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Burgers and fries and cherry pies

It was simple and good back then

Walking in the sand, hand in hand

Never thinking that it could end

Making our love with the moon above

At the drive in picture show

And it was burgers and fries and cherry pies

In a world we used to know

Playing quidditch is much more gratifying than watching but this was still fun nonetheless. When you're the new seeker, it's a lot better. It really is sad that the previous seeker had to be replaced for that reason. There was only a few times I can recall actually talking to Cedric before I was on the team. Looking back on it, I wish I would have more.

It was terrible what happened to him. Although, I'm not sure what side I believe; obviously, Potter didn't get rid of the other Hufflepuff. But part of me doesn't want to believe that you know who is back.

Liam knew Cedric better than anyone else on the team. Although, I don't think Diggory was the biggest fan of Liam. My brother can be such a twat sometimes and I remember being told Cedric was more of a calm, social butterfly. If you asked anyone, they'd say Liam is a social wasp.

Don't get me wrong, though; watching the Slytherins and Gryffindors play was always exhilarating. Both teams were so brutal and aggressive. I just wish it was me up there, this morning.

I felt an arm go over my shoulder and then a knuckle dig into the top of my head, totally messing up my hair. I didn't mind though, I barely tried to make it look good anyway; especially since of how windy it was today.

"Who do you think is gonna win, Quinny?" my much taller brother exclaimed over the loud noises of the Quidditch pitch. Liam the tallest sibling out of the six of us. So it wasn't hard for him to keep ahold of me.

"Oh I'm not entirely sure. I honestly don't care," I just shrugged and leaned forward a bit, squinting at all the players. Although, something caught my eye and I felt myself leaning forward even more.

His blonde hair glistened as he blurred passed the field. His eyes were obviously glued to something; the snitch. All I saw from him was a green and blonde blur, he must be the seeker. It made me wonder how I didn't know his first name till now if he had the same spot on the team as I did on ours.

"Hey- uh, who is the Slytherin's seeker?" I said, my light green eyes meeting Liam's brown ones. I don't know why that boy caught my attention since I saw him the other day. But it seems that ever since I did see him in the astronomy classroom, I've been spotting him everywhere.

"Malfoy? Oh yeah, his names' Draco or something like that," Liam replied, leaning forward against the railing, too. Wow, his name was definitely interesting and unique. Maybe that's just me, though. "Why?" Liam mumbled to me after a few seconds. The expression on his face told me he was curious, his chocolate wavy hair brushing across his forehead from the wind.

"Oh, I don't know, actually." I paused for a moment to think, running my small hands through my flowy and soft chestnut hair. "He's in my Astronomy class and he just- just stood out to me," I finally continued, my eyes following Draco. He was like a lightning bold as he flew throw the cold autumn air. I had yet to learn anything about him, but I was planning on talking to him soon.

"Oh?" Liam's tone went low as he nudged me twice in the arm. As soon as I met his gaze, I knew what he was implying. Liam had this smirk across his face, causing me to playfully frown.

"Stop, you're being a dork. It isn't like that," Liam cut me off at the end of my sentence.

"I'm just teasing," he joked, dragging out the end of his words.

I hang out with Liam the most out of all my siblings, even if he is the biggest asshole. A lot of people despise him, but I look past it; I sort of have to.

Liam is only really nice to three people: Me, Charity and Cass. Charity is his best friend and he says that Cass and him are just good friends but I don't think so. I've seen the way they look at him.
Although, he acts quite rude to the rest of Cass's friend group so I'm really unsure. if I'm being honest. Maybe he's changing.


It was getting quite chilly outside; Liam gave me his jacket to borrow until we got back to the common room. It seemed that the snitch was still unfound and the chasers were doing their jobs on both teams. Gryffindor was only 10 points ahead, although I wasn't paying attention to that. It must be a force of habit to scan the field for the snitch because I caught myself doing that.

Out of nowhere, the blonde boy came upward near the stands where Liam, and I was at. I subconsciously stepped back at the gust of wind, my eyes squinting. That's when I realized, Malfoy had eyes on the Snitch and Potter was on his trail.

"Damn, he's fast," I mumbled in awe, mainly to myself but it didn't register in my head that Liam could hear my inaudible words. He raised his cunning brow at me with a smirk; I hated it when he did that.

"Liam, stop it," I muttered flatly, giving him a glare. I felt myself sigh, my usual grin going across my face.

I'm not sure if everyone has this feeling, but Quidditch brings me such joy. And I couldn't help but clap and cheer when Malfoy caught the snitch before Harry.


"Come on, Quinn!- I heard they have beef sandwiches in the great hall," Liam exclaimed with a certain excitement that only happened when it came to his favorite foods. I was about to follow him off the grounds of the Quidditch pitch but I paused and a small smile spread across my face.

Liam had walked a couple feet before stopping and realizing that I was staring at the Slytherin Quidditch team; a certain blonde surrounded by his sweaty and buff teammates caught my attention.

"Quinn! Let's go," Liam basically whined. I knew why he was in a rush; his impatience was because he wanted to get to the great hall before all the beef sandwiches are gone.
Liam is usually a patient person; with people. But come on, it was his favorite food!

I just rolled my eyes at him and dusted off my jacket before stepping forward. I wasn't nervous; if I was, it didn't show. This can only go two ways: Either he's annoyed and thinks I'm weird or he just smiles at the sudden encounter with me.

That, or I'm over evaluating the situation. But that doesn't matter at the moment.
Something told me to talk to Malfoy.

And that's exactly what I'm going to do.




(Song at beginning: 'Burgers and Fries'  by Charley Pride)

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