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I don't hate astronomy and I totally respect those who admire it. But I don't understand it, let alone the point. People can like whatever they want but please, don't try and get me to like it. It just reminds me that 'our futures' are written in the stars and I don't like to think about my future all that much. Why should I think about something that stressed me out? Let me just be a reckless teenager.

Well, it isn't always like that. At home I have to be perfect; at Hogwarts I can be free, paint what I want, be where I want, and do what I want. Liam hates when I say things like that; maybe he's jealous that I don't get reprimanded for having a grade lower than E's. How are my parents supposed to brag to their work friends about how amazing Liam is if his grades aren't perfect? To be honest, I don't like my parents very much and I'm sure most of my siblings don't either. Well, Keith doesn't like anyone but that isn't the point.

Back to Astronomy, I hadn't been listening to Professor Sinistra's lesson this entire time. That would definitely come to bite me in the ass later; zoning out and day dreaming was certainly a problem of mine. When I came back to reality, I hadn't a clue what on earth this woman was talking about. Liam and I were similar in that way; we both suck at astronomy. At least he was better than me. I'd have to ask him for help later, maybe he knows this stuff since he learned it last year.

Liam is a 6th year, and we are a little over a year apart. My parents definitely are interesting people who decided to have children all close together; except my younger sister. The Smedley family is built of 6 children and two very toxic parents. Most people only like my twin Ace and me. We like to think we are the nicest out of us all, excluding Sarah who is only 11 and quite annoying.

It hadn't registered in my head that my best friend was nudging me for the past couple minutes, but when I did, I realized she was talking, too. With a pause, I appeared confused; eyebrows furrowed.

"Quinn- are you listening to me? Come on- class is over," Camilla whispered to me while putting books in her leather book bag. I blinked up at her and then scanned the room; students were slowly leaving. It took me a minute to pack my own books, but I managed to keep up.

Hastily, my back was thrown over my shoulder and I started following behind Camilla as she led us from the Astronomy room. We were nearly the last ones out of the little classroom.

"Oh wait! I forgot my quill," I announced, spinning on my heal. "You go ahead of me, I'll be right behind you," I added, heading back to the old table we were at. However, something caught my eyes; it was boy that I'd only seen a few times and only know the last name of. Everyone seemed to call him by his last name. Well, everyone does that here.

I don't think I would have noticed him if he wasn't still sitting at his desk and blankly staring at the wood of the table. But also, because he had the most vibrant hair I'd ever seen in a while. He seemed to be zoned out like I was. Although, I was thinking about Quidditch, and it made me happy. The boy seemed solemn and drained. I quickly glanced away from the blonde in fear he might feel my eyes staring at the side of his head. It'd be quite embarrassing if he looked over and made eye contact with me.

Part of me wanted to say something and ask if he was okay. But the other part of me knew it'd be awkward even if he is a 5th year, too. I'm usually good at socializing but at home I've never learned how to properly comfort someone who was having a hard time. All my sibling's kind of just push through it in hopes we will be alright.

I let my eyes flicker to his nearly white hair before finally grabbing my quill that had fallen beneath the table. I felt unsettled and I didn't know why; it was an unfamiliar feeling to me, and I didn't get good vibes from the Slytherin boy. I quickly walked out of there swiftly to catch up with Camilla.

I'll have to ask Liam if he knows anything about the boy.

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