRIGHT WE HAVE QUACKITY WOOOO!" you shout to Karl "WOOOOO!" he matches your energy, you hear the vc join noise "EYYYYYYYYYY" quackity yells "QUACKITYYYYYY" You shout "WELCOME!" you turn on your face cam and so does he "I HAVEN'T SEEN YOUR FACE IN SO LONG-" he says "WELL WE HAVEN'T CALLED IN SO LONG AND I'M SEVERAL STATES AWAY FROM YOU-" you say "what about me-" karl says "Yes I love you too, moving on." You respond "WHAT ABOUT ME?" quackity shouts "YOU'RE MY HUSBAD OFC I LOVE YOU-" you laugh "WAIT THE TWEET-" you re-open twitter and post

U/N (@simplyU/N)

HEYYYYY stream happening in 15 minutes with @karljacobs and @quackity :]

You hear his phone ding "You have my notifs on?" You laugh "Yeah-" He responds to your tweet 

Quackity (@quackity) 


your  phone dings "You have mine on." he says "Yep- I have everyones on." you respond, his phone starts ringing "Oh yay we love phone calls-" You say "Oh it's just george- One second Y/N." he mutes himself, george... george? I haven't thought about him in a while- I wonder how he's doing.... Well he hasn't called me so he clearly isn't ready to talk yet. unless he is? I wonder if he'd pick up if I called him- I mean he's calling Quackity so he's clearly not too upset about anything so it'll be fine right? I mean Quackity was the main reason I left so if anything he'd be mad at him. But he might think I proposed? In his eyes I might be the issue, he can talk to Quackity just fine because thats his friend but I'm family, he was never calling me the first time I left why would this time be any different. I messed up- I shouldn't have left, George tried apologizing when he didn't even do anything wrong that time and I just yelled at him and ran away, I'm still p-ssed at dream but I shouldn't take it out on my own brother. 

My little discord kitten~ Quackity x fem!readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum