Holy Shit

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Come to me

In the night hours

I will wait for you

And I can't sleep

'Cause thoughts devour

Thoughts of you consume


I hissed in pain when the cotton ball with cleaning liquid was placed on the words carved into my hand. I told Draco to use his wand to heal it instantly, but he was sure that it was just his luck that Umbridge would take away his wand as well. I couldn't blame him.

However, Madam Prompfrey was not in the hospital wing, nor her office. It was a bit concerning taking into consideration that this was her place of work. Did the teachers get breaks at this time of the day? It was alright, though. I found it nice to have someone other than Liam taking care of me for once.

"...sorry," he mumbled, turning to his side and picking up the bandages. I shook my head.

"It's okay, It don' hurt that bad," I assured. However, it wasn't very convincing because it was a bit painful.

"No not that, 'bout earlier. I shouldn't have said that. I- uhm...crossed a line," he solemnly admitted whilst he slowly began to wrap the bandage around my palm. I sighed, unsure of how to reply.

"Just- try to be nice. I-I know it's hard with the circumstances." I didn't know how to explain this to Draco without it sounding like I'm excusing what Liam has done in the past. I also didn't feel like it was Malfoy's business as to why Liam was the way he was. It was quite personal and it was hard to talk about it myself as it is.

"Liam doesn't make it easy, y'know. He's a twat-"

"Yeah well, so are you," I snapped gently. "Look. Let's just say that he's had a- hard life. Not saying you or me haven't either. It's just- Liam he's- been through quite a bit," I mumbled, watching Draco slowly finish up with my hand. He did a good job, in my opinion.

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