The Note

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Happy birthday darling, I've no present, no fancy cake

But I hope I'll make you happy with everything I take.

I'd like to take away some of your lonely moments

By spending more time with you

And I'd like to take away some of those so, so kisses

And replace them with ones that really say, I love you.


If it were possible, I was sure that my jaw would be on the floor right now. I was right; I knew it and I called it. I'd be lying if I said my open mouth turned into a small but evident grin. I was shocked and I hadn't a clue of what to say. There were three people in this room right now. Me, Liam, and Cass Irvine.

"Shut the fuck up," Liam seethed quickly before I could even get words out. Not that I had anything to say. He took a deep breath to calm down because we both knew we had to stay quiet.

"I didn't say anything," I replied quickly in a low whisper. I was trying not to laugh, to be honest. I glanced at the head of pink hair that was dead asleep in his arms before back up to Liam, glaring at me.

So many questions ran through my head that I felt overwhelmed. I covered my mouth with my warm hand and started silently laughing.

"Quinny, I'm warning you. Speak of this to anyone and you'll be six feet under, yeah?" he warned bitterly. I watched him move Cass in a more comfortable position, their hair advancing all over their face. It seemed maybe they were asleep for a while. It just made the questions in my head even more prominent.

"I knew it," I whispered loudly with a certain excitement. "I even calle-"

"Quinny! You're going to wake them up. Clam up, will ya?" he hissed, before flinching and his eyes trailing down to Gryffindor's face.

"What?" Cass murmured hazily, their eyes barely swaying open.

"Nothing, loue; go back to sleep," he hushed them. My eyes widened and I just had the most joyful but surprised look on my face. Yes, Liam was kind to me, as always. But not like that. Liam was so gentle and kind with his words that it was unfamiliar to me. A side of Liam James Smedley that I don't think anyone had ever seen.

Cass nodded drowsily and cuddled their face into Liam's shoulder. I couldn't even explain the joy and serotonin I was getting from this moment.

"I am not dealing with you and how nosy you are, goodnight," Liam muttered before rolling his eyes. I was absolutely speechless, yet not surprised at the same time.

I watched as Liam kept Cass closely cradled in his arms and trudged up the stairs to the boy dormitories. I had forgotten that Liam was in a dorm by himself. He had some roommates last year but they graduated and all of the years below him are terrified of the Hufflepuff.

I took a few deep breaths to push down my exhilarating thoughts about what I had just seen. I had to remember that it wasn't my business; or was it? No. I needed to pull my nose from his business no matter how curious I was.

That's when my brain totally shifted thoughts and I cleared my throat. I had forgotten about the paper lodged in my book.

Almost immediately, I opened the astronomy book and pulled out the folded scrap that read: To Quinn in very swoopy and kind of messy handwriting. The anticipation ripped at my heart as if I couldn't unfold it fast enough.

Dear Quinn,
Since I was rejected, I thought why not go for the second best option. You. I wasn't going to do this originally, but would you like to attend the secret dance with me?
- D. Malfoy

I froze completely and chills went down my spine. This has to be some kind of joke, right?

"What the fuck?" I accidently mumbled aloud. It felt illegal to be holding such an atrociously weird note in my hand. From someone who called me mental and 'pug-ugly' a few days ago. My leg bounced under the table and I bit my lip. Should I say yes? How would I do that? Was he being genuine? Or was he going to make me look like a fool? I wasn't going to fib, Draco was attractive and if it weren't for his barbaric personality and overweening tendencies, I might've actually decided yes.

Oh and what would Liam think? They weren't exactly on the right foot at the moment. I assumed that I cared too much for what my older brother thought; more than I should at least. But I looked up to Liam and the concept of him being disappointed made me nauseous.

This was a bigger problem than I intentionally realized. I wanted to go to the dance in a pretty outfit and with a boy's arm around me. Malfoy, being the only one who asked, was my one chance. I couldn't miss out! I slipped the note back into the book and leaned my elbows on the wooden table.

I rubbed my eyes and then slid my hair back with my fingers in distress. People had worse things to worry about and I was over here stressing over a bloody dance. What was wrong with me?

I told Liam everything, but yet I felt like I had to keep this a secret until I had decided. If me and Malfoy were, supposedly, going together, I'd have to match. I was sure it'd be darker colours, too. Even if it was or not, Liam would eventually ask who I was going with. I could never lie, especially not to him.

Maybe I was overthinking this. I needed sleep was all, right? I pulled the note from the book one last time before tucking it away in the pocket of my sweatpants. I collected my books into my bag, came to a stand and headed to my dorm.

What a day?

* * *

I had slept in this morning; it was a no class day for students to do what they wanted. It was because I really needed the break. I rolled myself out of bed and attempted to smooth out my bed-head. I don't think I got much sleep last night and it most likely showed on my very drained face.

I ventured down the hall to a very empty common room. I assumed everyone was either out and about at Hogsmeade for dress clothes or they were sleeping till the evening. My eyes fell upon a sight that was similar to the night before.

Liam was casually on the couch whilst Cass had their legs over his lap; a cup of coffee swaddled in their sleeve-covered hands. I paused in my tracks when I noticed it was Liam's Hufflepuff sweater that they seemed to be wearing.

They were chatting in low voices and they both were grinning joyfully. It made my heart happy to see Liam like this. He usually pretended most of the time but this seemed genuine.

Liam looked from the Gryffindor to me and both hushed voices came to a halt. He smiled at me and turned his head to a coffee pot on the table.

"There's some coffee left if you want it, Quinny," he offered kindly before turning back to Cass to continue their conversation. It was so natural. They way he talked and grinned at them. My heart swelled with joy for him whilst I made my way over to the table. No one knew that Cassius was here except for Liam and I; there was no way in hell's name that I would say something either.

I wanted him to have his moment.

I poured the hot coffee into a mug that was upside down nearby. I liked my coffee black so I didn't bother with the creamer. In my opinion, we really needed a new coffee machine. This one must be a couple years old.

"So when are we going to Hogsmeade, Quinny?" I heard Liam pipe up behind me. I brought the mug to my lips whilst I turned around to face the two. I finished my sip with a hiss of me sucking in air.

"Not sure- why?" I pondered, my eyebrows raising a tad.

"Well I presume you'll be getting your package sometime this morning," Liam chuckled, shaking his head as if I was messing with him.

"Package? Why would I get a- oh." The realization hit me like a train.

"Your birthday is today, wouldn't you of all people remember?"

loue: the Scottish way of saying "love"

Thanks for reading <3


(Song at beginning: 'Happy Birthday Darlin'' by Conway Twitty)

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