Bloody Hell

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Hello darlin'

Nice to see you

It's been a long time

You're just as lovely

As you used to be

How's your new love

Are you happy

Hope your doin' fine

Just to know it

Means so much to me


"Why are they taking you to Beauxbatons?" Chalice queried while digging into his pocket for something. Seconds later, he pulled out a small box; it was a cigarette container full of the small cylinders. The older Hufflpuff opened it and pulled on it, placing it between his lips. "Would you like one?" he asked, holding the box out to me. I had only ever had a smoke two other times. One was with Camilla and her brother and the other was with Chalice, too. It was like deja vu doing this again.

I shrugged, Liam wasn't here to reprimand me anymore for agreeing, now was he? I felt cold for thinking such a thing but I was sure joking about it helped me cope with it. Besides, Liam would be making jokes about it, anyway.

I reached into the box and pulled out my own cigarette. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed a nice smoke but trust me when I say I'm not as attached to cigs like Chalice was. I wasn't judging, of course, but you get my point.

Chalice snapped his finger and a spark ignited at the end of his fag; it was a cool trick he picked up last year and he uses it every chance he gets. He's most likely trying to show off. I followed his actions and placed it between my lips. I didn't have a lighter so I gazed at Chalice expectantly. Without hesitation, he snapped his fingers again and the end of my cig lit. The tainted smoke burned my throat the moment I took a breath inward. It was quiet for a moment, the only sound that surrounded the two of us was the Slytherin Captain and the team yelling things at each other. I finally decided to answer Chalice's question; I had almost forgotten to do so.

"Well- My mum says it's too dangerous to reside here," I briefly explained. I didn't seem sad about it; just over it, I think. I was upset about this whole thing, though. How could I not be? I didn't want to leave Draco, Camilla, or Chalice. The team, too. Who knows if they'll allow me on the team at Beauxbatons? Will I even be good enough?

"It's not that bad!" He protested, grey smoke escaping his mouth into the air above us. I just scoffed and looked at him with a sarcastic expression.

"Really? My brother was attacked by dementors. And don't think I'd forget about the troll in my first year," I pointed out sassily. He chuckled and placed the end of the cig back into his mouth.

"You are a funny one, aren't you," he replied, his words slurred due to the cigarette in between his lips. "The troll was handled, silly," he added.

"You make it sound like I want to leave," I mumbled, crossing my ankles and removing the fag from my lips with my two fingers.

"Well, do you?"

"Of course not!" I retorted defensively. I huffed and took another drag from my cig.

"Hm. Is there anything you can do to convince them to stay?" He queried whilst crossing one of his long legs over the other. I sighed disappointedly and just stared at the Quidditch field. "So that's a no," he mumbled. It wasn't a question; just a statement. I huffed once more and pushed the end of the cigarette onto the spot of the bench next to me. Ashes fell from it and onto the wood before cooling off and no longer being functional. I flicked the cylinder ahead, it spiralling off the edge and to the ground below.

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