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Don't you remember the day

That you went away

And left me

I was so lonely

Prayed for you only

My love

Why should I keep loving you

When I know that you're not true

And why should I call you're name

When you're the blame

For making me blue


CW!! This chapter contains very dark themes that may be upsetting. i don't want to say what in particular or it might spoil. If you're having a bad day I recommend holding it off for later. Take care <3

Without a second thought, I pried my sweaty hand away from Draco's and bolted. The only thing running through my head was: find Liam, find Liam, find Liam. There were a number of things that swarmed my mind at the possibilities. So many things could have gone wrong. A sprained ankle, a mysterious creature, or maybe another panic attack. Either way, I was willing to drop everything to find him. It was an ear shattering yelp as well, making me worry even more.

I turned my head for a split second to see Malfoy feet behind me. It made me realise how fast of a runner he was because of how quickly he caught up behind me. I ran through the trees and out of the clearing within seconds. The tall trees seemed to surround us that the only thing I was going off of was Liam's previous screams. It made me more petrified that he hadn't yelled again.

Just go with my gut like always.

Pain jolted up my whole foot and calf, a groan escaping my lips. I didn't know what I had just rolled my ankle on, but that didn't matter. I had to keep running. I pushed through the pain that shot up my foot with every step. It was getting hard to move but it wasn't my main focus. I hadn't noticed until now how far Liam had actually wondered and how long Draco and I had been pulling that stupid knotgrass from the ground. I secretly blamed Umbridge for this; as was deserved.

I covered my face with my arm when a branch at my height came into view, the leaves and smaller branches poking at my head. I tried my best to hop over the big roots, and I ignored the sharp nagging feeling in my ankle.

Out of breath, I reached another, much smaller clearing. Around the edges bulbous roots stuck up out of the surface. I leaned over for a second, leaning more to my left side to give my hurt foot a break. I'd have to get that checked later. I could have sworn I heard it snap; it might have been a stick but my brain was so fuzzy I couldn't think about that.

There he was. Liam was standing there, shocked. He held his wand in his hand to the point his knuckles were white. It was held to his side and his eyes were glued to up in the air, shaking. It seemed every bone in his body was trembling. I didn't understand why until I followed his gaze. The ice block fell back into my stomach, but much worse. It felt like it was weighing me down that I might pass out.

I didn't, thankfully.

Huffing, Draco came up behind me. I sensed the presence of words about to escape his lips before he went rigid, as did Liam and I.

"Liam," I started to whisper to let him know we were here in case he hadn't heard. "Don't. Move," I continued to instruct. We had never encountered an actual dementor before due to the school never having them around. I was so confused as to why it was here. They were supposed to stay at Azkaban. Why were they at Hogwarts?

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