From Mum

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Now, she once told me, she didn't need love

And that money would see her through the years

That's the last time, that I saw him

In my eyes full of golden tears


There was this feeling wrapped around my chest as Draco and I entered the great hall. It was a chill, as if everyone was staring at me. They weren't, I knew that but it was still making me uneasy. It was thankfully a Saturday and late morning. There weren't as many people as usual. Students scattered the tables, some houses meshing together. I spotted a few Gryffindors at the Ravenclaw table and a few Hufflepuffs conversing with a Gryffindor and a slytherin.

"You're going to sit with me, okay?" Draco whispered, his hand gently guiding me to the Slytherin, it placed on my back. I had never sat at the Slytherin table before. The only person in that house I was 'friends' with was Keith and I swear he hates me.

"Ace has been sitting with us the past two days as well," Draco slowly explained. I glanced up at my twin's name. "He's upset about it, too," Draco added. I was sure all of our siblings were upset about Liam. Even Keith. He'd already lost Nessa to death, his brother must've taken a toll on him. I knew for a fact that this whole mess was bringing past emotions that he had been stuffing down for this whole year.

Nessa was Keith's best friend. They were nearly attached at the hip. I am not entirely sure what happened to her because he refuses to tell us. But I know that she is no longer alive.

I tucked my short, wet hair behind my ear and slowly climbed into the seat that Draco had guided me to. He plopped down next to me and looked at his group of friends.

Theodore, Pansy, and Blaise with Ace beside him, were there; but also a boy that I had never seen before on Theo's left side. He was slim with a long neck and shaggy black hair. He was pale and had freckles decorating his nose and cheeks. It made his face look warmer than it would be without them. He looked at me distastefully, eyeing Draco as well.

"Alright, lads?" Draco asked with a raised brow. I had never seen how Draco acted with all his friends before; just Blaise. I kept to myself and just stared at the table. I was wearing a Hufflepuff sweater and baggy sweatpants. I was not in the mood to look nice and it showed.

"Who's this?" The unknown boy queried sharply, pointing his fork at my direction. I shifted and glanced up, making eye contact with him for a split second. "What's with all the new people intruding, eh?"

"This is Quinn, Ace's sister. They will be joining us for a while," Blaise chimed in. I noticed that Blaise liked to talk about Ace when he got the chance.

"Oh god- why, though? You keep avoiding my question. I don't like that they are here," He argued gravely. He poked at his breakfast eggs with his fork.

"Stone, be nice," Theo commented sternly. I just kept my head down and let them speak to each other. It was unlike me, but I hadn't actually said anything at all for a couple days. Even when Draco was in my dorm, I had kept silent.

"Wow, Malfoy. Didn't think you'd pick a quiet girl to shag," 'Stone' scoffed. I assumed it was his last name but I couldn't be sure. Draco's back stiffened beside me and I felt his fist clench next to my leg.

"Oh shut up," Draco rolled his eyes and then leaned his head to me.

"You need to eat something," Draco whispered. He was right after all. I just felt out of place. I glanced up at Ace who didn't have a plate in front of him like the rest of the group did. He was just sitting close to Zabini, legs crossed, and hands clasped under the table. He was quiet, too.

"What's wrong with your girl, Malfoy?" Stone whispered, loudly (on purpose), so I could hear him.

"She's fine and it's none of your business," Draco remarked. He placed a soft hand on mine under the table.

"Don't worry about him. Just ignore his comments. He's being an ass on purpose," He mumbled to me. I just slowly nodded and watched Stone carefully.

"Aren't you going to introduce me?" The black-haired boy tutted, teasingly. Theo sighed annoyedly beside him and then looked at me.

"This is Maddox," Nott mumbled, picking up his own fork and stuffing his face with sausage and hashbrowns.

"Nice to meetcha." Maddox put his long and slender hand out for me to shake. I stared at it for a moment before averting my eyes back to the table. "Is she mute or something? What's wrong with her?" Draco pursed his lips and swatted the boy's hand away.

"She's just feeling blue, that's all," Blaise murmured before turning his attention to Ace, away from the conversation. They were whispering so quietly that no one understood their hushed words.

"Well what happened?" He poked. He was being a bitch at this point and was trying to get any information to make fun of me.

"Again. It's none of your-"

"I think you could do better, to be honest. Look at her. She's the same as everyone else. She's a bit boring, might I add," Maddox interrupted.

"Maddox, shut up and eat your goddamn food," Draco warned, his eyes squinting into a glare.

"For goodness sake, Malfoy! She's a bloody Hufflepuff! The next thing you're gonna tell me is she's a mudblood," he continued. I shifted uncomfortably, knowing damn well that everyone else on the table knew Ace and I were purebloods.

"At least choose someone worth shagging-," He paused, staring at me before continuing. I didn't want to be here anymore. If Maddox knew what had happened four days ago, I was convinced that he wouldn't care either way.

"Oh, did I hurt her feelings?" He announced loudly, a few people turning their heads. "Is she a sensitive cow?"

"Maddox, stop," Draco scowled.

"What happened to you, mate! Where's that asshole that we all know and love? This bitch is changing you," Maddox laughed. I just averted my eyes to my lap, my hands wringing together.

Before anything else was said, I flinched when a neat letter was dropped in front of me. I hadn't received any letters this entire year but the moment I saw the writing, I knew it was from my mother.

To: Quinnley S. Smedley

I was thankful that Theo and Maddox were now arguing and not focused on me anymore. Draco seemed to notice my troubled expression but I just pretended not to realise.

I slowly opened the letter and gently pulled the neatly tri-folded parchment. I was nervous about what was to be addressed in the letter. In dark purple ink, my mother's swoopy cursive was spread across the page.

Dear Quinnley,
Your father and I have received the most horrible news the night of October 16th.

I am writing to you now, after our family has had time to understand what has happened to its full extent. We will be arriving at Hogwarts at 6 o'clock on the dot. We will be bringing Sarah, Cameron, and Bentley as well.

Your brothers have received a similar letter and I expect you all to be awaiting our arrival in the Hospital wing at this time.

This will give me and your father a chance to speak with the Headmistress about the death of your brother.

-From Mum

My heart sank and I immediately ripped the letter in half. My parents- were coming to Hogwarts...Tonight! I felt sick and immediately stood up to leave the great hall before I passed out. Draco followed me instantly, shooting a glare towards Maddox.

"Quinn!" Malfoy called out to me once we had exited the Great hall. I stopped in my tracks and met the boy's gaze. I was pale. "What happened?" His voice lowered once more, as I stood in front of him anxiously.

"M-My parents... they are- they're coming to Hogwarts tonight," I replied unsteadily, my voice wavering. I extended the two pieces of torn paper to him, his fingers grasping them reluctantly. He held the separate pieces together.

I watched his eyes scan the page back and forth before his eyes slowly trailed up to mine.

"Oh-" he mumbled. "What's gonna happen?" He asked me hesitantly.

I shrugged rigidly and lowered my head.

"I don't know. The headmistress will expect you to be there, too, I presume. It'll be a mess and- and my mother will want a thorough explanation as to what happened. And taking into consideration that- that it was all a blur for me-"

"Hey woah- I understand. It's okay, take a deep breath," Draco interrupted, placing a hand on my shoulder. I didn't realise that I was panicking and talking fast until he told me to calm down.

"I'm scared, Draco." I looked up into his eyes and he just stared at me for a few seconds. What was he thinking?

"It'll be okay. Ace will be there. I'll be there," he tried to reassure.

Thanks for reading <3


(Song at beginning: 'Golden Tears' by Dave & Sugar)

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